Why Can't Someone Invent A New Social Media Already!

I am surprised that there has been no new social media that has taken off recently. FB and Twitter suck my balls. Where are all the great coders of the world? Even if you could just get 5% of FB you would be a rich mutha?

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Because it will eventually get taken by google or apple if it gains a lot of popularity.

Minds is trying but it's tough. They don't have a very good set up, in my opinion. It feels too much like and advertising place for YouTubers than social media. Hopefully Cuckbook will die soon anyway. Been saying that for 5 years though and it never happens.

It just seems like the barriers to entry are fairly light, the beauty of the internet. Any coders out there have an explanation? They do not have to get bought out. Look at CraigsList.

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Coder here. I need tens of millions at least in server hire and development costs, R&D and marketing.

Remember, you can't capture 5% of the market. It's monopoly or nothing with social media. If you want to fund it I'm sure there's plenty of people willing to write it for you.

What is a natural monopoly?

Also, FB is virtually unused by teenagers. No youngster aged 18 or below uses FB, they use insta and snap and that is that.

check out the "sola" app on apple and android

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Because patent law

That's already happening with several platforms excluding advertising as a revenue source, stupid faggot boomer

It's not as hard to make a social media platform as it is to advertise it, maintain it, upgrade it and keep it relevant. You need lots of money and a good team. Social media giants will do anything to one-up you or sabotage you. There's no point. Besides, social media sucks ass.

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Social media is a mistake. Just let it all burn.

here you go

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i wonder what the hiring practices are for smaller/larger companies.

i think if you can get good pay immediately by working for google or whatever would be the easy sell but do they actively hire out or poach people to stop them from joining a new/promising project?

also, i think a promising project would be very enticing for someone who wants to get in on the ground floor for maybe a lower pay but a promising future but that probably comes with a company that has acquired huge funding/hype.

and fuck... i was watching/reading something where the goddamn server/power costs were like a million dollars a month for a company that accidentally blew up too quickly and they had to start sucking cock for investments


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crypto based

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impervious to censorship or corporate control

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have fun getting it listed on Google's search engine or on the other ones that use their data

we're developing a video codec that mines bitcoin for the server as the client decodes the video

you dont need tens of millions for server hire starting out. just start something people will invest in it and the more they invest the more the service will grow.conservatives dont create

Because social media is for deep state retard herding and they are all using the current ones so there is no need for any more.

Only if you sell.

god did they really need to name their service simp

Yes, FB will die in 10 years

You're forgetting the greatest of them all already exists.

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it's still being developed, but a protocol is better than depending on a single provider

bitchute will likely issue cryptotokens and use it for funding. crypto market came right on time to save our butts

they already have mate, plenty of alternatives exist. But nobody uses them

but this is the network problem, if the value of your service is proportional to the # of people using the service, the end result will be a monopoly. This is the exact same thing that happened with telephone carriers back in the day

furthermore, the one who possesses the monopoly gets the ability to hire all the best people, so nobody can really compete.

This network effect is the reason why you see giant conglomerates everywherre you look on the internet, which should have nearly infinite competition

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ill check them out, im half drunk now maybe if this topic comes up tomorrow post it

People should just use Jow Forums

Be the next Zuckerberg.

what about gab.ai any u fags use tjat site?

Does myspace still exist? right wingers should take over that and stop whining like little bitches all day.

weel its the how the WWW should work. open free and thje ppl deciede what is popular

Jow Forums is not social media, it is anti-social media

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right wingers are the whiners? lol u trollin







The entire website is built out backend and everything but you fcking stupid ass niggers won’t fucking acknowledge until it fucking hits you in the face like it did today with Alex jones

It doesn’t matter though becuase the ceo oF voiceanything will be closing a deal with Alex Jones tomorrow.

There is even a fucking /pol group for you lazy ass niggers

Shut the fuck up abou there being no sites and look around for once faggots


And spread this shit everywhere it will be worth $100,000,000 in 8 months.

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I'll check it out, but again, it's based on a single provider.

Both sides are.

what website can i find more information about this from?

one problem is right keeps trying to create copies of existing platform rather than improvements or new feature rich platform

Yah it might be centralized but who gives a shit if you know the owner is good.

This is just something that will hold for the time being until one of you other faggots develops a decentralized platform

Btw i shilled this site for months here and the intelligence glowers would shit down threads immediately

I even offered a spot for you guys to invest in the company putting a thread up and none of you bit except one. And now he’s going to be a rich fag.

yes for sure.... but who does moar? L or R? in your opinion?

yeah, and make it easier like using the tv so anyone can do it!

Easier said than done. Why don't you try doing it? Closest thing was gab.ai or voat, both became cringey circlejerks for the right. Why would normies leave already established sites which they perceive as neutral or necessary, and migrate to sites with low-res LOL LIBTARDS BTFO memes plastered across them?

Social media is an important part of the information war and the fact that the left suppresses us on their platforms is only strengthening our numbers, every time someone's caught in the crossfire they join our ranks or become more radicalized. We're winning, I know it's annoying sometimes, but people on the left even admit openly now that they want to censor us.

We're going to get through this, just you wait and see.

I'm still putting it together. I'm not in a rush to do it though, for Jones' sake, because I contacted him about this shit a year ago and they ignored me, despite having the audience to make it work. Now he suffers the consequences.

Both whine equally depending on who is losing in each situation.

Professional here. I've used over 60 social media platforms from
around the world. There are a few like OSSN that have potential.

Facebook became popular because it originally was based on networking.
You joined a network and were automatically exposed to people.
Most networks were specific college campuses.
Once they got enough people, facebook killed networks.

Any new social network that would emerge would need to be based
around joining a collective pool of individuals within a region, who you
could then chat with and make friends with. There are some hyperlocal
networks but nobody wants to literally be in a network with their neighbors.

It needs to be outside of a central control. Node controlled. E.g. I run a node that is polnode and I control the content. If you do not like it you can create your own node and control the content how you see fit. This is the only way to keep the 1A alive online.

that's literally how simp will work. you can host your data anywhere or everywhere

Hey old timer, Instagram and Snapchat have been the new big thing the last couple of years. Not many old people on them so guess you haven't heard of them.


They all end up being the same. Narcissistic lower middle-class people frauding social status and virtue signalling while their life is utter misery. It was the same with hi5, MySpace, Facebook just like now is with Instagram or Snapchat.
Get real friends and forget that garbage.

I have never had a social media account. I do not plan on getting one anytime soon. I am just curious why when the existing ones hate the right so much, a right minded ones cannot pop up. Nothing makes me laugh harder than when some dick fuck millenial acts like using social media is a reason to feel smug - enjoy your snapchat and such.