2020s: what shall happen?

What will happen?

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Have we ever had a person like this? Did we think we'd ever have a person like this?

The Jew is preparing their final moves.

Currently tens of thousands of fighting age African men are being spread around Europe at strategic choke points (hence why you get asylum centres in random villages) 40,000 a month.

This in combination with traitors and 2nd and 3rd gen brown settlers they will begin their final slaughter.

Soon, Europe will be ours. And what remains of your children will look back in history and see only our faces.

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>No wall
>Nobody goes to jail
>Record taxes
>Record money for Jews
>All his supporters are silenced
Gonna guess Trump calls it a success

I mean culturally and politically speaking.

Trump will be discarded for a republican feel good candidate so they can keep control of everything for a lot longer

In 2028 Mike Pence will be elected to his 2nd term.

Screencap this.

Without a legit DNC opposition I think it's an easy re-election.

Obama will assign him elsewhere.

We die with all this knowledge tho

Trump wins re-election, libs are butthurt and maybe take one of the chambers of congress.

Trump wins in 2020. Culturally athiests btfo, politically communists btfo.

Yup, culturally and politically.

He's a doofus, sure, but we love him and he's pulling it around bit by bit for exactly what we want.

Trump get re-elected and continues his based prosperity. Deports more mexishits and brings back more manufacturing jobs.

In 2024 a liberal gets elected promising free everything that will be payed for by a 1488% tax on wypipo.

Still no wall

Communist Accelerationism?

Trump wins. The left finally realizes their tactics don't work (fictional, I know). The Russia angle will finally die. All the dozens of news outlets responsible for having a toddler fit for four years will sneak in a retraction of the whole thing in one of their articles (an old one, too, so no one actually sees it) and act like they apologized sufficiently, then go on to invent new travesties.

Quite the opposite. Trump is all about giving this one last shot to see if it works or not.

That's what we're about.

You all realize that if Trumps re-elected then it is highly likely that Pence will be elected. Look at Reagan.

An absolutely perfect consensus candidate that appeals to moderates, progressives, and non-whites will appear, but lose the nomination to some moonbat that loses every single battle-ground state and maybe more.

Biggest voter turnout in US history and Trump will win by a landslide. More states will change color.

I don't think that's how it's going to happen fren. I think the last few years have taught us that this isn't a democrat vs republican debate it's a white vs non-white. There's going to be a race war. We've already seen it in BLM, Antifa. Hollowood, etc. I guess whether we succeed depends on how long we allow ourselves to be replaced by people who don't share our ideals and don't give a shit about our culture before we get fed up.

Trump will win, the democrats will keep trying identity politics and lose everything because of it, china will get into serious trouble and the US economy will run out of tricks to keep it propped up. Maybe time for worker revolt.

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Mythical character. Who even fucking knows where he was from.
>Roman Soldier
Plenty of niggers in North Africa.
>Margaret of Anjou
This one is actually retarded
>Friar Tuck
eh? Maybe he was Ethiopian? With a name like tuck though, probably not.
Haha, what
>Victorian Soldier
British used local auxiliaries to a tremendous extent. Swap the Pith helmet out for a fez and there's not much wrong about this.

> worker revolt

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I smell a wet dog

>Plenty of niggers in North Africa.
SANDniggers, though

> US economy will run out of tricks to keep it propped up

The US economy isn't strong because of tricks and if you think that you must be a foreigner. You can't possibly live in the US and be so stupid.

Nubia and Egypt fought and brokered peace with eachother constantly. At one point in time there was in fact a Nubian ruler of Egypt. Carthage had extensive contact with sub-saharan african tribes and relied on them (almost too) heavily to operate for them as mercenaries in wars with Rome.

Plus y'know, slaves all around the place. Back then it wasnt unheard of for slaves to gain their freedom and enter the army.

liberals are bourgeois, tovarisch

He may be a Nigger

Sossy hooy, kommiblyadok

A strong market economy is one where people have money to buy things

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He's getting impeached, jackass.

Not sure how trump will do in jail.

Yes that's right, accept your replacement Europe was always black and always will be.

Hahah niggers have no history so they have to be content with retconning ours from a few shitey jew made television shows HAHAHAHA!
Never change, niggers!

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Trump wins and gets about 20-30% of the Black and Mexican-American vote. Biggest landslide victory ever seen. Democratic party FINISHED for at least 30 years if not forever. We'll see the rise of some other party to compensate.

The left, the entertainment industry, and media have bet it all on the Muller investigation. This October it's going to come out that it the investigation itself as well as the "evidence" provided all came from the DNC and Clinton Campaign. He isn't draining the swamp, hes blowing it the fuck up.

Hah he's FINISHED! Any DAY now!

kek you guys are great. How do you keep up the absolutely amazing levels of self-delusion? I'd have snapped by now, I have to admit.

Found the glow in the dark shareblue shill

Shoo shoo


The lipsgate scandal has subsided. We finally got round to openly challenging left wing outlets openly promoting and normalizing illegal harassment of law abiding citizens.

The BBC and guardian have been purged and rebranded and we look forward to a brandnew dawn of legitimate journalism.

THIS. The FISA reveal this or next week will BLOW THE WHOLE THING UP!

Tariffs will make things expensive for the end consumer.
Trump's tariff power move is to pay the FED/private banks/bond holders and cuck other countries.

hey nigger degrease Tyson-chicken is a good scientist

>What will happen?
America will have Brasil tier demographics

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Trump wins easily.

Dems continue to cry like babies.

late 2010s culture goes strong til about 2021, when trump is assasinated shortly after rentering office. A neocon George W Bush type takes over and soon afterward ww3 starts.

Re-election. I really hope he runs for a 2nd term.

He should end the "Great Society" the Dems created. That would be cutting the head off of welfare snake. Bye bye welfare state.

You guys have been saying that since the day he become president. Face it Libs, it's not gonna happen.

Did you read my post or are you deficient in the art of sarcasm?

The 2016 election was so fucking awesome.

I don't know if anything will ever top it.


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Re-election, unfortunately.
I was hoping Trump's election wod just shake things a bit and get some middleground candidates, but the left is retarded and has solidified his voterbase by making baseless claims.

Liberals can't even lose properly.

Trump wins. Hopefully the economy stays good throughout his presidency so the Democrats are forced to actually represent something. They'll either go Business Democrats or Socialist. Honestly I don't know which would be better for the country as a whole. Neocons need to be challenged, so Buisness Dems would be good in that sense, but behind the curtain they'll keep flooding the country with immigrants and putting in obtusely anti-american judges in the supreme court. On the other hand, if they became socialist they'd never win, but Neocons would dominate without competition.