Will you get violent when (((they))) shutdown Jow Forums any day now?
Will you get violent when (((they))) shutdown Jow Forums any day now?
No, Jow Forums is a board of peace.
Fuck off Google.
>one post. bet me
no, because my freezer is full of hot pockets and I still have my animes
Am already violent. Gimme you're lunch money nigger
I might kick a fence
No, I'll be happy when it happens.
One way to kill a cancer is to kill the host
"Straightening the curves, flattening the hills"
they really were good old boys
This has happened many times before and will happen many times again, we just keep shifting sites until we all find each other again.
What do they think happens when they drive disgruntled autists out of containment
Did they learn nothing from Gamergate?
Why get violent? Just dance! Worked for Pantifa in Portland...
pol is a board of peace. MLP will go on a rampage.
Damn. Ok Bob Dylan.
This is a giant honey pot but they are scared of something from the recent deplatforming. What that something is exactly who the fuck knows
It's happening isn't it?
First Alex Jones
Then Jow Forums
And then a mass silencing as they take down Trump for colluding with Russia
This is the overthrow isn't it?
Really, how many General Lees did they destroy? BEEFY suspension for a car that heavy. Remarkable.
>go to pol
>get 404
>google "is Jow Forums down?"
>see several pages artickes about Jow Forums shutdown
>shake my head
>spend a solid 10 minutes reflecting on what that means
>make morning coffee
>continue my day
>slowly forget Jow Forums as months go on
Jow Forums is a board of peace
Not all Jow Forums
Also fuck off Google and your abc confederates
Define "violent".
more likely itll be some unhinged infowars supporter who still doesnt know who the globalists are
Yes. A law is only an idea backed by force. Ergo, only the violent can be lawful.
It would just open the flood gates for the hundreds of imageboard competitors that offer better services, image limits, media formats, file sharing, moderation, etc, etc, etc.
Not to mention less fucking captcha.
Kill it already, free me from the fumes of my smoldering soul on the fires of eternal suffering.
pic related
That is what 8chn is for
This is literally a containment board. They leave it running so you don’t talk to based folks at the range for your fix of thoughtcrime. So you don’t seek fellow thoughtcriminals volunteering at your local Republican office. So you don’t seek public office or try to find Right Wing DeathSquads in real life. So you don’t actually seriously plan on a NW Front migration.
They end this board and it’ll be a serious problem. One amongst many, but a serious one. What’s going to happen when they release a bunch of average people of all backgrounds with They Live glasses on into real life?
>getting violent
I am not a nigger
Oh they will. They cant let Jow Forums make a ChanTube
Shut the fuck up, faggot. Nothing will become of this and you should feel stupid for thinking overwise.
>Opening pandoras box
Not bad, almost had me convinced for 0.3secs
nigger, your thread is the worst.
It would be extremely painfull.
>shut down infowars on social media and not infowars.com
>hurr durr they will shut down 4chin
Jow Forums is a board of peace. Worst we would do is a series of killdozer rampages, doing nothing but as much material damages as we can
This logic is dumb
They didn't shut down Alex Jones or Infowars
They removed his content from their privately owned platforms
Jones is being sued left and right, and his content or hosting his content is a liability.
You can still go to his website and view all the propaganda you want
I don't like what they did, I also don't care for AJ but this "Jow Forums is next" garbage is pure fictional fantasies by Liberal Sock Puppets who are afraid of their one true enemy they will never be able to control
We wuz Kangz, they can't shut us down.
You get some life affirming (You)s, rat fuck?
>t. Moshe Shekelstein
Don’t believe me? People always seek out other people with the same ideas. Do you think brainwashed lefties in deep Red areas just accept their status quo? I’m not saying this website dying will end the NWO alone. I’m saying it would be one a few pieces in a million-piece puzzle.
Honestly there are only a few boards I would miss. But other chan sites would crop up in its place, plus there is cripplechan. Gookmoot can barely run this place well anyway with all the shills and spam Ive been seeing (will he ever address this BS eceleb self advertising spam?) so I think it would be a good thing.
I just come here to call you niggers. Because, hey, you're a buncha fuckin niggers
are the poster I was going to address, scum! How many tabs do you have open, criminal?
Who the fuck are you talking to?
Depending on who you ask 255 or 325 General Lees were used and only 17 are still around.
world would improve if internet and smartphones are kill
>Jow Forums
that would be pretty sad to be honest family
must have been one per jump. Brutal hard landings
You, nigger bitch. You wanna throw? Come at me bro.
Dipfuck, this isn't even a thread.
No, we're a board of peace.
i f
OP that fucking cunt will be rotating back to this tab soon, the dusty inbred faggot apologist
so close
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>implying they won't let Jow Forums live so long they can spy on us
nope. probably will go get a job.
so have at it jews
Im just saying, if Jow Forums goes away Ill be happier for it. Too many normies have flooded this place making it more of a shithole than it has to be. And again new chans would crop up, hopefully more separated/decentralized so it would take a lot more effort by TPTB to manipulate and target them. It's high time for Jow Forums to die.
The only way to kill anonymous message boards is with draconian internet laws that would require ID's and for safe harbor to be revoked to make site ownership be liable for what gets posted. Hopefully that doesn't happen.
The (((CIA))) would more than definitely have their hand in it
Are you kidding? I will finally be free from this hell.
Just have to avoid 8pol.
I'll be hecki*g glad you idiots will go back to where you belong: reddit
>whats gonna happen
Thousands of redpilled anons are going to start drawing/graffitii pol/ memes into every single piece of public space they can find in their cities.
We start shitposting Roman style.
you not knowing you are in a slide thread, and OP has a fuckton of tabs just like it
stupid cunt pedo
>more of a shithole than it has to be
you should submit that for a banner
8pol is boring for some reason. Not even badass webm’s help. That and the rest of the site is the purest form of cancer. I hate the formatting and I can’t use Jow Forums X.
>Jow Forums x
what is that and is it any good?
No, it's more like unleashing the flood
>angry all day
>go to Jow Forums vent, talk some crazy shit and make satire of PC shit
>go to /b/ /rekt threads
>bust a nut
muh autism
chrome/firefox extension
its the best way to use Jow Forums
Imagine Jow Forums as hell
Now imagine hell had a deeper layer
That is 8chn
And we thought net neutrality was bad. This would/will be indefinitely worse.
OP makes a short comment in 3... 2...
/gif/ has good rekt/gore/ylyl threads and tbey have sound.
i will try that out. thank you burger
Tbqh, I'd start hanging around a gym, maybe pick up some outdoorsy hobbies.
Step 1) Download the 4chanX extension for your web browser. Or if you don’t like extensions you can install this as a script in violent monkey or other shit like that too
Step 2) Open up the options page and go to filters. Click the dropdown on the filters and go to "FLAGS"
Step 3) Paste this.
/^Black Lives Matter$/i;op:only
/^White Nationalist$/i;op:only
/^United Nations$/i;op:only
/^National Bolshevik$/i;op:only
Every thread started by a meme flag is now filtered.
worst thread ever
remember the SAMSON PLAN
nothing good here, except that filter script, and car jumps
Yea but /b/ always gets the freshest shit.
I’ll have to write a small form-field app with random seed post numbers so I can still check my dubbie wubbies
think I'll save this merch
Burn down the exclusion zones
i'll consider that for all except templar, white nationalist, fascist, nazi, confederate.
Violence is inevitable in America. Im just glad I should be able to get out before its too late.
I'll rape and loot, cause I never seem to get the privilege too
this user knows what's up.
If they shut it down, you know what to do
path of light
four of clubs
I'll see you on the other side
>blocking pirate flag
I can't believe you're unironically getting triggered by the biggest meme of a meme flag here
ive seen this in toilet stalls, people know.