Sikh gets HateCrimed while campaigning for republican

Rural California Sikh man was violently attacked and had his truck racistly vandalized with the white power symbol WHILE HE WAS PUTING UP SIGNS FOR A REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMAN.
Yes this seems very fishy. Muslims have made dozens of false allegations of hate crimes lately, but do Sikhs do this to? Could it be a crazed leftist who attacked this man as a false flag to implicate a trump supporter?
But if this wasn't a hoax, or a false flag, then there is nothing worse in this country than white supremacists that attack a republican sikh. If this really happened, then they just blue-pilled hundreds of previously red-pilled sikh bros... Thanks faggot

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pretty sure it was white liberals
no white supremacist is that dumb

He should take their advice and go back to Canada

>op believes the meme that white power idiots are on the right

More likely some democrats beat him up to keep their property value high


well, Modesto is FULL of stupid white trash junkies.

Could have been a brown skinned white supremacist. Plenty of those out there

It's vandalism plain and simple, deal with it accordingly
Hate crime modifiers just encourage false flagging, extra media attention just encourages all of it

>no white supremacist is that dumb
almost all white supremacists are exactly that dumb tho

ok grammar nazi. I don't speak good. so the fuck what?

Article says the attackers had blue eyes

>Could it be a crazed leftist who attacked this man as a false flag to implicate a trump supporter?
Why does everything have to be a multi-layerd conspiracy? Americans are so stupid
>based BROWN people
Eat a bullet retard he shouldn’t even be in the country

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In my experience Sikhs are actually pretty based

At what point do you actually stop having sympathy for these non-whites? They don't give a fuck about you.

t. Boomer that just watched Dinesh D’souzas new movie

Honestly they should have torched his entire house and car and maybe him

That sucks. i'm from norcal and the sikhs here are based as fuk.


Pretty sure white supremacists who hate anyone who is not white and last I checked most Sikh are not white. Also lots of white supremacists coun't even tell you the difference from a Muslim from a Sikh without google.

fuk that speech impeded squatter

Brown skin and blue eyes is common around here
>t. live 30 miles north from there

you arent white.

>Why does everything have to be a multi-layerd conspiracy?
>oy vey, goys! These attacks are always real and never fake.

bite my lilly white hemroidal ass

>these shitskins are okay
No. Maybe sicks are good people, if they are they can be so in India where these filth belong.

Trump supporters are diverse, they are basically everyone who dislikes liberals. This includes full blown racists. Dont think people on here are kidding.

The media called trump every name they could think of, and so everyone who identified as one of those names went to follow him

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are there any white supremacists in california? what the fuck are they doing there?

Dude, he was putting up signs for a republican.

so argentinians?

this nigga on the ball tonight

So what was his reason for not going back to his country?

Correct. Antifa and globalist goons will dig themselves deeper.

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>lots of white supremacists coun't even tell you the difference from a Muslim from a Sikh
>implying the difference matters
Why should I know the difference between two types of foreigners? They're all foreign, it's all I need to know about them.


Legit we all know (((who))) did this

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Either it’s a hoax and he’s not a conservative or it was leftists who did this to prove a point to him about being a conservative. Probably the latter.


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Yeah, being white in California pushes you to the fringe. You'd be surprised how extreme people get out here


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That level of professed ignorance would have led to you getting boot stomped by any self respecting nazi. I know you are larping but still.

California is so full of democrats, we need every single republican we can get. Sikhs here are conservative farmers who have a long history of fighting muslims. They don't protest, they don't form gangs of organized crime. Fuck off with your stupid white nationalist rhetoric .

Who in their right mind would want to come back to this country if they somehow managed to get outta here? This place is a literal shithole. Even if you clean up all the shit and garbage off the streets you can't clean up the mindset of this society. Fuck this dying country and fuck the majority of it's people.

Bullshit. It's the liberals.

Republicans have done jack shit. it took a someone who wasnt a fuckign republican to get shit done. Also I dont give a fuck if they were fighting muslims they aren't our problem jews are. Once kikes are gone mudslimes will be done. You are still caught up in your reddit ape mind set take your civnat garbage to t_D

Did OP answer the question of what was the false god worshipping towelhead not going back to his country for? Why is he pushing politics in white people country after betraying his homeland?

Sure, whatever Mister 1950's southern democrat KKK loser

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I thought shiks dont have a God.

We need to push for them to solve this. We should push for them to solve all these because they’re all hoaxes. White people do not do this type of shit.

>white (hispanic)

He doesn't look beat up at all faggot, this is a false flag and you know it

They worship false gods, the only way I will be ok with them betraying their own people to dwell with whites is if they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin and eternal life.

used to be a solid neo-nazi and skinhead community in Sac about 15 years ago but infighting and murder/mayhem splintered it.

As for xtian white groups of course there are none of those, and if there were... they wouldn't be armed because of CA gun loz.

Saw this on my local news last night lol, though I do have a feeling it's a "whatcha doin' Rabbi?" moment
Here's the vid:

Why would white supremacists in a state that's 63% browned specifically target the one conservative minority they can find? Use your fucking head.

was going to say this. hinds/sikhs are honorary aryans. hitler literally used their symbology and studied their mysticism. this is fucked up........

sikhs are based as fuck and nothing like mudslimes.....this really fucking pisses me off

Wrong workers' party, MSM.

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Hey Surjit, what'cha doin?

These are antifa. Notice anything about them? Even if you somehow managed to get your white ethnostate, then you still get white fucktards like Antifa, and communists. I would rather have 1 republican sikh than 1 white marxist antifa member

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Who fucking cares? Maybe he should get the fuck out of our country.

I really liked earlier when there was a proud boy named something like "Javier Lopez-O'Hara" who had white skin and green eyes and all the monkeys like you screeched "HAHA MUTT" even though there was nothing "mutt looking" about him.

If a wypipo is a wypipo saying "oh but he's also got mexican in him!" doesn't fucking change his wypiponess, regardless of your asshurt screaming to the contrary.

T.South Indian Nigger

looks like jews to me faggot fuck with your jewish shit

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fuck off he was a fucking spic

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Because jews are born false flaggers

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Sikhs = Terrorists

Modesto is a fucking hole that is grateful for Stockton making it look good in comparison.
30% mexicant, lots of illegals stashed
Not a false flag, but sadly a dum fucking white kid neighbor who saw a turban and thought muslim

>once joos are gone then mooslims will just disappear like a bad dream

This is your mind on hardcore 14/88-tier propaganda. 1.2 billion brown nutjobs aren't going to stop just because Jews suddenly go away, dumbass.

As is always the case with these hate-crime vandalisms, it's fake. California isn't exactly a hotbed of white supremacy kek

oh they'll stop or we will make them stop fucking faggot. Islam wasn't a problem before because we stopped them from invading. I'm not some jewish agent like you.

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We're going to deport you because you're obnoxious as shit, and keep the whitest white hispanics.

Jow Forums is nothing but nonwhites now who unironically think the Republican party is BASED or some retarded shit.
>fOr a REpUblICAN!!!!!!11one!

The GOP is fucking trash, no one fucking cares about those cocksucker, we're a rightwing board. Take your zionist evangelical bullshit party and fuck right on off. Like it even fucking matters in CA anyways, good fucking grief.

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glow harder cianigger faggot. the chans mainly despise jews and mudslimes you fucking twat. undeveloped nogs are hated next but thats only because they do is dindu nuffin and they are a product of their environment which was PERPETRATED by the fucking glownigger cias with the iran contra scandal and countless other things.




It is usually jews who draw or spraypaint swastikas.
Its usually a nigger who burns or bombs NAACP buildings.
These things are common.

>a punishment ordered by her parents
No. The bitch is a sneaky compulsive liar. Parents may or may not be in on it but if I were judging I'd give her twice as long and a psychiatric evaluation. She probably kills cats too.

>Islam wasn't a problem before
>ignore the ottoman empire, the abbasid empire, the ummayad empire, the golden horde, the rashidun empire etc.

No one cares about palestinians and it's clear you're another muslim using an american proxy. Kill yourself for your god, faggot.

nice digits of truth.

are you retarded? I said we pushed them back we retook what was ours faggot. We are not going to go fight anymore jewish wars. You fight your own shitty middle eastern battles kike. If we are attacked we respond. 9/11 was israel.

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Fake and gay.

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>stupid white nationalist rhetoric

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we don't need any muslims in the republican party, or anywhere for that matter

Yeah yeah... A commando of guys go straight up to hit him, leaving no apparent injuries, and also have the time to spraypaint his car.
Nice house and truck by the way. That guy must live a very confortable life. Wonder what's his job.

Strange how his rims that are not covered by insurance are not painted

In reality you'd end up with 1 pro-white sikh per 5 anti-white sikh.

>if you don't support American being overwhelmed with Indian shitskins, you must want it to be overwhelmed with Muslim shitskins
Fuck both of them, I don't want Muslims here anymore than I want Sihks or Jews. They can all fuck off.

Except Sikhism was created as a literal antithesis to Islam.

It's even easier to control a rootless public you fucking jew.

Reddit is truly the internet jew. I get to have some plebbit election transplant tell me all about the chans, and how it's all about brotherly love between the whites and the shitskins and how BASED the braindead nigger nationalist opportunist is because she likes the REPUBLICANS and that's my team, I LIKE THE REPUBLICANS

Just straight cancer

Yeah check those sick-ass stock rims, he ballin'

Sikh individuals may be pretty alright people generally but they are as bad if not worse than any other group at wanting special cultural accommodations and pushing for multiculturalism.

jews opened the gates into Spain and Byzantium.

No jews and this never would have happened.

I have a sikh friend and he got beat up by some natives, they told him his relatives did 9/11.

Sikhs exist to remove muslims

gee rabbi whatchya doin'

t. shitskin that should fuck off out of Europe

I'm so fucking sick of shitskins everywhere talking about how BASED they are because they don't like other shitskins. I don't need to import a bunch of sweaty niggers to say they don't like shitskins for me. We've got it covered, you can all fuck off now.

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Yeah, I know a couple and have worked with a couple of others and they are incredibly based people.

They work hard, are family oriented and hate muslims.

They can remove muslims in their own country that borders on the middle east.

Who said you need to import them you fucking retard, I just said they’re not Muslims.

>They work hard, are family oriented and hate muslims.
Damn dude, sounds like the very minimum expectation of everyone else! BASED!

Why would a white supremacist even live in California, it's a lost cause. This is 100% a false flag