Is this how your typical Jow Forums user looks like?
Is this how your typical Jow Forums user looks like?
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No, that guy's white.
What’s wrong with the way he looks desu?
Nothing, that’s why there’s no way he would be one of us
>muh 3DPD
There are no incels here, we all have waifus.
He looks pretty average. I think they just found a guy.
No I'm sexier
he's got a rat face
I wish I could give you a hug rn user
no homo
lmao no he doesn’t
About me. My ears are less handly though.
you cheeky fucker
He looks fucking fine? Could look pretty good if he worked out and got a nice haircut but hes a sperg so hes fucked.
People here are very diverse. We even have the power lifters that can squat 1000 pounds and can pass the Army combat PT test withtout leaving their couch.
No, I'm a abo-chinese-anglo-irish mix.
I-is my webcam hacked?
Average Jow Forums user, yea.
The whole fat neckbeard meme doesn't apply here, Jow Forums is full of autistic lanklets.
Only reddit has fat fucks.
for real i have AUTISM
And that's a good thing!
The jews fear the 'tism.
Give link pls
>therapeutic, but four of his friends have killed themselves
jesus, I bet that doesn't help!
That's an actor
Probably like him
He is fucking cute. I love men who are socially retarded.
Nothing. In fact he's actually quite good looking.
the fuck is this fake shit
he is not one of us
i dont think women can relate to problems of guys like this, its not in their comprehension
No, he's from /soc/ or Jow Forums.
He's on The typical American Jow Forums user will look like pic related. A possibly working class Hispanic larping as trad-Chad.
I look like a pale girly faggot
>the board that supports the 14 words
>the board that literally encourages you to find a woman and raise a family
>hurr is dis how the average Jow Forumsack looks like?
He looks and speaks like the most typical american white guy (probably from the north-east)
play some more mountain blade fag
Never forget Orb the famous eternal incel
As a bi-curious pagan and worshiper of Varg with Jewish heritage, I just love his daily vile hatred of Christianity. He talks pretty much like the voices in my head I got after my first OD, and they all hate Christians and Christianity, when they don't tell me to kill myself, that is. I look pretty much like pic. Since I am unemployable, I pretty much post on Jow Forums 24/7, me and my fellow Jewish buddy from Estonia. Gotta go, my crack pipe is ready .Hail Odine Sire!!!
>implying I'd let a f*male into my room
>yer typical Jow Forums yewzer
L0Lno fgt pls
i can't pay to travel to freedom for the moment
more like pic related
god America is disgusting.
or this
*bring den* but I guess you know that being Swiss
How are people actually falling for this in the comments? You can't be insecure when you're acting this self-absorbed in front of a camera, unless he has serious mental issues
I really doubt this
>multiple waifus
get raped alongside your family by pack of rabid niggers you fucking normalfaggot leaf
Dunno maybe. I'm 6'3 190
Probably. Most people on Jow Forums are very critical about others and civilization, but usually also quite critical about themselves as well. Usually not a trait ugly disgusting fat people have. This is different from self loathing btw. Reddit is a great look into a fat fucks mind, nasty shit. Full of beta bitch passive aggressive arguments and retardation. This site is full of shitty larps
while that site is full of actual retards
I don't believe it
He looks better than I would imagine the majority of Jow Forums looks like, also
>Mac book
>smokes cigarettes
>well spoken
>decent face/look
>clean room
This dude is an actor.
love the alt rights groupie
I am not the follower of an inferior religion created by jews
Lacking vitamins desu
Be nice, there exists a million or so here, probably way more in India
Nope. Hes under 300 lbs and lacks a neckbeard, let alone any facial hair.
he's actually not that unattractive
just very mentally ill
could've been a valuable member of society, but nah, his mum probably smoked too much
He isn’t unattractive at all. The rest of your post is spot on.
I'm a jew i guess
>Tfw I can understand the inner-working of every antisocial internet person, but I still relate to the real world
Typical Jow Forums user.
Jow Forums is a Chad board. If you are looking for incels, go to
>Jow Forums is a Chad board
>Typical vice user
Duh the losers on here always mad their girl is getting stolen by BBC
If she'd loose the dorky glasses, she'd be even better looking.