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Other urls found in this thread:

Funded by time warner, secretive, and obviously Bill Hicks.
Nothing lost, hope the kike fucks at infowars choke on a water filter.

Fuck off retard

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Deplatorming zionists is a good thing. Fuck Alex Jones and disinformation wars

>batshit hate group targeting families of mass shooting victims

>be Zionist shill
>attempt to divide america by causing distrust between political parties
>have your channel deleted by youtube
>act like you never did anything wrong

Get outta here you larping commie scum. Alex was a crazy retard, even the right thought he was nuts.



Jones was a Zionist, fuck him

Why are you retards like this?


I'm celebrating but only because this validates the paranoia of everyone who was on the fence, and increases fear of the political power of silicon valley. 8 scoops mother fucker.

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Umm... I remember talk of Jesse Ventura having Rothschild's crest on the back of jacket....
And, AJ was on his show "conspiracy theory"
They had David Icke on, and made fun of his reptilian theory....
.....dis info, conterintel
Spook shit.
>Gonna beat my dick like it was CHOSEN.


Drop dead, evil moron.


You didn't do fucking anything. Literally like 3 oligarchs in Silicon Fucking Valley did this.

All of you are just their useful idiots

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Because they are braindead, shortsighted, idiotic losers and bootlickers.

> coordinated
Or that's Youtube pressing a button


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You sad stupid cunt. I hope you get lynched in the streets.

I hope you drown in a sea of dicks faggot op

his main channel had over 40k videos
all those meme worthy AJ bits
gone like dust in the wind
a sad day

This is the beginning of the end for google. Once they start banning free speech, the people will turn away from them. I don't trust Alex Jones, but he should have a voice like everyone else.

Go fuck yourself COMRADE.

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good riddance

boot licker

Worst part of censorship is seeing the legions of clapping retards horking along with it. Makes me sick.


Lol, maybe you dumb hicks could figure out a platform.

Oh wait, you fucking can't.
Because you're all braindead idiots that belong in the flyover shit.

METEOR I’ve been predicting shit for years. NWO and intelligence agencies read my work.

Just need funding to make it a real big site.

> I hate jews

>celebrating the failure of a critical mission.
Never Change pinkos never change, Goodluck stopping the signal.

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>Left's mad at youtube for demonetizing their media
>Right's mad at youtube for censoring their media
Now all they have to do is censor all that Elisagate bullshit.

Now if only the brave and smart minds behind infowars (and i mean this unironically) would have built their own platform from the get go instead of going after the huge youtube ad money payouts and "reach"...

The only reason why they can even claim "censorship" is because they did not just watch as youtube became a monopoly, they helped in making it a monopoly in the first place.

Leftist are foaming at the mouth to have the media corporations silence their political opposition.

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freedom of speech is not the same as forcing a private business to be the megaphone through which you shout your message. first amendment doesn't guarantee you an inability to be banned from youtube

>the entire intelligence community agrees with great confidence that Russia interfered in the elections
Jow Forums: yawn. Stoopid cia conspiracy shit. Kant stahp dis intelektuwal from using the ol noggin.

>some nut with a microphone gets banned from youtube even though he's completely free to shit his brainless conspiracy theories on literally any other website
Jow Forums:OMG we are being attackeduh! Da joos are going all out! Leftees r going full facism! Civuhl war naaoowww!!

You cant expect free speech on a jew owned platform

Alex Jones just needs to upload his stuff to vimeo or something

>Foaming at the mouth
The celebration of the silencing of wrong think and the defending of that act of censorship is giving legitimacy to those who claim the Left wants to "Shut It Down".

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Good, now the only defence you have against people who generally want to murder you is the people who want them ti replace you.

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And nothing of value was lost

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Notice how Watson's own channel is still up and a lot of the shit in his videos is worse than what was in the video Jones' was supposedly banned for.

Also unironically this.

Don't celebrate censorship, ever.

>And nothing of value was lost
Germany is 100% nigger now

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Speaking of liberal retards foaming at the mouth. Do you remember trump bombing syria? Their dicks nearly exploded at the thought of starting a full scale war for Israel.

Lefty 'holier than thou' "liberals" are war mongering scumbags

you fucking idiot alphabet, twitter and facebook are registered as public forums which gives them all the government benefits while they censor everyone, THIS IS ILLEGAL

>Muh russian cullusion


So what exactly did you do? Oh I know you made Alex Jones bigger and better than ever. You lose stumble bum. That's about all.

Peace out.....

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>war mongering scumbags
>nazi flag

Nigger, everytime I see a nazi flag I see gas camps and Jews in them. Fuck outta here

We hate Alex Jones too! Come see us!
This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles. Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.

>everytime I see a nazi flag I see gas camps and Jews in them

Jews deserve it but it didn't happen. You're the nigger here.

1 post by this ID

>Jews deserve it but it didn't happen. You're the nigger here.

Lol how? All throughout the 40s and 50s nazis were admitting to the Holocaust in court. How do you explain that?

>1 post by this id

Unironically pleased

Hes a conman, fear mongerer and snake oil salesman who literally encourages harassnent of mass shooting victims

All these NON-US, meme flags & commies supporting major corporations shutting down free speech

Commies supporting and sucking corporate dick is just ironic, the rest is just sad.

Didn't like Alex? Great! Lost a stepping stone to Jow Forums.
>Nb4 new /nupol/ can fuck off

Generally speaking the order of events from most new fags coming from muh /nupol/ pool.
>Now Jow Forums posting
>"But muh based hispanics & blacks!!"
>"Ben Shapiro is ok!!1!"
>"Im not a boomer!!!"
>Commence never ending red & black pills from Jow Forums
>Can't leave the hurtbox that is Jow Forums. You'll keep coming back.
>Now: "Hitler unironically did nothing wrong."

You fucking retards supporting this are the reason (((THEY))) are going to win.

Not it'll be a never ending loop of
>Fox news

Infowars needed to stay, call alex a Zionist, Shill, anything, doesn't matter. He was the beginning redpill. Where he's wrong in his ideals, beliefs, actions, it would be corrected in the free market of knowledge that is Jow Forums.

>T.Started at infowars now here

god im drunk

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Hopefully they get that alt-right e-celeb Sargon

>Not it'll

never thought id see lefties go neolib like this and sell your souls. the long march thru nstitutions did your heads in

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Think you are right, they should stop censoring jihadists, they have a right to freedom of speech.

So when some baker decides not to sell cakes to queers or some shit because it's against his beliefs, it's "freedom of enterprise" but when a company won't host some fag's videos because they're against their beliefs it's suddenly political censorship.
Oh woe, oh woe! Where will Jow Forums get their batshit crackpottery and their confirmation bias fix now?

Retarded Ancap hypocrisy
meme flag
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Fake news.
Hates free speech.
Not an argument.
Can you use a search engine? It was Apple, Facebook, Youtube, and spotify.
Not an argument.
Ad hominem isn't an argument.
They censor one group only.
Ask: How did they interfere?
Funny how they never explain.
Not an argument.
Meme flag
Not an argument.
Right because inforwars is telling young men to rape women and behead infidels. Religious freedom and freedom of speech are 2 very different and very important things. And You think pol gets it's info from infowars? Try again sweetie.

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gay couple using the courts as political activism.

big tech monopolies colluding to oust AJ.

wake up

>celebrating that he deplatformed some water merchant who will doubtless get back on the platform
Jfc why are communists so retarded? No wonder you morons lose every civil war you are in. Unless you have so many retards the opposition can't beat you retards. Don't worry the Spaniards will destroy you morons again.

>Permanently Deleted
>Source is Alex Jones
kek, all the time spent obsessing over this and you've learned nothing.

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>How did they interfere? Funny how they never explain.

Russia attacked dnc servers using spear phishing techniques and recovered incriminating information with which they later gave to several bad actors such as guccifer and wiki leaks to which they spread it to the American media.

You don't understand because you're a low IQ gypsy. When a company has a de-facto monopoly it disrupts the market to such an extent that you can't just move to the next business like you can when choosing a baker.

His vids are still on the servers just not available to the public.

Why didn't PJW defend the Dailystormer when they got deplatformed?

i love seeing boomers getting asshurt over this

It's actually pretty fucking hilarious. People on Jow Forums can only LARP about how the far-Right will rise again someday but literally nothing fucking happens in their favour. Meanwhile, the Left is scoring victories like this left and right. The one thing they thought was a victory, the Trump election, has turned out to backfire on them with his constant dickriding of Israel.

Finally we did it comrades!!!

That's not a real argument. Gay people can always find another baker we can't just up and go find another Alex Jones. Bakers are a dime a dozen news sites that don't spread lies and hate speech are not.

best post yet

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>Gay people can always find another baker we can't just up and go find another Alex Jones.

This isn't true. He can just create his own website and host his shitty conspiracy theories there. It's literally that easy.

fucking finally

I’m not too really upset about losing AJ as I am upset for the blatant censorship of free speech. So what if he says some crazy shit, he has a right to say it. You can’t just take that away because he thinks a school shooting was a false flag


Only question is why didn't they get that flaming faggot pjw too?

ironic isnt it. you couldnt make a thread like this on leftypol celebrating making america great again. theyd ban you

>Muh russia
There is evidence of a LEAK, not hack.
>But muh official story
>I wont look any further

>bad actors
>guccifer & wikileaks
Pick one.

Then ask: Do the "bad actors" say it's Russia?

What was so incriminating it could change public opinion when voting? Did it actually change public opinion at all?

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This isn't a right minded board no matter how much you edgelord teens and failure adults insist it is

You're correct. Jow Forums is a free market of ideas while /leftypol/ is a closed market that bans 'wrong think'.

Not explaining it to you. Every major intelligence agency has their own indictment that explains the Russian interference. Go do your homework then come back to me.

well it is until you progressives slither into mod positions and subvert it like the rest of the damn internet. do you fuckers have ro control everything?

I said find a different Alex Jones not the same Alex Jones. And if anybody is spreading a conspiracy theory around it's CNN with that fake muh Russia narrative those retards keep pushing righy. In fact everything CNN says is pretty much a conspiracy theory soon they'll have bigfoot on there talking about how Donald Troll made him his sex slave or some stupid shit.


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>Daily Stormer eveb removed from the deep web
Wow, who would have thought google could ALSO remove surface web sites? Wow!
We need a new internet.

Fuck off back to hell you wannabe starving faggot. Sage

wtf does a loser like u know about our intel orginizations. lol

>Not explaining it to you
The mantra of leftists when asked to give details on their position beyond what headlines in the jewish media feeds them

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>Not explaining it to you.
Because you don't want to look at the other said, keep your eye's closed user.

>Every major intelligence agency has their own indictment that explains the Russian interference.
Because you can always trust your government always, every part of the government is always pure and free of abuse, corruption and evil. In no way shape or form could our U.S. government agencies EVER lie to support political dynasties! That would NEVER happen here or in our lifetime in any western country EVER!!!1!

Also pic related, try and figure it out newfag.

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He will be back on.

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>Because you don't want to look at the other said, keep your eye's closed user.

No. I looked at this from many sides. The right, the conservatives, not necessarily those who are correct, are saying that a nation who we've always been at odds with, who almost nuked us not 50 years ago, has never once attacked our nation's cybersecurity or engaged in psyops or ever have rings of spies infiltrate us. Sounds unlikely, because literally every country in the world does this.

Lol notice how the "I'm enlightened and holier than thou" notion isn't only held by liberals.

>Because you can always trust your government always, every part of the government is always pure and free of abuse, corruption and evil.

I'm not saying I know with 100% certainty that I believe the Russia narrative but its not unlikely. Again. I'm aware that our intelligence community is shady. It's part of their job to do secret spy shit, and propagate 5 levels of conspiracy. But ask yourself this: why would an intelligence community purposefully allege that the United States has been infiltrated at the most powerful seat in the country? Is it just to spite trump? And if the Russia interference narrative was false, why arent there credible whistle blowers that are telling us that it is false?

>muh boomers
>muh conman
>muh AJ is a kike shill
>muh sandy hook chillun
Here come dat oven

>major political bodies and corporations have united to dethrone my political adversary
>anarchy: 1
>Nahtzees: 0

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