"Just Keep Pushing and see what happens"

Why does Jow Forums repeat this so much? Do you guys really think there will be some uprising/race war led by pic related? The "woke" white class of neckbeards, incels, NEETs, man-children, etc. is absolutely harmless beyond internet memes and occasional sperg race (i.e. dylan roof)

Attached: polatwork.webm (720x404, 322K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, real warriors blow themselves up, right, Achmed?

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It took 20 years for the American Revolution to start. It took 20 years for Nazi Germany to be formed.
Whites are the friendliest people in the world. Until they aren't. Then, armies get raised, maps get redrawn, and populations go missing.
So, yes, keep pushing and see what happens when we are no longer friendly.

Who talks about a fight? What would happen if many of them just stop working 60 hours a week and go on that cushy "part time" life because they are sick and tired of seeing their taxes going to waste? (Mainly talking about Europe here)

The Internet will be shut down. I warned you, but you had to keep pushing. Enjoy.

Ahahahahahahahahahaha, the delusion is real.


I don't think there will initially be an uprising
I think instead there will just be endless terrorist attacks between right-wing and left-wing radicals

The sad thing is, this guy use to be super skinny until he got that job

People who ignore history succumb to it under a sword

Well based of history.... I mean your ancestors know best sweetie

While this is kind of true the way you say it makes me shit myself from the cringe

The truth is that no one knows the future, but the facts that there are multiple nations within the Yankee Empire, and that we're one Great Depression away from utter bedlam, mean war is on the horizon. Trump is just the beginning.

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Look at history you fucking inbred cunt roach, we run this shit, you're nothing without us, whites are going to fucking destroy you, you mistake our tolerance for weakness because you are human garbage with no honour, respect or integrity. Neck yourself.

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Top kek, you fat cunts will never do anything except get steadily more disillusioned and bitter.

Jow Forums reporting for duty as ordered, sir!

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You motherfuckrs single handedly ruined the whole fucking world your greed cost so many countless human lives. it's time your race gets genocide.

Your country helped create this problem and you've been doing it for more than 20 years. Where is your uprising?

99% of white men are too fat and out of shape to be combat effective. You can't drive your shitbox or truck to war.

It's all so tiresome to listen to white men LARP about shit that will literally never happen.

Oh please. Every time whites pick a fight they end up doing their (((masters))) bidding. Every. Fucking Time. At least after the fall of pre-Christian Rome.

you're messing with a sleeping giant

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reportin fur doooty

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Come at me 1v1 faggot.

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>Top kek, you fat cunts will never do anything except get steadily more disillusioned and bitter.

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Rich people cant fight. Most whites are rich.
You have no idea how fucking deluded you are.

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Let's ask the obvious questions.
Why would all non-whites unify their efforts to exterminate whites?
What makes your average non-white a super soldier by comparison?


Well, shills? I'm waiting.

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true, I can't recall right wing white males getting together and doing anything significant on the world stage..
you're right comrade, lets keep poking the bear

>Why would all non-whites unify their efforts to exterminate whites?
non whites are getting real fucking tired at how desperate whites are to paint themselves as an oppressed group and how theyre the biggest victim of it all despite all the shit they did to other races. This kind of shit really gets under your skin after a while.
>What makes your average non-white a super soldier by comparison?
Non whites dont give a fuck about dying. all their life living with white folks theyre taught theyre subhuman cretin no different than animals. The most powerful weapon of a soldier is his fearlessness. Who dares wins.

Do you not understand you're destroying the world with that rhetoric? Is that what you want?

Look at the two monkeys on the left!

Literally all we have to do is stop working and paying taxes and half the minorities in my country would starve.

>non whites are getting real fucking tired at how desperate whites are to paint themselves as an oppressed group and how theyre the biggest victim of it all despite all the shit they did to other races. This kind of shit really gets under your skin after a while.
A vague cloud of frustration and anger does not an alliance make. Just in the U.S.A. you have Mestizos and blacks hating one another.
>Non whites dont give a fuck about dying. all their life living with white folks theyre taught theyre subhuman cretin no different than animals. The most powerful weapon of a soldier is his fearlessness. Who dares wins.
Good God, user. Who the hell teaches ALL non-whites this, perpetually and without end? Non-whites are perfectly capable of laughing such claims off and just keeping to their own countries, or leaving white majority lands. And no, unless we're talking about some brown, black, yellow horde that displays remarkable discipline (there's that vague cloud of anger getting in the way again), fearlessness is not a good enough weapon.
I'm not convinced. Irrational hate does not a mighty army make.

Attached: white girl vs dindu.webm (222x400, 1.21M)

I think you literally don't understand how powerful the act of organizing and unity is.

There are tons of examples where a small yet tight-knit group of people take control of a larger, yet unorganized groups. Train robbers of 4-5 people were able to rob trains of 100 people easily. The 100 people could easily take on the train robbers, but because they don't know each other or have a coordinated plan, they don't act upon it and become passive.

Likewise, a small but highly coordinated group of neckbeards, incels and NEETs would with ease stomp out any resistance.

this would be front page cnn, the girl hailed as a hero of our age, were the races involved here any different

Yeah yeah we're all fat and incels the whole nine yards same shit different nigger.

Brits? I agree a lot of other Europeans have been fighting them forever

Um what? Stop smoking meth

White people are using "white genocide" term as a tool to instate fascism, there is no white genocide to be honest. They want good old days of violence, blood and lust, since they are spawn of satan and they serve people of synagogue of satan.

This website only has a couple dozen anons talking to each other in a thread but then you have all the lurkers watching and suddenly the 5 train robbers added 100 people to their gang

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Both your points here

> 100 year long propaganda
>active killings and calls for death of whites
>whites start seeing this (really getting under their skin)

>whites told they are a virus and the world would be better without them.

A person who has nothing to lose or now fears nothing because of this is a deadly thong

Who dares wins

It's p. amazing how fast you fags flip flop from "drumphgf is building LITERAL CONCENTRATION CAMPS FOR INFANTS" to "lol white people wont ever do anything" and back again.

Who here is literally fat ?

Wow autism thinking Jews are whites when we seriously show you inbreds their history... you
>but dey wyite doe


Yeah. although some (((people))) wouldn't be allowed in the gang ofcourse.