What The Hell is "Privilege Stepping"?

People of color don't have to wait in line any more or what?

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I had two Polish women try to "Privilege step" me in a shop, they pushed in when I wasn't looking pretending they hadn't seen me and dump all their stuff on the till checkout in front to mine and said I should let them in anyway because I was "Gentleman", I just lost my temper and gave them full blast two barrel full, one of the women was shaking, all the people in the shop supported me. I don't think they pushed in a queue ever again In England.

Yes. They don't have to wait in line anymore.

They also get their own unique spaces away from white people such as their own dorms. Also they are not investigated for hate crimes when they kill whites specifically.

This is equality. Deal with it.

Do you have your queue enforcement loicence?
If some dumb roastie tried that my first reaction definitely is Excuse Me. My second is tell them to go to the back of the line.
If they insist and the clerk doesn't tell them off then I ask for the manger. If they don't get the manager I just leave my groceries. Fuck em. But no one ever jumps the queue here because they're all white.

This better be satire, you fucking burgers

Satire or some shit rag

Everybody in that article except the nigger is a Jew

Can we ban toxic shit like this spreading from america to civilised nations?
They have done enough damage already with their atrocity called hip hop

none of this exists outside anglo countries

you may not like it, but we are approaching peak equality. and some people are more equal than others.

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The only time it is acceptable to go in front of the line is when you ask to do so and have only like 1-3 things to pay when the person in front of you has huge amounts of groceries.

All this shit literally came from Europe. Frankfurt School, critical theory, Marxism, degeneracy, trannies. First gay marriage was in Europe 10 years before the US.

>some people are more equal than others.
Fuck, we had that shit once, everyone was equal and party officials where more equal...

I can’t stand it anymore, why can’t they just be honest about their intentions? Just come out and say “we despise white people and want them gone” instead of making up new terms to throw at us. An hour nest enemy is better than a dishonest one.

For fuck sake * honest

We legalised gay marriage last year in germany, not 10 years ago.

Just a fancy term for nigger behavior.

There might have been a few nutcases in Europe with some dumbass ideas, but you guys turned it into a national sport

Not importing slaves from a different continent and not using gendered pronouns reduces the chance of your country catching "social justice" by up to 100%.

I'll always let someone in front if they have only a few items, thats manners. In the ops story the person is a spoiled narcissistic brat I would definitely have said something.

>only link is this thread
pretty good troll you had me going for a second there

Burgers truly are the worst.



Indeed, that was my point.
Behavior like in the OP is not acceptable.

this article is clearly satire

... I hope

>There is people on Jow Forums right now thinking this isn't a satyre

>Turned it into a national sport.

It was imported by eastern bloc communists, especially after WW2 during the 50s.McCarthy was unironically spot on.

You had entire nightclubs staffed by trannies in Weimar Berlin when the idea wasn't even conceived in any Americans' mind.

They took over half your continent at one point, and the other half all had youth parties promoting this shit.

Nice bait. You put some effort into it. The article scans well. 9/10, rustled some jimbos.

True, and it should be obvious given that no source is posted. There are also progressives that believe this behavior is fully justified, and would attempt to defend it for whatever reaon if it started occuring.

>google "privilege stepping"
>0 results

Thank you Jesus

Did everyone clap?

Hold up bruvz show your two barrel loicenses and your temper loicense.

Furthermore it's never acceptable to let someone cut in line. How about waiting your turn like you were taught when you 4? I don't give a fuck if all they're doing is buying gum. It's rude.

Back of the bus, nigger.

Kek that's like spitting on the flag in britain

Not sure if you remember, but we purged them.
You guys and your russian frienda stopped us from doing that.

I don't see any here

Oh look, entitled privilege white men that can't walk on women of color like they could back in the good ol' days. Good thing we won't be returning to that. Stop whining and take you bitchy white fragility elsewhere.

That is why I said that you have to ask to go in front.
Otherwise it is indeed rude.

You have poor reading comprehension.

Jow Forums please stop falling for this weak bait. Just use google for five seconds to find out this isn't true.

>He couldn't tell it was bait.

Did you just assumed my gender???

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I would have baited her into pushing me, then dropper her like the sack of shit that she is.
>mfw she'd end up being charged with assault
>mfw I'd be on my merry way to continue shitposting

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You just quoted a bunch of comments in a chain without reading them all didn't you?

Media hates white Europeans and wants them dead.

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Beaners and crackers around here are polite. This must be a nigger thing.

almost 30 years on this gay earth and not once has anyone ever asked to cut in line in front of me, I mean I guess you're used to willingly cucking yourself at every turn- its just odd to me.

We are also on Jow Forums. There are articles that bitch about white people not moving over on the sidewalk as the subconscious act of white supremacy. It's massive crybaby bullshit, and isn't fucking true.

And we stopped your Russian friend from conquering half of your country. But you wanted him to, and you still do to this day.

is this an onion article?

Every fucking time!

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wtf did I just read

I'd beat that niggers ass.

Maybe its the American context, but living in a cosmopolitan bubble has made me quite spiteful to this bullshit. Your conversation was about the mannerisms and methods behind waiting in line (behing or ahead of other people). I was making a joke about this since the racial composition of the actors is the sole thing that matters.

>OP has a fun day fishing

Fake and gay. Even on a shitlib campus if someone line cut like that they'd be shunned.

It is normal here, you let other people in front of you and they let you in front of them.

>And we stopped your Russian friend from conquering half of your country.
If you didn't help them in the first place, this wouldn't even been a problem.
>But you wanted him to, and you still do to this day.
No, but if I had to choose between russians and burgers I'd choose russians.

>It is normal here, you let other people in front of you and they let you in front of them.

noy so much here since self-checkout got popular, but every once in a while when I was only purchasing 1 or 2 items someone would insist that I go before them. I found it to be rather awkward personally.

Niggers just always feel entitled to other people shit, their bikes, their time part of my paycheque

Keep telling yourself this buddy, but this shit would never fly in Europe. also no one in the Frankfurt School, or in critical theory ever came up with privileged stepping, this is all on you guys! god bless America

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I can't keep track of all these fucking retarded new terms of theirs.

My misunderstanding user. All I know is I hate seeing people cut other people in line. I came in hot under the collar to this thread.

Everyone has limited time, everyone has someplace to be, just because that person has accepted more responsibility in their life than their time management skills can cope with doesn't give them the right to supplant the position of another anywhere in a queue, literally anywhere in a civil society. If you think it is okay to just cut in on people then I would highly recommend moving to a third world country or China where the standards on civility are lowered and that kind of impropriety is tolerated. They seem to make due by crowding, pushing and forcing their way to the front of a line (which is a term I use loosely as it could more be described a throng of hands all reaching out at once for the same thing).

A person short on time who cuts into a line benefits only themselves. It's selfish. It doesn't make the line move any faster, the time it takes to make the transaction is going to be fixed regardless. It's going to take a minute, but now that minutes gets added onto everyone else's wait time.

>Jow Forums STILL has zero media compentency
>Jow Forums STILL doesn't get it
it's just content. it doesn't have any meaning whatsoever other than generate clicks

Asking no, but It happens all the time, if you have 1 or 2 items and someone with a full card is in front of you they let you go in front of them, especially elder people do it to kids.

I am fucking queue authoritarian and this sort of disorder will NOT be tolerated.

People who write "articles" like this should be shot. Firstly, stop trying to tell a story and get to the fucking point, don't waste my time. Secondly a story isn't news, I want my media to just give me facts and let me make my own opinion; if you are trying to spin a narrative, then you are clearly trying to manipulate me. It's not news, it's rank propaganda.

wait what did you actually do? whats a two blast full?

>why can’t they just be honest about their intentions?
Because whites aren't yet disarmed.

>nigger running
checks out
also checks out

In the end it is only utilitarian, and elderly people have all the time in the day. It might be the difference between a nation and a melting pot, sometimes people even chip in a euro or 2 when someone does not have the cash on hand.

fake but funny, post it as satire

are we really at this point now? some sad shit lmao

most certainly,
because of this:

Did the same thing to 3 german tourists the other day. Scolded them in front on everybody and told them there's no need for waging blitzkrieg in a supermarket line. Impoliteness is death in Scandiland.

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Shut up Aland. We are autistic rulefags and would never do shit like that.

fuck niggers

>it was like we were in nazi germany or something
wtf is this the onion or something? this is clearly satirical and fake

DOUBLE TUT, M8. Almost even audible. I'd have choked on me toast sammy.


You fucks only behave yourselves at home as soon as you leave the country you complacently go full retard. I unironically fucking hate germans.

Nah, just back me up saying I was there first.

Must be a slow jew day

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No they’re aren’t. The fake media wants you to think that so you feel angry hopeless and isolated. 90% of people want this crazy shit to be over