Tweets about how much she hates white men

>tweets about how much she hates white men
How much are you willing to bet she fucks exclusively white men?

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Attached: sdfkvjhksdf.jpg (600x819, 83K)

Nobody would bet against it my dude.

its already an established fact, goof
she started ranting shortly after her trophy white guy cheated on her (with a white girl)
Jow Forums has been circle jerking about this for a week already

I bet my 3rd testicle

kek, didn't know that. Explains a lot.


Attached: self_hating_white_men.jpg (590x260, 32K)


Attached: EGcgEVT.png (1200x1920, 360K)

I really think you are true. This kind of girls want some mixed bfs and by that I mean an spanish, one italian, one swedish, one french and even a russian.

Maybe some chicks too. But these kind of left wingers never date blacks or asians. Don't know why

No need to bet, she said it herself


Is that what started all of this?

Why does this thread exist? She has tweeted about how she is attracted to "cis white males"

It's the case with pretty much all anti whites, whether black, asian, latino, or even jewish.

They all secretly want to be BLEACHED.

Attached: what about muh superior bbc.jpg (1664x6340, 3.12M)

Give her blue contacts and she is White herself though


absolutely based

Racewar over a derelict cunt's reactor meltdown?

>I only have sex with self-hating white boys
>She thinks her projection isn't blindingly apparent

She wants only white men but white men doesn't want she.

good try

Based white man. Attractive for her, pump and dump her for marrying white woman.

There's no way an Asian guy will go near that.

SHe probably fucks a super alpha gym chad on the downlow, and he doesn’t give a fuck because hes a chad

she's actually pretty cute in that pic

White men and korean girls are the best mix. FACT!

t. have a korean gf

>writes on pol how he hates women
How much are you willing to bet he faps exclusively women?

>Svensson baiting Nielsen

report this cunt on her beloved (((social media))) sites. use their shit against them for teh lulz.

The fact they hired her is mind blowing

The (((New York Times))) really made a mis-play when they opted to go after Trump harder after the election. If they had backed off a bit and bode their time patiently until midterms, they could have easily and smoothly regained power. Instead their insane collective entitlement syndrome that presents as them believing themselves to be "God's chosen" drove them to go absolutely berserk when it was clear that they don't have complete control they had under Obama.

5 Dolla.

Boy would I fuck those silly thought out of her with my white cock.

Attached: 1531732126425.jpg (388x476, 131K)

NYT is coming down really hard on the ANC though, weird paper.