Can you still take Peterson’s advice on life, masculinity and politics Jow Forums?

Can you still take Peterson’s advice on life, masculinity and politics Jow Forums?

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i knew he was into traps. I just knew it.

His primary demographic is young men, this is a marketing nightmare

His wife looks like an Oblivion NPC

I'm not a fan of Peterson because I support evil collectivist whiteness, but this is kind of a bullshitty attack
>56 year old has frumpy wife
Stop the presses!
Need pic of couple when they were young to know if he actually did well for himself.

I'd bang his daughter.

Why is Peterson with Uncle Leo?

Attached: uncle-leo-from-seinfeld.png (600x300, 207K)

oh fuc

I don’t know man, could not find young photos

Low T guys are usually into masculine looking women.

I never liked him in the first place.

She's clearly Jewish. Not only the nose and prognathism, but the typical greedy-goblin short body-type as seen by people such as Kissinger.

p.s. Juden Peterstein is a closet-communist who has worked for the U.N.

Attached: Juden Peterstein.jpg (1383x6447, 2.93M)

>muh autoimmune disease
>muh whole family's autoimmune disease

Literal genetic garbage humans.

His wife looks like marina abramovic

You are craz-

Attached: maria.jpg (800x1000, 72K)

spirit cooking with Peterson

Maybe they all got the AIDS

They both have large noses and the eyebrow shape is sort of similar, other than that they look nothing alike.

post wall women are unattractive, what a shock.

He's giving pretty good advices for fatherless tormented children

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shame they are related hey ?

how can alphabet soup be so bad at their fucking jobs.

I don't need to because I,
A. Have my shit together
B. Have read extensively on philosophy and psychology
C. Have great relationships

I mean JP isn't bad, he has some interesting stuff. I especially like how he manages to trigger both far left and far right with not advocating for either.

Why are there so many shill threads against Peterson all the sudden? Why are they so scared of him?

stop posting gay porn!

adoring fan

MAN oh man, Jewish physiognomy. It just screams "I would drain your kid's blood for Satan"

because we discovered he hangs out with spirit cookers.

>you have to slay the dragon and marry the goblin, bucko

>they are related
Is this another delirious /x/-tier conspiracy theory or do you have actual evidence?

I think you mean
"You have to polish the dragons balls"
Is what he said.



Not fucking around - take what works for you to be a better person. Leave what doesn't.

People worry about him being a Jewish agent, or a lunatic right winger or whatever. It's like we forget to critically evaluate his self improvement ideas and use what makes sense to improve ourselves. That is all you need to do.

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He gives sound, well thought out advice that is both thought provoking and logical. So... what is the problem exactly? Can you not trust yourselves to judge good information from bad? Perhaps you need to address that.

he has become a caricature of himself. He is a graceful ballerina or a sad clown. An idealistic man ruined by his vices: greed and cowardice.