Is this really how it works?

Is this really how it works?

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Lack of experience+brainwashing="diversity is our strength!"
These are fun OP
yoda says.. mmm yes

He's got a drawing full of science shit, I'm convinced.

smug looking boomer with smug looking virtue signalling picture. What a faggot. I love how leftists always throw around "ignorance" to attack right wing ideas (like having functioning borders). His version of non ignorant involves national surrender.

>no fractional distillation
>no way to control temperature of the gas evaporating
you'd get the same result just by boiling ignorance then, why the fake distiller?

>Media: Drumpf is a Russian agent!!!

>Normie: *Derp*

>Leftist: Fuck Drumpf!!!

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Looks pretty scientific

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True: Niggers and communists are very scary. The death of society and the ushers of the second dark age


this. where is condensing tube?

I'm from British also do you also wear a skirt to impress the muzzie bois

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Yes, unless you are a pedantic fuckwit.

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the one with pants is the cutest, everyone else is la creatura

I'm convinced. Cuz "muh chart" an sheeit. That stuff don't lie.

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Based we fuck boys here in London

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Sometimes the solution being distilled is knowledge

Or distilled cum

Look at that fucking boomer motherfucker. boomerest person I've ever seen. His face shows the essence of boomerism, like that caricature displays jewishness

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>putting the pipe inside the liquid you're distilling
>calling other people ignorant


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Love of your own people + tired of seeing them hurt by others = racism


No but if you apply this multiple times to sea water Africa would't have any water problems.

>fear is bad
I guess being afraid of whites being genocided and possibility of the future being an eternal Empire of Dust is fucking gay then. Brb going to go and suck a dick.

Yeah it's that self satisfied smug in his face. He's so proud of how goyed he is because he's been led his whole life into thinking it was "wisdom."

Aint afraid of no nigger or mudslime. I do know that my 11 year old niece is at risk in a mudslime infested Dutch city.

No sorry I don't sign
I mean I can do the letters but not actual words. But we're typing here anyways so it's all a bit redundant

I think the sad reality is that the left fuels rational hate.
They are objectively destroying the freedoms of people to express themselves, encouraging mob violence and destruction of culture/national history.
All while openly lying about it and demanding that the people losing most of their freedoms also pay for all of it.

That fuels rational hate, and the only solution is the removal of leftists and reversal of their doing.

Rational hate doesn't go away by "re-education", that only fuels it.

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The liquid would just shoot out the other side. It wouldn't condense or be distilled.


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I can shoot liquid on your other side

id like to think he is purifying the hate.

hate means you don´t want to get murdered by anti whites

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False. Most of my hatred isn’t from being ignorant but from being cognizant of them wanting to erradicate me and other white males.

Yes, that's exactly how so many people are led to hate the greatest man who ever lived.

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>is that really how it works.
No. Hate could possibly be caused fear (a natural response) and/or ignorance (not knowing something, oh all knowing leftist twat). Hate can be caused by literally anything. He is flinging words around like playground insults.
Hate too of course to them covers everything that disagrees with them.
Hate is also their triggerword.
Orwell worked on notes just prior to writing 1984 while working at BBC Broadcasting House. He warned of the screens being used to implant the triggerword 'hate' into the brainwashed.
'Hate is the new 'Evil'. Nazi means 'Heritic'.
Heil Victory

Not necessarily, no.
For example, I hate Islam because I studied its beliefs in detail.

Can't argue with that one.


Le Mr smart man forgot the irremovable one called tribalism.



Hitler is back from Antarctica mate. Better have that attitude a.ok

I'm not fearful or ignorant of wasps but I still hate them. They're fucking annoying and stupid. Kind of like niggers.

this is why I opened the thread

Well considering that that is not how a distillary works, I'd say no.

I'm scared of wasps and I hate them. I'm not scared of gays but I still hate them too

Yes, its why leftards hate us soo much.

Where you come from wasps are probably a reasonable threat. Who knows what giant wasp swarms lurk in the deep of Australia.
In here they're just annoying though.

hes got the same look as this dopey fuckface

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This is fun

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Well the guy does look like a science teacher.
So, yes. Absolutely.
He must be right.
Only a Trump supporter would question science.
And people who question science are bad mkay?
So don''t question science mkay?

but nobody is as hateful as the left

Mkay gurl

White coward

that's not how destilation works.
It would end up being a "filtered" / "clean" white that comes out of this.

The First time I realized that I was different was when I had a book in a book in 4rth grade Going deep into Aeirodinamics, Math and Chess Came Naturally.
5th Grade, the kids where taken to the auditorium to watch that movie where the skinhead curbed that low IQ guy. When his foot came down I started Laughing, the teacher asked me Why? I said this is fake, If I hated somebody that much I would have went for the Family... 10 day suspension.
8th grade, the dark one with thin brain walls, Raped my Mother and punched me in the face, in the Middle of the street.
The kids grew Older, the Black Girls did not only ignore me, they looked at my direction like something was wrong with me, every one was learning sex stuff in 6th grade but I was not.
long story short, I turned 18 and went. 2nd or 3rd week the 2.5% Symian DNA dark one Grabbed me and tried his best to drag me into a Stairwell of this large apartment complex, Subhuman other dark ones looked on Smiling, Did they know or are they all actually Stupid? I got away buthole intact.

Long Story Short, Nobody is born a Racist, YOU LEARN to hate from experience.
Some learn less others learn more.

I DREAM OF THROWING 100 RACOONS into a random river in Africa, Whites are resistent to the Parasites the North American Racoon carries, but penetrates the Blood Brain Barrier of the dark one that Some hate less Others Hate them because You learn to hate.

Oh I'm sorry I didn't take the time to apply my knowledge of distillation when I was sloppily throwing together my shitty meme.

If you hate open borders and pedophilia you're just ignorant and fearful.

>if you hate white people you're just ignorant and fearful

Really activates the Almonds.

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what if the fear is legitimate?

if you have 1000s of rapey savages invading your land it gives you every right to feel afraid

This wold only be true if ther weren't any danger in the world, or if there exists some hidden truth that makes the things we think of as dangerous not so. Otherwise hate is justified.

Fukkken SCIENCE n shiet mayne

accurate formula

Not ignorance, knowledge. See if the muslims that sought refuge in europe in the 70's 80's are also happy with the new ones, they are afraid, they ran away and now see it coming here, and europe being too dull to understand the danger it represents. Its our ignorance that makes us ok with it. Those who know, are afraid.

the fucking comments on that video, jesus

>He doesn't sip liquid hate on a daily basis
Never gonna make it

>fear bad
>hate bad

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no, it's
"can't we all just get along"+reality--> disgust --> preservation.
neither hate, nor fear, factor in at all.

Extinguish the flame of fear.

Close the borders and deport now!

nice one.

Change "hate" to "slavery".

wow empowern!!11!