How will he turn UKIP into shit?

Every movement or meme Sargon touches turns into shit. How will it happen with UKIP and how?

Attached: sargn.jpg (168x160, 11K)

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and when*

Wait is Sargoy with UKIP now?
FFS. I guess I'll vote for Britain first.

I'm sorry, mayte

Its already dead lmao, been since the election

I'm not watching that. Just seeing his face causes me to feel a bit ill. It's as if I can feel a tumor forming in my stomach.

>the only chance on British becoming non-cucked gets sabotaged by a sheepfucking welshman

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He'll rename it to the UK Individualist Party, change their colors to bright green and have them refer to each other as kekistanis.

And it's going to happen because the party is absolutely starved for new ideas. I mean, Sargon already convinced them to quote Starship Troopers:

Ukip is more likley to turn to shit becausee of the /b/tard dankula

Just by being involved. Template included in pic.

Attached: 92A8027B-E08F-4486-92F3-AF7D59E5C596-1028-0000013E3846CA79.png (1777x660, 1.41M)

>sheepfucking welshman
Is this true? I always thought he looked Welsh.

UKIP is already ruined, hopefully Sarg’n destroys them forever and something better rises from the ashes to compete with his Liberalisticistican Party

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Attached: White bitch cucked.jpg (1535x2730, 745K)

yep, the fucker is welsh subhuman

Thought so, it's the round face, short stature and dark features that give him away.

>Implying UKIP isn't already shit
Why do you think he joined?

Where's his dildo vid. Dude has that bare ass. Gets me saucy.


Reminder that us Greeks pre Ottoman have dark brown curly hair and northern Italian features. Non arabic.

This concerns you how?

imagine him going into politics


If May goes for a softer brexit they'll return in the May 2019 locals. Farage would have to come back to truly save them from the shit show mongs running the party atm

WTF you talking about? All the man does is keep winning and winning

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>stop being a white nigger

Attached: quadroonCarl.jpg (168x160, 18K)

Hi Sargon. You're a cunt. Die in a fire.
t. Someone who isn't a walking, talking cancerous polyp on the anus of humanity.

I think you are projecting.
Remember how there was an entire genre of yt called internet bloodsport and then they just kept harping on him? Remember how it failed as soon as they looked at themselves?

>If May goes for a softer brexit
>May going for Brexit

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God he's such a smug little fucking civnat. The New Right is perhaps worse than New Atheism. E-celebs are such little grubby merchant trendies. Fuck them all

where's Spencer's door little bitch?

Can we get him banned on Youtube?

Fuck off, Heinlein is high political philosophy. Entirely appropriate to quote.


They're increasing in strength

Attached: Opinion_polling_for_the_2022_UK_general_election.png (944x572, 95K)

i hate sargoy and all civnats

Attached: sargoy cucksaders.png (783x648, 1.1M)

yes goyim, divide, don't unite, good goy.

ukip was already infested with Bible-burning kikes anyway
the fact that sargoy of cuckkad came in there is like a piece of shit falling into an ocean of piss that already has shit moving at the surface
i say it's good for them and the other parties that the english are just spineless heathen for otherwise they would have been cut to pieces by now