Fox News defending free speech crackdown on Infowars

Hm why am i not surprised at this?

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Infowars is not real, user. Take a break.

it isnt about infowars being entirely factual and real, its about the selective banning of speech.

all of the MSM and the corporate commies/anarchists want to ban free speech

Reminder that the supreme court ruled in favor of the bakery.

They can finally start talking about info wars since they deleted all their videos and can now lie without abandon. Normies won't be able to check it out for themselves.

a small bakery isnt getting subsidized like big tech such as apple and fagbook.

Too bad nigger.

Next time, bake that cake.

Enjoy the 747


Fail bait.

The only good one is Tucker Carlson he should leave
yes yes go back to sleep sheeple fuck off

fuck that clown

we are being shilled
threads are being slid
this shit won't yield
thanks to the posting yi d

fuck him he's a racist piece of shit

>just forget about infowars guise
how about you take a break from shilling your fucking KIKE

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Early life and education
Kurtz was born to a Jewish family[2] in the Sheepshead Bay neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, the son of Marcia, a homemaker, and Leonard Kurtz, a clothing executive.[3] He is a graduate of the University at Buffalo (SUNY). In college he worked on a student newspaper, the Spectrum, becoming the editor his senior year.[3] He then attended the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism

THIS BTFO the "private company" argument

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Fox has always been the true controlled opposition environment.




this is an ominous turn of events. i'm kinda scared tbhfam. what's getting the axe next? RT? fox themselves?

I don't care Alex Jones was cancer to the Right
>crisis actors
>male vitality
>run by the CIA/FBI
I hate this faggot

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>le mutt xd
fuck off divide and conquer CIA nigger

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this. shills are out of fucking control ITT. Jow Forums has never stood for censorship, ever. you shills are obvious

liberals always cry about fox news and anyone who watches fox news like as if that is the devil

when in reality fox news is just a different colored CNN when it comes to anything that matters

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You think this fake faggot was on the level of Mollymeme, JRP, Southern, Gavin, Spencer, even Milo?
Jones can die.
>crisis actors
He's a fuck and will die in poverty
Oh no he won't he ACTUALY IS glow in the dark.

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They're trying to get us to accept the destruction of the first amendment and free speech

Sick of Jow Forums getting its collective bacon stripped panties in a twist over this fed plant. He admitted in his custody bsttle its all fake.

commie talkin point you just revealed yourself you fucking commie CIA nigger kys

another commie lie kys commies

private companies have the right to do whatever the fuck they want

move to nk if you don't like it

i knew this was coming. the UN has had an eye on free speech in the USA for a long time. they arent shy about admittimg they want to give us hate speech laws like europe. its starting now and the (((media))) will collaborate

Its about the precedent. Just like the concession of gay marriange led to rampant trannyism, throwing infowars under the bus means more censorship. Not a single inch should be yielded. Apple and facebook ARE essentially public utilities now, the legistlation just hasnt caught up.

They are not private.

Nope, they're Common Carriers just like cable companies.
They just exist in a shadow period right now.

Laughed at the humble water filter salesman meme enough I couldn't help but use this as an excuse to buy one
Why does everyone in these threads advocating for this censorship smell of goblin vomit and slop?

Good night alt-right! Haahahhah, I am fucking loving it. You uneducated one tooth white christard trailer park trash are too stupid too understand that when Jow Forums is taken down, you lily white asses will be thrown in jail for anti-Semitism, racism and hate-speech, so Tyrone can blow your hairy pink asshole wide open so you bleed. Enjoy nazis.

This fat christian white supremacist got what he deserved. It always started mildly and covertly like this and ended with horrific abuse and mistreatment of innocent Jews. Not any more, we smash the face of you dirty Martin Luther and all your drones you have sent against us. Together with atheists, LGBT+, ethnic (Jews), racial (Latinos etc) and religious (Islam etc) minorities WE are the FUCKING MAJORITY NOW!!

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>Fox News defending free speech crackdown on Infowars
They would.

They staged a Senate hearing, because the private company sold advertising that they did not like.

Fox is full of jewish neocons and they don't want competition.

Its just like Tommy Robinson, lots of paid shilling and collaboration by the MSM and government propaganda, but the sickest thing is how the commies are so arrogant they say shit like yeah i'm GLAD we're silencing dissenters, fucking liberal fascists

Fox is completely cucked

When the Obama white house targeted them CNN just said nothing

Now Trump's White House is attacking CNN Fox news is virtue signalling

Remember the lieks of Fox and (((Rupert Murdoch)))) are all for open borders wich they think is capitalism...

the 20 year time warner contracts up, so time to shutdown the operation.

Sadly, this.

When speech becomes dangerous ranting.. you want to defend that??
Like fuck the cunt wants to sue the parents of dead kids.

That's funny I just said the same exact thing
Anyway I can see Slippery Slope but I see it more as an opportunity for Accelerationism.
Like if Jones gets shut up but people remember that they are censoring the Right, it's win-win AFAIC.

They wont axe any of the big goverment funded programs, but they did send a message to every small creator, that trump wont happen again.
Alex stood for your regular joe, who managed to go from nobody to owning his own media platform, that could rival any of the big cnn/fox/mnsbc.
Now that they axed him, it sends message to everyone, that they only exist because ((they)) allow them, which is the true problem, regardless if you bought waterfilters from jones.

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Fox News is not different than the other major mass propaganda corporations except the Left loves to keep pointing to Fox News as if a single network that only mildly differs from all the other Leftist media corporations is proof that the mass media as a whole is not bias to the Left.

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he's counter suing you fucking commie piece of shit, all you do is lie

But he was our cancer

>Jones beats up little children

ok this is epic

The shill are making bank today.

>the sickest thing is how the commies are so arrogant they say shit like yeah i'm GLAD we're silencing dissenters, fucking liberal fascists
commies never realize chickens will come home to roost. pic related was killed himself in a stalin era purge after purging others

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Fuck him. He accused them of faking their kids death and made it worse for everyone. The cunt can rot and die slowly.. just like you you piece of low grade filth.

>commentary = say what you feel like
>conspiracy = say what you feel like
Well there it is

Should have baked that cake.

Lies. Free speech is not allowed to be selected and curated.

That's funny because a few weeks ago journalists asked Facebook to ban Infowars AND Fox News. Fox is next on the chopping block.

>muh innocent children and babies.
Fuck off you emotional retard, people like you are the reason the masses get duped, no wonder your country is being silently occupied by the Chinese, cuck.

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Our best chance to get him back is targeting the liberals where it hurts with a # it is a very normie idea but I guess we could do that just spread around Twitter #wheresthefreespeach

You have probably watched his video but if you haven’t hear it is

you will be physically removed

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Fuck you commie piece of shit, when we find you we're going to do unspeakable things to you. We would die before we capitulate to you larping faggots and those brave enough to fly your retarded meme flag will hang first on the day of the rope.

Also how the fuck have you not realized your a religion yet?

RIP In Piss, Alex

What the fuck your literal Slav Russian mongrel.. no one gives a fuck what you former Soviet subjects think because you were never taught to think.. now stand in a line three blocks long for your loaf of bread.

Come at me bro

Why did they all ban his channels within 12 hour of eaxh other?

If you want him back you gotta shill for him so he's got recognition and ammo to bring to advertisers. Or get the word out about him getting fucked over.

Pointing out injustice only does so much but anything other than that to Jow Forums is a kike trick™ I think AJ is on his own.

damn australia is letting too many niggers in apparently. at least keep them off the internet so people dont mistake them for real aussies

>countless 3 hour long flat earth videos, chemtrails, aliens and what have you are allowed
>but an obese man screaming into microphone is not

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What is it 15 million niggers and counting and more spics.. yeah you cunts are staunch as fuck in your white ethnostate..

When the obese man is screaming to incite violence then yeah, that shouldn't be allowed.

Alex is either a really good actor or clinically insane. At this point I dont even care what happens to him

Did the media tell you that?

so you dont like alex jones because of muh sandy vagina. lemme guess, i suppose you dont like snowden either because muh traitor and dont like assange because muh irresponsible leaks, right? just how much of a fucking shill are you? i want to know

No, Alex Jones demonstrated that.

> incites death threats against victims of crime
> convinces dumb cunts of shit that isn’t real and causes them to go shoot up pizza stores
Yeah I’ll allow it

>get called out for being emotional cuck-boy
>act like emotional cuck boy.

Btw have a friendly reminder for you on who is being told on how to think.

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I don’t much see this as a free speech issue; it’s more like the gay cake thing. YouTube is the bakery and jones is the faggot.
What am I missing?

But when a president does it it's fine if he doesn't yell right? Still waiting for those WMDs, I guess it was a just a theory all along. Too bad all those people died because of it.

Snowden told the truth and Assange was a medium for truth.. Jones is a paid actor who lies as a “ performance artist”

You watch Alex Jones?

That is the real thinker.


They'll be next. Why wouldn't they?

Enjoy starving you communist prick, nothing will ever come of your socialist delusion. Kill yourself you commie scum bucket.

Low grade serf..

I used to years ago back when I was a teen.
I grew up.

What, surprised by YouTube Facebook and others not wanting someone who promotes that Democrats are transdimensional peadophile vampires who run a peado ring out of the basement of a pizzeria, because the catering bill of a fund raiser had hotdogs listed at $45?

Pic related is you

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He didn't encourage people to go out and harass private citizens because he thought they were part of some hair-brained conspiracy.

The questions we should be asking is: why now? And why him?

The baker is an artist. The government can't force him to provide compelled speech.

Big tech are essentially common carriers. Totally different rules

>By ((((((((((Howard Kurtz))))))))))
Every. Single. Time.

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Right he urged people to look at Bush's lies, lies that cost you Billions for nothing, your fellow citizens life's for nothing, and millions of innocent people to die, but he was president so it's all good.

>so it's all good
Nobody said that.

So as a "grown up" you think its ok to deplatform people.

It's childish to think you can say whatever the fuck you want and do whatever you want and never expect any consequences whatsoever.

This isn't about Alex Jones and his bullshit about school shootings and bone broth. This is about a precedent, about a template. Everything they have done to Alex Jones now, they will do to every last one of us soon.

Within two or three years, it will effectively be a bannable offense on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to produce content that is to the right of the Democratic Party. Not explicitly, of course, but they'll instruct their admins and update their consumer policies in such a way that right-wing opinions are considered inherently hateful, disrespectful or "trolling" while left-wing opinions no matter how vile are considered fair contributions to the public debate.

They where the bane of existence when 911 truthers where on the scene back then. That O Rilley faggot shouted down some kid who lost his dad and didn't believe officialdom.
They will just go in whatever direction the wind blows