Millennials of Jow Forums, tell me why you are not politically active outside the internet

Millennials of Jow Forums, tell me why you are not politically active outside the internet.

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lack of 1488 leadership

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That tatoos... It hurts me watching people with beautifull bodies ruined them with impulsive, vanity driven tatoos.

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>tfw you were retarded and got one ten years ago
Now I'm going to have to pay like $800 to get it removed. Serves me right I guess.

>that haircut
>those tattoos

She's going to look ridiculous 15 years from now, what a waste.

You're probably also extremely fat

Does ruining every relationship and friendship I’ve ever had count? I’m not even extreme either. Seems like all it takes is saying “meh Trump isn’t Hitler”.

She looks ridiculous now.

Because I just want people to like me.

>Millennials of Jow Forums, tell me why you are not politically active outside the internet.

i dont have any friends and the only people i talk to are my parents.

More fucked than most know

Gen Z and the one after might have it even worse. Boomers mainly to blame

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Because literally everyone is a kike with kike interests. Go to the left "yes you like giving your money to degenerates don't you goy?", go to the right "yes you love giving your money to Israel goy"

Because as long as people think I care *sips latte*, I'm afforded the same treatment without ever having to actually go through the motions. I just want people to know what a good person I am *flips scarf over shoulder*.
You know, it's like donating to charity. Why would I do that when I can buy a T-shirt that tells people that I support a cause? That way, I get to keep my time and money while still getting treated like I care.
In a way, it's almost better, because when the Republicans are in power I can blame them for everything and draw more attention to myself.

I can withstand all the baiting, shill threads and just complete nonsense that gets posted on Jow Forums everyday but I can't bear people who keep posting that disgusting Soe slut

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the internet is OUR territory

Im just yelling into the void. People are just too uninformed of what politics is to have a decent conversation with them about anything like that. Also, I just trigger people without realizing it. I triggered this boomer women who noticed I was reading Thomas Payne. I still dont understand the problem. I dont necessarily agree 100% with anyone I read. I also triggere her by refering to the UK conservative party as "tories". Its a common name for the conservative party, but apparenty it used to be a slur and she was offended.

You simply cannot speak to people about politics. They are very immature. The only way to discuss politics is anonymously on the internet.

Also, EVERY thread with this millennial woman pic is a data mining thread

Chdckmate faggot,I literally work for a political party


Whenever appropriate I let people know my political standing, I argue for gun rights, I vote and I will vote in the upcoming referendum to change the constitution.

I already am more politically active than 90% of my country.

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i want to impegnate that

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im a federal employee and live in a left wing state

I'm an elected official, nigger.

>Millennials ... active outside the internet.
>Millenials. Active. Outside.

user. Come now.

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I'm not active outside the internet period

That “outside” word has something to do with it.

I didn't want to be politically active even on the internet

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Because I want to watch the world burn and the progressives are doing a damn fine job of making that happen.

One of my favorite daily threads. Keep em coming user.

Because I'm on Jow Forums

Imagine having sex with her.

Because society has no existing conversation to allow ANYONE into a healing narrative, the best any human hopes for these days is the internet.

Even the faithful are looking forwards to A.I. being developed so they don't have to keep making bullshit excuses to put up with people at work they hate.

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I'm subtly active in crypto mode. Saying my opinions openly could compromise my future business opportunities.

I don't know of any white nationalist groups in my area.

I've grown weary of this too, my friend.

We don’t need to leave our rooms to change the world.

Fuck off, she looks much more attractive than before.

Forgot pic.

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She used to be such a cutie. I wonder what happened to her. Usually with age people become more mature, but she seems to develop to the opposite direction.

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How can you unironically think this?

Tell me why such a qt would get a dude haircut and disgusting tattoos.
The world is wierd.

look at the bright side, now that she's trashed her body, we couldnt give a fuck if you blacked her

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She's trash.

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Because I have two children to care for, and stomping around with a posterboard for hours sounds about as pointless as it does gay.

>live in extreamly liberal area
>had a “Vetrans for Trump” bumper sticker on my car
>tires get slashed and car gets keyed
>saw a kid wearing a MAGA hat at bar get jumped by a bunch of libs
it’s just not worth it to be political where I live. I had a “Don’t Tread on Me!” Sticker and some random hipster screamed I was screaming I was a Nazi for that sticker.

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Because the while system is a dog and pony show to delude your ego to believe you matter. You don't. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. I come here to help burn the whole thing down

I've stopped caring. It got boring and I just got more annoyed/angry at people

But I am politically active. I do voter registration drives and I volunteer to canvas on behalf of my state Democratic association.

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this. didnt you know democrats are the only ones who are politically active

This. Polski-bro knows whats going on.

i haven't missed a vote for a decade
I don't really care if men get tattoos, but on women it looks like absolute trash

wtf i love millennials now

Thought about joining patriot front...

I went to a Republican Party of *local city* meeting last week and it was absolutely stuffed with boomers talking about Obama

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I vote, nigger. That’s as politically active as you can get. Activism is retarded in general unless you can guarantee you’re changing hearts and minds. Parades and protests and events don’t do that shit. That’s preaching to the choir. Better to simply have one-on-one conversations and piece apart someone’s beliefs.

I would go to prison if I where active in the type of politics I believe in.

don't openly join any WN organization
keep it on the down low and get skilled and secure
all the local Republican conventions are like what you said, full of old people
don't despair though as all it takes is you and several friends and suddenly you're a major faction in your local GOP, I saw it first in 2012 when a bunch of random Ron Paul supporters showed up on all the parties literally shut it down rather than hold votes

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War over minds rather than looking like an idiot. The election was won with memes.

i just renewed my voter's license and am 23. i vote in every major election