Moving to a dodgy area of London next month (Mile End - predominantly poor and Islamic)

>Moving to a dodgy area of London next month (Mile End - predominantly poor and Islamic)
>Scared shitless

Anyone got any tips? I'm sure there's people here that live in dangerous shitholes too, especially the Yanks.

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Yeah don't be a faggot

Firstly why are you living in London? That just implies you're a foreigner. Secondly, why a shit area? That heavily implies you're a poor foreigner.

Just do not move there. If you do, you deserve anything you get.

Convert. Not even joking. UK Pakis love white converts. You'll have a community, and some Muslim guy will even introduce his daughter to you. When you move away, reconvert out of Islam.

When in Rome, do as Romans do.

Top Kekelstien Goldberg

To do my masters degree.

I need the cheap rent.

Start a gang, and diss your rivals on social media. Everyone is playing the London gang wars now.

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was born in mile end.
>where are you moving from?
there are no, no go areas.
>London is pretty safe unless you knock about with the wrong types or are unlucky..
>be aware, don't walk around with victim on your forehead..

From Surrey.

>there are no, no go areas.
>London is pretty safe unless you knock about with the wrong types or are unlucky..

That's good to know, but the crime stats say Mile End and large parts of East London are unsafe. What are walking past the estates like?

>be aware, don't walk around with victim on your forehead..

What does that mean?

don't look like a pussy is it so complicated to understand

assert dominance or find and join an eastern european gang

if you look vunerable then people will see you as that.
>be confident, assured and don't look like a victim..
>also dont going walking past the estates at stupid hours or in dark areas and you'll be ok.
basically it boils down to common sense and don't believe this board or breibart about London, Sweden, Germany etc..

So you're absolutely positive that there's no 'no go' areas in London then? Where does all the bad shit, such as the stabbings, keep happening then?

No bro, I live in a predominantly Mexican area of the US; that doesn’t make it a fucking no-go zone like you’re talking about!
Just move somewhere else m8.

thats all related to the gangs and drill music and drug dealers isn't it..
>there are rough areas like rear of islington, south london across the river etc
>but use common sense and you'll be ok..

get a dog
muzzies hate dogs
and get some curtains to keep out the hackers

why the fuck are you moving to mile end

I'll be walking home at around 10pm some days on dark residential streets, so you can see how I'm wary.

Close to uni

>don't look like a pussy is it so complicated to understand

Holy shit. What a faggot you are

>Arn't the areas dangerous?
>Not if you look like you can handle yourself.

So unless you walk tall, you're going to be preyed on? Then the Areas are dangerous arn't they fuckwit? Jesus christ..

I live on Whitechapel directly opposite the east London mosque. Stop being a pussy.. these pakis ain't shit.

You are joking around now believing you won’t get stabbed or mogged because “London is a safe Western city after all”. But if you want the truth, the chance of serious harm coming your way will skyrocket. You still may be safe, but only if you are lucky.

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>especially the Yanks
Don't be silly. America is incredibly racially segregated. We know enough not to move into black or hispanic neighborhoods

Queen Mary is a shit uni mate. Sucks to be you la

stay out of dark alleys, don't flash valuables and look confident..
>residential streets will have houses if you're approached by criminals run to the nearest house and ask them to call the cops.. although it's unlikely to happen

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Whatever you do, don’t fight back if assaulted, or you’ll go to jail.

I used to live in london for a year after I finished high school.

I searched for a lot of flats and also saw those parts of the city that are simply little Afghanistan.
I remember having a meeting for a flat in the east of london(probably zone 3),I was at the train stadtion and instantly said :"Holy fuck what is this,am I in the middle east ?!"

So I walked there for 20minutes and decided and can't take it.
Then I moved near Brixton in the south.Brixton btw is full of black people.The place where I lived was a near Brixton but not as enriched as it,so it was ok.I remember one time in the bus I was the only white person out of 20,even the fucking bus driver was black.

My tip I can give you is during the day you shouldn't fear anything.
But when I came home from late night shifts from the center of London.

Boy you better watch out in the night.Some really strange figures and people roam the streets at night.
During the day it is ok but at night you should take care of yourself.

Unless you're doing Medicine or Dentistry, why would you go there? It's ranked super low for other subjects.

this day, you'll be fine aslong as you dont wonder into a really shitty area like an innocent puppy
night, id try to get home as fast as possible lel

Get door bolts, dont walk around with anything valuable (laptop phone etc.) or if you have to make sure its not visible, NEVER wear headphones, always be aware of your surroundings, bulk up, do mma or jujitsu, if its really bad or you get targeted get a stab vest and prison rules apply- beat one of the bigger ones to a pulp and you might get left alone- they may also get their 15 cousins on you or call the police for racism but either way be careful user

Draw some silly cartons of the prophet Mohammed and hand them out to your neighbors. It’s a great way to make friends.

We didn't ban knives and guns tho….. YOURE FOOKED M8!

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Queen Mary's?

Just pick literally any other university that isn't besieged by brown hordes.

Also get a high power flashlight with a strike face- its not considered a weapon if u get caught with it and you can use it to blind and strike if attacked at night

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Oh fock off will you

He'll hate every moment he's there, why edge him on.

Throw a pig roast, invite all your neighbors to get to know them.

You seem like you know your stuff. Do you live in some shitty part of London/the north?

Nice knowing you.

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Oh so that’s what the Pulp song is about (Mile End)

I remember one time,where I came back from a late shift probably like 3 in the night.

And since the trains don't drive after 12pm,I had to go with a bus.So I arrive at brixton and I couldn't catch another bus to my real destination(I always had to go to the brixton stadtion to get to work).
I decided to walk and boy I can tell you I was fucking paranoid.
Even though I was walking near the main road of the district,I saw shady people roaming around at night.

I would suggest to any one walk near a big as fucking main road to your destination.If you walk into small streets or housing apartmens they gonna get you,pretty sure.

the north and i've also lived in the poorest white area, its like a country village compared to the nig/ arab areas- I assume londons worse- one more point, get a weapon for inside your house/ flat that looks like its not a weapon- metal pipe, big spanner, cricket bat etc. use that for home defence if you get robbed but never take it outside the house- if the police ask, you grabbed the first thing you could to defend yourself and they had weapons

london is all foreign takeaways and foreign restaurants/foodshops.
can't you live in Kent and commute in to that shitty dump called london?

Don't walk around like a faggot
Don't walk up to some vibrant imports and ask for directions
Don't walk around with your mobile in your hand
Work on your screwface and know where your going
Not hard user

One more thing...
You'll always be in the wrong as a white man so get rid of any questionable reading material/ items.
Clear ur laptop phone pc whatever (you should have done this anyway for uni) and when browsing anything even remotely right wing use tor.
If the police find anything on you after an incident you'll instantly be blamed and a racial hate crime will be added to whatever violence charges the hit you with.

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ITT : OP has decided he will go live in a muzzed up area while ignoring the fact that women walking alone in the streets of London get raped thrice on their way home.

RIP OP, it was nice knowing you.

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Get a dog.... a fucking FIERCE one and make sure its bitch ugly mongrel so no one wants to steal it...enjoy the wailing 5 times a day

>london is all foreign takeaways and foreign restaurants/foodshops.

And that's a good thing given how shit British cuisine is. In London we value being able to grab a delicious Italian pizza, Jamaican Patty or Bangladeshi Curry. Your northerners can stick to your english greasy slop.

>And that's a good thing given how shit British cuisine is. In London we value being able to grab a delicious Italian pizza, Jamaican Patty or Bangladeshi Curry. Your northerners can stick to your english greasy slop.
t. dirty paki

Grow a beard (no moustache).
My brother did the same when he went to live in Brussels while going to college and people treated him much better than before he had the beard.

I'm in the south , I remember back in the 80s you could go to london and see interesting obscure shops.
Go now and nearly every shop is a foreign takeaway of some kind.

Move fast, a bicycle can help. Don't interact. Dress like a bus driver or grey man theory. No ostentation and a shitty phone. Don't interact, very important. If you're regularly in an area you inevitably become "the punk who comes by at 4pm with a kufir [haircut/backpack/walk/smile/dildo in his ass]; try to reduce that. Watch out for acid, its usually thrown from a bucket.

When i was in Gaza, the Hamas border guard who was checking my passport suggested to me too I should grow a beard. Was he right?

>got any tips?

only one: don't be such a beta crybaby.

I lived on the Roman Road until a couple of months ago (next to Mile End).

Head slightly north and you get to the whole Victoria Park, Hackney hipster area with nice shops and cafes.

People in this area are typical normies and largely apolitical unless you're overtly one way or the other. And they are all some kind of White or rich.

Just avoid anywhere in East London without hipsters because it's little Bangladesh.

AMA if you want to know the best places to get food etc.

Americans who have to live in ghetto shitholes start dressing up like wiggers. I don't have any personal experiences to help you.

Maybe you should just embrace it and get a couple wives bro

That’s what I was thinking, if the shifty folks are your mates you’ll be fine

Lol, a bike- do you know how fast niggers steal those in london.
Acid is a good point- carry some water or neutraliser in case you get acid in ur face- remember they also throw distilled bleach so look up what works best to neutralise (+some eye wash).
Maybe wear sunglasses?

Is getting a masters really worth it for dying in the next terror attack boyo?

"reconvert out of Islam." Not going to work Mario. They'll kill him for being an apostate, especially if he takes one of their daughters. Never convert to the death cult.

Someone has to pay his potential killers benefits,-0.0526926,3a,15.6y,124.76h,86.88t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGD2EPK6PHAKAjVKt1NPGRw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

restaurant after restaurant, followed by paki supermarket

I suppose your right.
OP, I hope you've brought a nice girlfriend with you! Jamal and Ibn al Nashir Mohammad Mohammad need puss-puss too!

You going to queen mary uni, OP?

Im an alumni, AMA

It's the best thing you can do when you're going to a high muslim area.
They assume you're one of them and show respect.

This TV show (it's in Dutch) had two people dress up as muslims and tried to get a discount at a meat shop and tried to do the same as a regular (famous) Belgian.

People dressed as muslims got a discount, the famous guy didn't, despite even offering to advertise their shop.

London is nothing.

I lived in Tower Hamlets 10 years ago. Full of sandniggers, but mainly Indians, Pakis etc. Everyone is very friendly and there is a peaceful, relaxed atmosphere.

While in Germany, you have agressive Arabs who fuck you up when you look at them wrong on every corner.

Avoid Ilford like plague. It's basically just a foreign country at this point. Spiral minarets on every horizon, halal butchers on every corner. Even during the day it feels dangerous. Fuck that shit hole.

I went to Germany recently, near Koln and Dusseldorf. Saw two instances of public sex where arabs fucked teen girls.
Also, Jesus Christ, what is it with your streets? Grafitti of dicks and pussies every fucking where.

Wear a rainbow armband

You sound like a total mincing fag. Mile End is nothing compared to the really dangerous areas of London. Bangladeshis are all five foot tall manlets who are literally shit scared of blacks. Last time I was there it was slowly beong gentrified. Six months from now you will be utterly embarrassed by your post. Or dead from being run over by a milf in a 4x4 cos you were too busy obsessing over brown stick men.

>grew up in stockwell park

>Saw two instances of public sex where arabs fucked teen girls.

Tell me more about that

Germany traditionally has Turks and Arabs, which are very agressive, and love to flaunt their thug, criminal attitude, and dominating behavior.

This style is also getting popular in German Rap now, here just a random example out of thousands:

my advice: try to move to the northen parts of northen boroughs, good transport, most immigrents are indians or asians, large number of whites, had a few historical battles in the local areas, few apartment buildings on the skyline.

I actually lived there for a year, never had any issues, I remember on eid (Muslim Christmas) watching a group of drunk Muslim youths systematically kicking off all the wing mirrors from a street full of cars lol

Do NOT have expensive stuff on you

By God I would make rapping a punishable crime if I could.

Buy renter's insurance. It's pretty cheap in the U.S. and it gives me peace of mind that I'll at least be able to replace my personal belongings if my house gets robbed. All of my other suggestions require living in a country where you have the right to bear arms and defend yourself with lethal force.

That's how they bring the local youth down to their level with them.

>tfw when you need to man up just to live in a muslim area

How much are you going to be paying for a month, user? I guarantee I can find you a place in a better part of london

crime map, too lazy to screen print it. let us know how fucked you are, if you know the specific area you will be living near.

where are you from originally

The north- not myself doxing any more

just get a gun user, it's easy to get

oh wait you're a britfag. sorry man you're fucked, mohammed is gonna behead you and rape your wife/gf/daughter/your own asshole/goat

thank the jews

Mile End Population 28,544 2011
White British Asian Black
29.3% 44.8% 8.5%

You're fucked mate, good luck you will need it lol

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> get's killed
> wife pleads for more disarmament
You don't deserve to protect yourself. My intuition would be to arm myself after attacks like this. How in the world does making me even more vulnerable make me safer against murders?

>moving from Surrey to Mile End
You deserve to get BLACKED.

tbf it's easy as fuck to get an illegal gun here; you know the whole gun control doesnt make any difference to criminals argument.
Theyre carrying fully auto sub machine guns in london and most nigger gangs have at least pistols and revolvers

>ban guns
knife crime increases
>ban knives
acid attacks increase
Shame we can't ban niggers

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Stay the FUCK out of Surrey, Romania

>never convert to the the death cult
You guys are proddies anyways

You dont exactly have the luxury of self defence so I suggest you get some good lube.

>And that's a good thing given how shit British cuisine is.
Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

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As a monkey living in Brazil for 25 years I say don't be a faggot

>Implying terror attacks are common
If only, it might make things a bit more interesting around here.

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You can still get guns in England you fucking idiot.

illegally, try defending yourself with a legal one though, like that farmer whos in prison after getting robbed

Enjoy your fecal matter

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Didn't he shoot the cunt in the back as the cunt was was leaving his house?