Are there any significant inventions that were invented by a black person other than some type of rap music?
Are there any significant inventions that were invented by a black person other than some type of rap music?
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>who is George Washington Carver: the post
“B-b-but muh Aztecs”
Carver invented thousands of uses for the peanut, sweet potato, and basedbean, as well as many other foods.
We have invented some useful items but nothing remarkable like the superior hwuties.
what the fuck is a basedbean?
Blacks invented sexualy satisfied white women
jazz maybe? cant think of anything else even if i spent an hour thinking about it
hello der newfren
The super soaker
other than musical degeneration
I work in an office and we just hired the fourth Negro.
If you're not familiar with that term, it's in regards to hoe negroes act around each other. One is generally okay. Two will talk to each other but can still be okay. Three will congregate and start to act more black. The fourth Negro will bring out the absolute chimpanzee in all of them. Now they listen to loud music (in a professional environment, mind you), take jabs at white people, back talk management, and cook smelly food in the microwave. It just takes 4 and the whole system collapses.
Back to work now. Pray for me.
jew lansky is behind that
papa jack laine (a sicilian) invented jazz
those are recipes, not inventions
In my very first management role, I inherited a team of 4 blacks who behaved 100 percent like you describe.
HR was so afraid of being sued, it took me Two years and a mountain of documentation to terminate each of them for cause.
I was an anti racist prior to this experience. Afterwards, I privately swore never to hire another basketball American ever again.
It’s just too hard to get rid of them if they decide not to work, which most of them do, because they can.
Blacks invented flight. White flight.
Slavery and cannibalism
I was forced to hire the fourth one. HR leadership told me to make it a diverse hire. I had this awesome candidate, MBA from Brown, and very polite indian guy with 4 years experience.
Nope. Hired a black chick with an online degree who just graduated.
Diversity quota met.
I just disappear their CV.
They can’t be hired if they never apply.
Play this game long enough, and your VP will fear losing the headcount and let you hire the most qualified person instead of waiting around for a race based hire.
I could explain but I don't want to spoonfeed.
hires go through HR first. My org employs 16,000 people. Can't make a candidate disappear unless you work in HR, and even their software doesn't allow that
Yes, they invent their own history all the time.
Do they walk around with their phone playing music? That's what they (employees)do at my local Shartmart
That’s rough.
One does. And i like 90s and 2000s rap but it's all new mumble rap, just a repetitive beat and no hook.
They have their own offices. When they're separate, they listen at a reasonable volume. One listens to Christian gospel music, which is inoffensive and fine.
traffic lights
the wheel
They didn't use the wheel in Egypt because it resembled the sun.
ya'll are dumb as bricks
>Are there any significant inventions that were invented by a black person
highest kill rate of all races
Dr. Shirley Jackson is an American physicist who received her Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1973. She was the first African-American woman to earn a doctorate in nuclear physics at MIT. In addition to her lengthy list of academic achievements, she also has an impressive number of inventions under her belt.
Her experiments with theoretical physics paved the way for numerous developments in the telecommunication space including the touch-tone telephone, the portable fax, caller ID, call waiting, and the fiber-optic cable.
Today, Dr. Shirley Jackson is the 18th president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York.
Mulattoes count as black, right?
>Egypt is famous for chariots
>Didn't use wheels
a black woman lmao
fiber optic cable prototypical design entrance
Jow Forums covered in spaghetti hoops
You know nothing. They refused to use wheels with spokes for fear of offending Ra.
Peanut butter.
Shlomo invented the illusion
Garrett Morgan - Wikipedia
Garrett Morgan. Garrett Augustus Morgan, Sr. (March 4, 1877 – July 27, 1963) was an American inventor and community leader of African-American descent. Morgan invented an early version of a gas mask called a smoke hood, and created the first traffic light that included a third "warning" position which is standard today
The Moors introduced Hygiene to Europe
I'm amazed this disgusting kike is still breathing tbqh.
I hate him and want him to die so it doesn't bode well for him
Well you have Rhythm and blues and soul music that were popularized by African Americans
Boykin had 26 patents in his name and is famed for the development of IBM computers, burglar-proof cash register, chemical air filters, and an electronic resistor used in controlled missiles and other devices.
Gee it's almost like whites and blacks have geniuses, average people and dumb people among their ranks
The romans invented plumbing and built bath houses across europe. There's even a city in Britain called Bath because it was a roman bath.
Also, moors are not black.
reminder that georger carver did NOT invent peanut butter. Or the peanut for that matter. Or any other plants.
The Moors were from Morocco and migrated from the Berber tribes, so yes they were black.
Blacks brought Hygiene to Europe. I'm sorry if that offends your sensibilities but it's the truth.
The Knights Templar consisted of Black and White members.
Yes I know the "system" literally is a reference to Roman Sewers. lol
Niggers invented gang rape
Jazz was invented by Nick LaRocca, nothing to do with blacks. they just claimed it after the fact.
>Romans invent sewers
>desert nomads brought hygiene to Europe
Pick one.
>there were black templars.
No. There weren't.
Didn't black men invent rape?
Lol, those are recepies, not inventions.
Oh look, its schlomo shekelburg.
the knockout game
Peanut butter.
Also how to live forever with AIDS.
Blues and how to dig tunnels to escape.
Indian isn't diverse? You must be a poo
If you're just googling 'black inventions', of course you are going to find ridiculous claims like these. Google is the most pro minority, anti rational search engine you can use. Btw, you forgot water gun. But then that was only a different version of a toy that has been around since the late 1800's. So.........fuck off.
:) kewl you must be right, no black Templars and they didn't introduce hygiene.
I wonder who has more of an Aryan face - the Moor or you
gold teef
I don't think you are going to like the fact the moors are Aryan and you aren't but then again, you have no problem extending stereotypes to belittle others.
>what is google
>Do they walk around with their phone playing music?
I worked in an office one time that had a mostly open floor plan, with some cubicle type walls here and there. One of the guys in the drafting department would start singing once in a while, really loud so that probably 30 engineers and drafters had to listen to his shit.
I do this as well, for both blacks and women.
I interview a number of 'people of color' - usually indians. But if a white guy interviews, he gets the spot. The others are thrown in the mix to ensure there is a fair allotment of 'diversity' resumes in the mix.
blacks didn't even invent rap fgs.
Fucking kill yourself, newfag.
This thread reminds me of Don Lemon crying last night about what Trump said. He claimed saying blacks have inferior IQ has been a racist belief for centuries. Oddly enough, Don didn't provide proof of the contrary -- because as we know IQ, ACT, SAT and graduation rates of blacks are the lowest in the nation, by far
>did you know
>absolute bullshit without a shred of evidence
nigger logic.
Absolute fucking bullshit.
Once again they fail to be first since gold fillings (and teeth) have been around since at least the 1800s (recall the graverobbers who dug people up to extract their teeth?). They did invent the 'grill'. Quite a feat, that. Everyone I know either has one or wants one. Or was that a mouthful of healthy teeth? The two are so hard to tell apart.
I went to RPI and everyone there hates her lol
>ancient Egyptians were black
Berbers are not black. Like at all .... wtf. Have you seen a berber?
People in Europe had been practising hygiene for centuries before the Moors invaded Iberia you mong.
And no, the Moors weren't black, ever seen Roman artwork from North Africa? Where are the blacks in the mosaics, paintings and sculptures?
>atlanta black star
I see where you are getting your "facts"
Btw no that's not true at all, stop reading bullshit.
Kek, blacks weren't even the first people to reach fucking Madagascar.
Justin Berber?
I saw an article on Atlanta black star ages ago that said the Ancient Chinese were black.
Blacks steal anything not bolted down.
That includes other cultures historical achievements.
black people invented white people to survive in low light environments
>Blacks brought Hygiene to Europe
Patently false.
The Super Soaker was invented by a black guy, Lonnie Johnson. Before him, there were only muscle-actuated squirt guns so millions of people owe him the awesome water fights they had as kids.
Also as a side note, he was also an engineer who worked at NASA's jet propulsion laboratory and holds over 100 patents but whatever.
black people are currently inventing something called an 'orgasm' in jewish women. Something those women have never experienced before.
>Are there any significant inventions that were invented by a black person
Literally posts the only significant invention patented out of 100. How does it feel to be a retard?
video game console
Genetically /crypto/, you can tell by his nose.
>(((theoretical physicist)))
>paved the way for other to invent
Wow what a great inventor
Like the leaf said, black people invented jazz.
the super soaker may just be the most novel and easy to understand. a lot of patents are for things that are extremely technical or are small parts of a machine. his most notable invention might be some sort of highly specialized electrical component for a highly specialized type of radar system for a highly specialized aircraft, but it isn't as succinct and anecdotal as the super soaker