When will it be men breaking point?

When will it be men breaking point?

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Remember that German men endured the East Berlin soviet state for like 40 years without rebelion. Things will get A LOT worse, before men will break, if ever.

Friendly reminder that the proportion of men in university is shrinking and is a minority in some universities, so this will only get worse over time.

implying those hoes have any intelligence to begin with. Just good at riding the dick carousel until they are eligible for a promotion to office cum dumpster.

sage and hide paid demoralization and degeneration.

we passed it
look at the suicide rate

>sucks for them
But yeah OP we are at the breaking point already

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What's wrong with having a cool wine aunt with a high-powered corporate career?

Women will get tired of being 40 years old, single, childless.

Are you somehow implying east germany is hell? Most east german men miss it.

>Got a wife that married down

Got her gents! You can do it too.

Statistically speaking only something like one in a hundred women pursue a career.

There is a heavy bias towards women in the corporate hierarchy. Manipulating men doesn't count as "high flying"

Women have always been the superior species

About time males are put in their place

This, men are told the world is shit by default
Women dont find out until theyre 40 lonely and infertile of they ever find out
By taking the position of men they will eventually start seeing the same shit men see and then boom everyones a tradthot again

enjoy your divorce when she doesn't see any value in you and your autistic deformed children

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she's a lesbian.

High flying career women are valued by men in the same way Lazy NEET men are valued by women.

yeah, but they'll only learn from experience.

Most career women die childless - they're an evolutionary dead end. When younger girls see all of these miserable childless cat ladies, the smart ones will figure it out and stay in the kitchen where they belong.

As a white college educated male with a successful career, I actually really appreciate these women.

They're career focused so you don't have to worry about them trying to shake you down for money or hitting you with a "surprise pregnancy" and at the same time they're genuinely interesting partners. Usually they're salt of the earth types - work hard because their parents had worked hard. Many of the times they're babes as well. I'm dating one right now that's a blonde bombshell who is a total catch but is totally infatuated with me because I'm not a boring total career oriented type and can actually show her a good time. Plus there's more of them then there are of me.

>Normalizing and encouraging to be drunks.
Good idea.

your sister might take her example and become empty and barren

It's okay for men to marry down, but not for women.

My life goal is to really find a very successful career woman who has peaked in her career at 40 years old and can support me so I can stay at home.

There won't be a breaking point, because frankly, we men have woken up to these women and will simply not choose them. At most, what they will find is being a cumbag to some man; but all meaningful relationships or any possible happiness that comes with having a family will not exist. They will simply die off.

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>the smart ones
I can count that with my two hands user, most women aren't smart in that category

Just wait until you encounter one in her 30s with a bad case of baby rabies.

Guys should stop marrying down I agree. I know quite a few guys that are in med school that married their highschool sweethearts who never want to do anything besides have babies and be a stay at home mom.

Guy should be married to a doctor himself, not some low breed that's living off his dole.

Normally this would reach a tipping point and it would self correct, since our leaders are mass importing this will never happen now though.

>married their highschool sweethearts who never want to do anything besides have babies and be a stay at home mom.
> Guy should be married to a doctor himself, not some low breed that's living off his dole.
Kill yourself faggot, I wish I was that lucky

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barren womb

The sole purpose of life is to reproduce, so the effectively failed at life.

>Implying men with similar earning power and intelligence are going to marry career women
99% of the time men want a younger woman as a housewife.

>This is down to mens' lack of degrees and high incomes
But what about the gender pay gap?

Why is this a bad thing?
Those women show directly how stuck up they are and you dont have to find out the bad way.
The chaff is seperated from the weath.
Just relax and enjoy the ride. Trust in God, for he knows what he is doing

Yeah, I'm sure seeing your mother be raped repeatedly by party members is so much fun. Sure you miss it.

Women are idiots, why would any successful 30-40 year old man be in a relationship with a used up whore his own age? I'm not even 30 yet but if I was single there's no way I'd be trying to get with girls my own age, single women even by their late 20's are damaged goods.

>the smart ones will figure it out
don't be naive user, women ALWAYS do what they are told, not what they "figure out".
This current trend of """successful""" and strong women exist precisly because they are told to do this. They won't change unless they are told to do so by enough people.

Lol it’s true. Who wants some disagreeable cunt who thinks they are the creme de la creme?

Feminism is labeling men with mental illness at an alarming rate

At least he gets half her stuff.

She has nothing to take! Ha ha

tell that to the state

The way to fix this is simply be successful, guys.

Go to college, get a good degree, be interesting, and get a decent job.

In the end, it's the one thing the left can't socialise: Sex.
No matter how much they socialise money, taxes, services, schools, you name it, they can't socialise sex.
And that's why they invest so much money into Hollywood, HBO, and so on to try and brainwash the youth about sexuality.

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one of your personality descriptors being an alcoholic beverage is not cool, subversive, funny or any of these things ironically. it's tragic and indicative of a wasted, fruitless, barren existence

Not really, dynamics of human mating don't work like that. In free dating market women are always going for the top, and if the general quality of men is raised, so are the standards of women and definition of Chad moves even higher.

They're not wrong though. Divorce court doesnt actually favor the man necessarily, it favors a) the primary caregiver of children and b) whoever isn't the primary breadwinner. It's why the term "manimony" has been starting to pop up on daytime talk shows. At the very least, this should at least get alimony abolished now that it's negatively affecting some women.

They're learning. I know one who is like that, a few years ago she told me she'd like to have children but now she's 35 and still single. These feminist women didn't really think it through. 2 generations and further back, all the women in my family had "housewife" in the "occupation" field on papers. Men back then didn't have such petty concerns as "dating down". Modern women who make bank will have to do the same.

Excuse me user, we don't call them 'cat ladies' anymore. They're Cool Wine Aunts now.
Check your privilege.

>get into huge amount of debt because you went to a "major" Uni
>realize your degree doesn't mean shit because you have no experience
>get the cops at your door for a false rape charge
>get passed up by a woman because of )(((Diversity)))
Listen here nigger you can't win a lot in today's world. thats why I'm doing my degree on the cheap while focusing on my job skills instead, which in my case is for aviation

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Career women only seem appealing compared to the alternative: gold digging white trash coal burners with a mulato niglet. Good candidates for wife and mother of your children are an endangered species.

The whole idea that men have ever "married down" is such horseshit.

Every single male actor in Hollywood, is either married to another successful actor, or is married to some kind of trust fund babby. And that's just one segment of the population.

Men aren't stupid, they know very well that if they marry women who are far below them, they will inevitably get shafted in divorce court for millions of dollars.

The problem is modern womanhood. They want their cake and eat it too, and unfortunately for them, this isn't how reality functions, and it never has.

But i don't want strong independent career wymen. I want cute submissive girl that will worship me as a god

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This and most of them are whores just hiding by being innocent woman

don't you guys have a term for over 25 women, called "Christmas Cakes" or something?

it's also really convenient if you substitute the potentially ambitious goals of an individual in a society with one of the most basic and instinctual desires one can have.

She's got an annoying little yappy dog that won't shut the fuck up.

That girl is probably a psycho bitch.
>submissive girl that will worship me
you want an ugly girl.

Hail satan!

Meh, these cat ladies are removing their psychosis from the gene pool whilst simultaneously creating a generation of young women that want to avoid ending up like them.

Just join the army. Get ROTC to pay for your college and get a degree that actually is useful (hint: basically all science degrees are useful).

By the time you get out of the army in like 3-4 years you have a substantial amount of money saved up, managerial experience, veteran preference, and ideally a STEM degree of some flavor so you can apply for just about any job out there.

Inb4 "fight Israel's wars? no thanks." most army units no longer deploy to the middle east. Or just join the chair force or navy and do the same thing.

Who cares?

There are plenty of other women, why should we give a shit that a handful of stuck up cunts are going to die childless?

>married to another successful actor, or is married to some kind of trust fund baby.
Yeah even kikewood faggots get fucked in court too, the multi-million dollar women will suck them dry

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Stupid cunts only "cannot find eligible men" because they set ridiculously high standards for the men they assess for partnership. It's like going to a job interview and being told that you need a minimum of 15 years' experience using Win 10 to qualify for a position there

We Need Socialized Medicine For Our Pets

They are over 35 too by now. Now wonder no one wants them.

Jesus Christ I'm think I'm seriously going to consider that for next year

They will marry down once they're close to 40, and there will be a supply of desperate low to middle income men who've not had a lot of sexual success raring to go get married to them once they're ready. Give it til the 2020s.

>a 45 year old career woman thinks she's not on the bottom ladder

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The nuclear family is finished. If you want to have a traditional marriage you'll have to marry a mongoloid woman

Elaborate on the 'interesting' part. I'm so disconnected I don't understand what that means to the average person anymore. My small circle of friends isn't representative at all. Women say I'm "mysterious", but isn't that just codeword for "watch out this guy is going to shoot up a school"?

They're literally bottom of the barrel since a man will crawl over a mountain of 40 year old roast beef office bitches to get at a cute 20 year old cashier.

Thots that fall for the strong womyn meme die lonely and childless, how is that a bad thing for men?

Ugly girls are most psycho in my experience. They are usually boring, arrogant and entitled for some reason. Just look at all the women in false rape accusations.

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I wish so badly that I had done this right out of high school. I'm too old and have a condition now that would lock me out of service even if I wasn't.

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Let them eat pussy

Gianpiero you need to get out more. By far the sweetest and most faithful women have a submissive streak, in the same way that the most successful and impressive men have a dominant one. It's human nature, ying and yang.
Open your eyes dudes, the ancestors who built the world you now enjoy tried to pass you this wisdom. You'd do well to listen.
To try and characterise the pinnacle of femininity in negative terms is a real low thing to do. Women are absolutely capable of being nurturing, wonderful partners, but obviously if they're trying to behave like men, they'll forever appear emotionally and mentally deformed. Each creature should act in accordance with its nature.

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Kali Yuga is mass eugenics disguised as dysgenics

I went MGTOW two years ago. Who cares what roasties want?

sexbots are coming soon to fix all of this. Prostitution will probably become legal soon too. That will drive MGTOW through the roof, which will mean nobody gives a shit about women's entitlement anymore.
>and is a minority in some universities
"some"? Idk about Canada but in the US almost all universities are majority female, and it's common to see something like 70/30 ratio.

I love to dress like a hobo, pretend I live with my parents in their luxirious house with pool and pond still and loudly compare everything in my life to mmorpg mechnics.
Good way to scare bitches away from my success and be happy.

I rather find a 20 year old white girl who is really short and cute. SAY NO TO MISCEGENATION

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>and is a minority in some universities
Here in the US right now, college admissions are 57% female and 42% male

All men need not change for a few idiot thots.

Women can find a husband at any age.
The problem is that he will always need to be 5-15 years older than them.
That's because men feel really good about getting younger pussy and that offer can break their MGTOW commitment.

Female depression, substance abuse and suicide rates are going to go through the roof in the next 20 years. You think men got the shit end of the stick? Think again, women become barren at forty.

Besides, does it not occur to people that "powerful, career-driven women" who do so well in highly competitive male-oriented professions have to have very male mental characteristics, making them shitty mother material?

Just say no to tattoos dude.
Also frankly I think whites and asians are fully socially and mentally compatible. Honorary etc.

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>loudly compare everything in my life to mmorpg mechnics.

>I want cute submissive girl that will worship me as a god
That is no longer possible because women have 9001 opportunities to be educated and financially independent from you.
>inb4 the 'but women want to submit' argument

They want to submit to muscly Chad for about 30 minutes of good fucking followed by a nice orgasm. And that's only for a few days each month.

I agree with the tat part. She was a body type example. She's 24 in that picture

>not ride a dirt bike with chainsaw blades wheels at maximum throttle.

>cunt refuses to marry a man
>eggs shrivel up
>chronic depression
>die alone surrounded by cats

How are men being punished? There are women who really want a boyfriend/fiance/husband and don't care about the specifics of the guy's career. If a bunch of sour cunts want to die miserable and alone, let them.

I detest that faggot Gavin McInnes, but he was interviewed by that borderline insufferable douche Joe Rogan once and he told Joe about a woman McInnes' wife worked with when she was an editor at Slate, or Huffpo or one of those libtard shit rags. She said she had a black female boss who opened up to her and admitted to getting home depressed every single day because she was single. She'd have some noodles, get drunk from an entire bottle of wine, watch some garbage on netflix, take sleeping pills and doze in and out all night in front of a TV crying that she was desperately alone and too old to have kids anymore...then the next day, the nigger cunt would get to work where the publication she was head of would promote these degenerate philosophies to condemn young dumb cunts to the same man-hating lonely existence she was suffering in.

Fuck those cunts, let them be alone and suffer from their Trump Derangement Syndrome until their lonely miserable deaths, there are normal human women out there still.

tick tock goes the biological clock until she is unable to have a child because she's infertile and after that she turns into a feminist.

Literally nothing will change until economy collapses. As long as people can go to work and make a living, they will put up with a lot of cultural bullshit

Right up until they released how good the West had it. Lmao, imagine being this delusional and unironically believing Russian/Soviet propaganda.

That's an intellectually dishonest statement. A large part of those female admissions are from humanities departments.

That's how education is here too, and part of the old maid problem is that women who have useless degrees and work low income academic jobs in public sector still believe that they are now entitled to successful engineer/doctor/lawyer/economist husband while lots of men working trades make more money than those women ever will. It's not just about money to those women, it's highly about status too and men should have both. What would their girlfriends think if their boyfriend didn't take them to cocktail parties to meet other high status people?

>women become barren at forty
That's the best case scenario, for women who led healthy lifestyles (like in the 50s and 60s). Nowadays, women can become barren in their mid 30s and start having downie babies at 30.

Girls under 5 foot with chipmunk cheeks and glasses are my sweet spot