Get ready fascists

Are you Trump humpers ready for the coming blue tsunami?

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Other urls found in this thread: have been pushed far left

If there's a blue tsunami (there isn't), count on traditionalism being Fukushima.

As much as I love triggering alt-right retards, can you niggers just sit back and watch the fireworks without rubbing it in their face? If the blue wave hits Trump is boned and so is his family. That's enough winning for all of us to pass around.

>If the blue wave hits
Have leftists literally gone this bat-shit retarded that they now believe in some magical blue wave that erases the fact that they have pushed the public too far and ignited a cultural war that they will inevitably lose due to being a bunch of pathetic faggot-asses that nobody can stand to look at, or listen to?

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but, op, the left are the fascists.
they want the state to run everything and the united states of america has been a corporation since 1791.

Let me start me start with > leaf

You think liberals have pushed the public too far and ignited a cultural war? This is just a consequence of people getting bolder with their rhetoric because two scoops hasn't been reprimanded (yet) for all the stupid shit he has done and is using Neo Nazis, Racists, and Middle-Lowerclass retards to further his agenda.

The opinions of Jow Forums and the alt-right don't encompass a wide majority of Americans and are for the most part the smaller minority in all aspects.

Keep dreaming, faggot. The actions of the left since the election has all but guarenteed that Trump will go back in come 2020. And if Trump doesn't completely fuck up in his second term, and if he should chosse to run, Pence will have a shot in 2024,


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No, but mainstream conservatives and classical liberals are a much bigger group. And those are the ones who leftist cocksuckers need to worry about.

They haven't pushed me "too far" dork. I don't have to be pushed to accept reason and compassion. You project that imaginary push because all you conservatives do is precisely that: PUSH. You can't just live and let others live, no, you take it upon yourselves to control the lives of others.

I don't want your control. I want my freedom. I am willing to respect yours. Are you willing to respect mine?

Tell that to bulk of the Left in this country. They didn't get the memo.

People hate leftists more than ever now.
If they thought there'd be a blue wave before they are clearly crazy to think there will be one in a couple years.

They haven't pushed me "too far" dork. I don't have to be pushed to accept reason and compassion. You project that imaginary push because all you conservatives do is precisely that: PUSH. You can't just live and let others live, no, you take it upon yourselves to control the lives of others.

I don't want your control. I want my freedom. I am willing to respect yours. Are you willing to respect mine?

Lol what a faggot. Literally


fucking appropriation. I can't stand by this movement.

If it does, my country will go into real fascims. No trump will mean bad news from the EU.
Up to you fag, you wanna take our hope away?
You ll feel it in the morning.

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This leaf speaks the truth. You have restored my belief that all leaf(s) are not faggots.

fuck off shareblue nigger

Meme flag......hrm...Ding Ding Ding! Hillary shill detected. Still butthurt? Why don't you go join her.

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About as ready as I was when Hillary had a 91% chance of winning on election day. The media is already ratcheting up claims that the Russians are tampering with the midterms, they know they're about to lose big again after two years of telling us the economy has to go back to shit, ICE needs to be abolished, and we need to turn into Sweden.

Democrats only question the legitimacy of republican victories.

Cap it libtards, it'll be another 6 years of Trump Derangement Syndrome with an increasing republican hold on congress, federal courts, and the SCOTUS, bonus for Ruth Bader Kikesberg on daily heart attack and stroke watch.

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Due to some covulted Italian law my wife is eligible for Italian citizenship due to her mother’s father father or something like that, so therefore I am as well. If we get a lefty in 2024 and you guys go full fash we will immigrate in a split second.

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It's funny, because you niggers have only one policy position, and that's "Impeach Drumpf".

You won't win any elections that way, sunshine.

Enjoy watching your "blue wave" circle the drain.

RIP Democratic Party
1828 - 2018

>If the blue wave hits
Kek, keyword: if
It's not gonna happen faggot

It’s almost as if you don’t know how to use Jow Forums. It’s almost as if you’re not here organically. It’s almost as if...

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what kind of brainlet are you,you are a fucking dinosaur

>restoring our democracy
But the US is a republic

Their own internal polls are showing that the majority of democrats don't want ICE abolished, so they're telling the retards in front of cameras to shut up about it.

They also know impeachment is a political tool that requires the target to be unpopular, their own polls are showing that Trump is more popular than Obama was at this point in his first term, so they're telling Maxine and other retards to shut up and not talk about that either.

Yeah, great platform the democrats have, "Make America Shit Again, and let's do things so unpopular that we can't even talk about it in front of cam anymore."

are you so myopic you don't remember 2 years ago? how'd that "tiny minority of crazies" bullshit work for you then? have been pushed far left

its an irl internet tough guy

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You mean the end of the United States should you fuckers take over? no, not really.


I hate how you shithead use this word. My grandparents were fascists, and they were not the kind of people that would care for Israel or try to help "minorities".

If you keep pushing you will find hordes of whites and askari going BEYOND 14/88 and not only they have an edge, but they have nowhere to go and almost nothing to lose.


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Oy wat the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you cheeky kunt? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the SAS, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on abos, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in koala warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire AUS armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this continent, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the computer? Think again, you bloody wombat. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the southern hemisphere and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the typhoon, yobbo. The typhoon that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, ankle biter. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Australian Defence Force and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face off the continent, you little snag. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your bloody tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn whacker. I will shit a cut snake as cross as a frog in a sock all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, nipper.

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I think this will be an almost certainty now, President Trump seems good so far looking in at America, and there's a tendency for your Presidents to get two terms (only Bush Snr in recent memory messed that up) and the Democrats are doubling down on behaviour that cost them the 2016 election, so the winning margin will probably grow a bit for 2020.

We are predicting 2 terms for President Trump here in the UK.

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Some of the trashier media outlets were predicting a higher certainty than 91%, this was madness to us non-Americans, I mean who could possibly have thought a criminal like Hillary would be winning the US presidency?

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>Their own internal polls are showing that the majority of democrats don't want ICE abolished, so they're telling the retards in front of cameras to shut up about it.
Yup, just look how they vote.

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>Your brain on onions

>>Your brain on onions
Your brain on So᠌y

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Yes, I am ready.

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Illuminati pedophile ring, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on daycare centers, and I have over 300 confirmed child sex slaves. I am trained in majestic ape warfare and I’m the top pedophile in the entire CIA. You are nothing to me but just another hole to rape. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. Ya think you're hot shit dontcha? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of pedos across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can molest you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in mk ultra techniques, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the CIA and Mossad and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what moloch's retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo

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Damn fine Meme. Have a (You)

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These suburban and rural retards don't realize it is going to be 2010 in reverse.

I can't wait until all these trumpanzees get arrested for hate speech.

The American "left" doesn't have a chance in the upcoming elections because their entire platform has been centered around doubling down on the exact same bullshit that lost them the election the first time around.

>various buzzwords!

2 x 0 = 0

When all else fails, the (((liberal))) will start accusing his opposition of doing exactly what he's already been doing all this time.

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Can't wait for a second term.

This site is so fucking gay now.

funniest thing I have read this morning.
Thanks OP, you retarded faggot

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No accelerationists here? I want a giant blue wave, the reaction in 2020 or 2024 will be fucking lit.

>Same pic
>Every single time

It's almost like you're posting the exception instead of the rule.

The city toilets got clogged again? Dam hoodrats.

Just call it a Bluenami, faggot.

The leftist only "supports" individualism as far as it serves the establishment system.
To the point that the way I want to live threatens your endless supply of cheap, microwavable chicken tendies you would never support my freedom to live as I wish.
>Are you willing to respect mine?
3 years ago I would have been standing with you making the same argument. But 3 years ago I left your side because you turned into a bunch of subversive shitbags. It didn't take long to learn just how subversive and against free-thought the left really is. And I ALWAYS side against book burning, science denying fanatics. Which is what you are.

Most of the people who stand with you would step to the other side if they knew about all the books you've burned. The only thing working for you is that you control academia so it makes it easy to deny these books ever having existed in the first place.

So no. I will not respect your freedom to burn books and deny them ever having existed.
And it floors me(in a happy way) as the harder you faggots push, the more people who were further into the leftist koolaid than me are starting to talk to me about their concerns about anti-white racism and genocide, and the cultural destruction of the west through leftist pussification.

If you think Trump getting elected was the pendulum swinging the other way you have another thing coming.

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A bloo-bloo-bloo wave

The sheep of the leftist flock doesn't understand that level of linguistic talent.

I actually sense a red wave coming.
And it smells a bit metallic.

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I had a laugh at this when Limbaugh mentioned it.

>slide thread
>jackass party shill
>implying demoncraps will rally
fuck off degenerate

Remember when you won the election?

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Checked. The tree of liberty is long overdue for a watering.

Lmao you dumb fucks are going to be crying for 6 more years, this is hilarious

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That Hillary one is the best.

This Blue meme reminds me of feminine hygiene product commercials

Riiiiight just how hitlery was going to win the election

>That shirt is sitting in his closet
>everyday he wakes up and opens the closet he sees it and cries

>accept reason

Stopped reading right here

>You can't just live and let others live, no, you take it upon yourselves to control the lives of others.

Are you in the same world we live in? Libs want to have state control and speech laws what the fuck are you talking about?

Maybe they'll move into acceptance after the next election since they already hit anger, denial, bargaining, and grief

>calling 50% of the country racist constantly

Man that really is going to get them to see your view, ohh man who can argue that?

>Make America Shit Again
>Democrats are the party of slavery

Fucking kek

Yes just let the commies take over happen.

Lets get it over with, I am sick of the slow creep.

based and redpilled

classifying middle class retards as nazis led to trump in the first place you retard. keep doubling down

How can these two threads live one next to the other?

1 post by this ID

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Shitting on lower class people makes you look like a condescending, privileged ass.


Why is there so much autism ITT

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