Why haven't you watched Lana's videos on race realism and the permeating anti white sentiment in the west? Are you scared to admit white people are being unjustly attacked?
Why haven't you watched Lana's videos on race realism and the permeating anti white sentiment in the west...
Is Red Ice next bros?
I don't know how you knew I hadn't watched them, but you scare me now
On that note, do you think a true free speech alternative to youtube could survive?
Sorry. I only have room for 3 jew thot e-celebs at a time.
Right on time, the jew claiming white nationalists are jewish. Fuck off faggot.
> Why haven't you watched Lana's videos
Doesn't post video.
Now, (((who))) could be behind this post?
We are getting so big.
Thing is they screetched for decades about how big we were getting when there were only 4 of us and a dog called Blondi. Who's going to believe them now?
(Pssst.... nobody that's who).
She's pretty cute for controlled opposition, they're definitely picking them better.
Is everyone controled opposition?
she looks like she fucks black guys
It's impossible to tell, but that's because you can trust no-one but yourself.
That's what the west has lost, a high trust society.
Also, checked.
>watch tradthots videos
Did you watch her videos? How can she be 'controled opposition'. The paranoia that everyone is that is harming us in the long run. Hating on clearly helpful people.
how do I get punk granola WN gf?
Lana is a badass! She's so gracefully aggressive that I almost thought she may go full RWDS if let off the leash, she then went on to say in a vid how she's not like that, and just has thoroughly resonable arguments as to why European peoples have the right to defend their cultures.
I think she is amazing in bed tbqh
She can overdose me with redpills me anytime
who the fuck is this dumb looking bitch lana
who the fuck are you
I have a fat but based GF. Some men have it made, would love a QT based GF. Would impregnate.
She needs to invite more Jews to their show.
What we have here my friends is a KIKE. Hello, KIKE. Starting to feel the heat of the ovens? It's only about ~10 years away give or take.
If they shut down infowars they can shut down anybody in the snap of a finger.