What is the source of American's blind rage against Iran?

What is the source of American's blind rage against Iran?

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MSM (jews)

Kike indoctrination.

big nose man tell america iran bad

why that loli has a kimono?

Take a guess.

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Islamic aggression and hatred of America. Now fuck off Achmed.

Literally kikes

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Jewish propaganda, mostly. I have nothing against these people, but I do believe that mixing cultures like that is a bad idea. We can't peacefully live together, and that's a good thing. We should seek to preserve what makes us unique like that. Except for Jews and niggers. Nukes for them.

Where is Iran the aggressor rather than USrael?

propaganda and brainwashing. Most normal people in this country don't want war. It's just the psychopaths in power and the profiteers who are pushing for it.

Iran doesn't sell oil with the us dollar.

their OIL. fracking and saudis want no competition.

Their circumcised dicks.

Will Trump once again attempt to prove he is best goy and start a real war with Iran?

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They're pushing for it but who is doing the actual work Thats right the people that don't even know where the enemy is on the map.

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Are you serious? Oil. That's all it's ever been about

Old Bibi did not have his CD display made for no reason.

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Their government refuses to keep any of the promises it makes with non-Iranians. Even Obama's Iran Deal only "worked" because it literally required no action from Iran in return for giving them everything they needed to build nuclear weapons.


Iran is the biggest financier of groups hostile to western influence. They're funding revolutionary efforts whereever a shiite minortiy can be found and they even finance sunnis who are of strategic relevance to them or act as a destabilizing force in American partner states. Their revolution happenend in the context of anti-Americanism. They celebrate all forms of terrorism against the American people, their credo is "death to America". Furthermore they are the most competent muslim country with the possible exception of Indonesia. They are capable of developing nuclear weapons and it would be in their interest to do so. That brings us to Israel. An important ally within the region and an outpost of western civilization, greatly contributing to world economic, cultural and scientific output. A few nukes would be enough to annihilate this country. Obviously we have a strong Jewish influence in American politics which is very concerned about a regime capable of developing WMDs and that talks about the destruction of Israel all day long. The general problem is that Iran has no interest to open itself up to global cooperation and acts as an strategic adversary. To some extent they represent Russian influence in the middle east.

No it's jews

America tried and failed to give Iran the Libya treatment. Iran still remembers it, but it has more or less been memory holed here. End result is most Americans hate Iran because they are brown people that hate our freedumbs.

At a real politik level, I assume it’s because Iran hasn’t surrendered its butt cheeks to the IMF yet.

Which is a promise they refused to keep?

jewish controlled media and (intelligence agencies)

Decades of war profiteers who own media conglomerates using social engineering and propaganda to shift public opinion and create false war loving "patriots."

Fuck off shlomo no one falls for it here

>voiced hatred of America

nah bro totally bizarre

Iran's blind hatred of Israel and its funding of terrorism which murdered American marines like my childhood friend pictured.

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Normies don't give a shit about Iran. They can't even put in enough effort to hate it. It's butthurt Neocons, (((feminists))), and some militant diaspora that mostly bitch about Iran.

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>blind rage
I think hundreds of years of the crusades, fending them off is justification enough.

>jewish controlled media
>3 words or less


That's Israel.

long nose tribe tell grug sand tribe kill twin caves

but grug think sand tribe innocent

no bird hit third cave

idk it's weird

Israel is the evil terror state responsible for the wars and terrorism and migrant crisis and if your American remember the USS liberty and 9/11 thy committed against you

Israel's enemies are enemies of America.

Mossadeigh's deal with Shell Oil, Ayahtollah Khommeni's promise to respect diplomatic relations and not take the US embassy hostage, and for decades their repeated promises to not support international terror groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS.

How manyhundreds of years did America spend crusadingto fend of the Iranian government?


Da Jews
Americans have been brainwashed to hate all muslims countries since birth

Israel is a disease and the United States is already affected, thanks to the jewish influence.

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Fucking one-liner Roo
At least try an intelligent retort.


>evil terror state
All Israel wants is to live in peace in its ancestral homeland. If surrounding Muslims would accept that there would be peace. Israel has a right to defend itself when attacked .. you want peace? Do not attack Israel and kill Israelis and you will have peace.

Iran could just not enrich uranium you know

Source on Iran supporting ISIS or al qaeda? I can give you evidence of US supporting them.


Literally the jews.

all western islamist terror is sunni/wahabbi NOT shia
literally funded and supported by israel, saudis and cia niggers - has attacked iran but never israel
>voiced hatred of America
oh the horror

seriously how fucking clueless are you?



they loved Iran when their puppet was in power

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you mean the joint mossad/cia/isi/saudi op?
yeh right schlomo

Probably a few hundred, considering how were the only white christian ancestors left of Europe. Even though you're more than likely a dune coon, at least we'll live on once all you guys are dead over there and china takes over.

Hi shlomo

We hang cds out in the garden to scare pigeons. Must work on Americans too.

Iran does not support those groups
They do however support hammas, houthis, “hazzbolah”, and others

al ciada and isis are mossad/cia manipulated SUNNI groups that hate IRAN

the ignorance on this board is astounding

>muh dancing israelis!!
>muh israeli mover-van with 9/11 sketch on it
>mossad planted explosived on bottom floor!!1
>cia arrested an israeli spy within 500m it happen!!!

Fuck off, none of these myths are true and they have all been debunked. If you wanna discuss about it decently without getting into ad-hominems and Jewish conspiracy hoaxes we can talk about it.


Good post

There is literally nothing wrong with hezbollah

none of these have been debunked

Maybe its their leaders saying
>deth to america
>america should burn
>destroy USA

man idk though if those things are important though, you fucking dumbass

strawmanning these points with minor errors is not debunking

There's a shelf, life on how long Israel will be around and deep down everyone knows this. Their history, mythological and otherwise, is rife with stories of how they get chopped down and enslaved or such. It's in their dna. They're just waiting for the next one, and carving out a sliver of land in an ocean of unappreciative strangers is doing nothing to slow that. Hopefully the rest of us won't have to endure too much collateral damage.

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US arrests 200 young Israelis in spying investigation

>The DEA report said most of the students questioned by American investigators acknowledged having served in units of the Israeli armed forces specialising in military intelligence, electronic signals interception or explosive ordnance.


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Yeah, they should really tone down the rhetoric. It's doing them no favours.


Obviously not that user, but I'd like both Israel and Iran nuked. Hating one doesn't mean you like the other you dumb fuck

Based leaf
Israel's time on this earth will be short

unlike some Jow Forumssters i'm not a raging antisemite
but the israeli elite and diaspora jewish elite are corrupt, duplicitous sociopaths and will cause the destruction of us all if not challenged and stopped

America is the new roman empire and persia is the traditional enemy of rome.

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They debo'd our students in the 80s and for some reason they're the most uppity/last muslim nation to be talking shit. We like watching fireworks in sandy environments

>disliking backwards, illiterate barbarians makes you jewish
Now THAT'S what I call kikery

Jewish pawns. Go shed your blood for israel

Traditional Kurdish dress

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You kiwis are more jewsih than us, we can and will shake off Israel, your desert nation will never be free of globalism. Fucking chink.

hi satan
these 3 are localised guerilla groups fighting in standard territorial conflicts in their own backyards

they are not part of the internationalist islamist terror campaign which is SUNNI/WAHABBI and sponsored by sunni arab states with occassional mossad/cia complicity - as is the case in syria

this is delusional.

Israel was created by God and is preserved forever thereby... Israel will outlast the Earth and all her enemies will be scattered.

>everyone who doesn't agree with me is a Jew
Fuck off nigger.

iran refuses to pay their share of shekels to israel like USA does .americans are angry at the injustice of iran avoiding it's obligations .

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Expected it and not disappointing. /thread

Also the stupid fucking Iranians wont stop chanting death to america. Its like the fucking Mexican illegals burning american flags.

The storming of our embassy in 1979. Duh, then holding everyone hostage for over a year and being the willing tools of the Reagan October Surprise.

Red Bull. It gives them wings.

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go back to thedonald brainlet


>they were bad boys 40yrs ago
>ussliberty / uranium theft / spying by israel - israel dindu nothin - he's a good boi


We don't need another China.
Iran will take everything away from Europe. It is you who has the most to lose in the situation though we will be put in a really shitty situation too.

>Israel will outlast the Earth and all her enemies will be scattered.
You know Judeans in captivity in Babylon wrote those fairy tails? Right?

But iran is fighiting against isis terrorists in syria
who doesn't hate amerimutts

ayatollah chants "America will die."

>436th time

Not even North Korea or the Taliban said it this much.



Israel and the Kikes