It’s pretty much redpill to eat your own food. Eating out is a waste of money and less healthy...

It’s pretty much redpill to eat your own food. Eating out is a waste of money and less healthy. I make my coffee in the morning plus I’ll add coconut milk. Drinking monster is cancer causing shit.

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Good, you have a Bialetti

I don't like other people touching my food.
what's the best way to make iced coffee?

>thinks monster is a carcinogen
>drinks coconut milk while he's not from tropical dna

Like I had money to eat out anyway.

When you make it yourself you don’t have to worry about some nigger spitting in it. Or worse.

what about eating ass

Make coffee. Put ice in it.


Put coffee and water in a French press with plunger mid way.
No need to boil water, just put it in the fridge over night.
By morning you have delicious cold coffee, ad cream and Sucre as required

I have a cheap chinese knock off version that leaks.

next you'll be saying I should eat my own shit.

Talking about redpill and diet.

WATER: you americans should stop drinking from the poisoned well (rusty pipes, fluoried, etc.) find a solid mineral water (careful at the scams) also get your water tested (both drinking one and the tap)
please, use mineral water even for your coffee, don't let the state to poison you.
We need healty units for the upcoming years,

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french press is disgusting

>eat your own food

Jesus christ...


>next you'll be saying I should eat my own shit.

You mean you don't?

Ignore flag.

Face it, the only good food you make is Pizza Berlusconi.

>what about eating ass

Based and redpilled.

But only if it's a smooth twink butt.

Mix coffee with milk, while cold. Leave in fridge over night. Get two cubes at throw inside. Enjoy.
This works only with actual milk, as I cannot guarantee the fat solubility of onions shit.

Bialettis are top tier, stay away from imitations

Good goy! All that time spent on food preparation is time not spent on opposing (((their))) agenda!

Why would anyone put something dirty, like ass, in their mouth? A gentleman doesn't engage in such activities.

wash your ass, bucko

Put the sugar in while it is still hot then cool it. If you cool if first and try to put sugar in you are gonna have a bad time and it wont dissolve

You do realize you can wash your body parts, right?

I don't think they have tap water in Russia.

There is still shit coming out of it, so it is metaphorically dirty even if not technically dirty.


Confirmed for female.

That is of course incorrect.

What does Q say we should do?

>Germans defending eating scheisse
Imagine my shock

Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

Oh noez, the little sissy princess snowflake is "shocked"!

Won't anyone think of her fee fees!

And mämmi.

I am a 100% male with a big penis. Quit your baseless accusations good sir!

I'm not shocked. It was a sarcastic comment as germans are known for eating scheisse. I wouldn't expect you to understand as you are probably english second language. Or third language is most likely considering most germans come from africa and middle east.

>Imagine my shock
>I'm not shocked.

Awwwl, little princess can't make up her mind :3

>I am a 100% male with a big penis

I want us to be friends

just make black coffee as usual
let it cool
put it in the fridge
have it the next day

Totally agree..we used to go out to dinner 3 times a week, then we moved out of the city in the country...the drive is a pain in the ass to go to dinner now maybe we go out once a month and cook our own dinners at home. A lot healthier and we spend way less money than if we were eating out.

Drink up goyem,
You need your (((coffee))) to work overtime, your CEO mister Sheckelstein needs to keep the (((stockholders))) happy

I'll spoonfeed you with google translate

>the drive is a pain in the ass to go to dinner now

Can't you just, like, install a bigger battery in your mobility scooter?

Moka express is shit tier.
I really don't understand why Italians, who usually have good taste, use it so much.

>I'll spoonfeed you

You're a fantastic servant

fucked up thing is they all seem to be cheap chinese aluminum that seeps off in the coffee nowadays. fucking impossible to find anything that isnt cheap garbage metals and plastics

where the fuck is high quality stuff sold these days? I would pay at least 100 dollars for a moka pot that i was sure wouldnt give me cancer and alzeimers.

I don't like the ceremony of restaurant eating.
If I can cook a meal for £5 or pay someone £50 to do it for me, why wouldn't I save the £45?

Germany go home and take your weird-ass fetishes with you.

>what's the best way to make iced coffee?

- make double espresso as usual.
- add around 4 ice cubes.



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Put one cup of hot espresso + sugar + ice in a shaker and shake. It makes delicious ice coffee + foam

The real trick is to make coffee ice cubes the day before, because ice cubes made of water will dilute the coffee and make it taste like shit.

Step 2 is to make coffee and put it in the fridge to cool off.

You can figure the rest out

My nipples are so erect right now.

Man I gotta stop eating so much cheese. I constantly have diarrhea

you need to go back

how the fuck can you eat your own ass?

Thank you for your service, handmaid

gotta remove a few ribs

You are telling my you wouldn’t lick Kevin Costners butthole? Well you are a liar friend

Really? I get horrible constipation and anal bleeding from too much cheese. Love me some aged cheese though.

I really need to start taking pictures of my morning steaks.

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why don't you go on the all-beef diet like Jordan Peterson and his daughter? imagine the hot, beefy BRAPs she expels every 10 minutes

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You should be thanking merkel for filling your country with shitskins. you guys love shit,

>eat your own food
>makes his own coffee in the morning

I thought you were planting vegetables. Lazy fuck.

Jokes aside, everyone here should be able to cook and if possible grow as much food as one can and store it.
Not only are those valuable skills to ahve, you also move your ass a bit, safe money and can shine in front of city people who can barly heat up pre cooked meals.

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>You should be thanking merkel

I did, by voting for her coalition partner so she would stay in power.

Triggered? :^)

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This. Every single eadible plant makes you a bit less dependent on others.

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I made my coffee and added coconut mik. the fuck dude you call that cooking. get yourself a wife

So many missed opportunities!

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I really encourage all of you to get and use a crock pot for a large portion of your cooking. There are so many recipes you can make and it's so easy. All you have to do is throw the ingredients in, turn it on, go to work, and when you come back you have a delicious dinner. I like to make roasts of all kinds, italian sausage, chicken cacciatore, salsa chicken, and a bunch of random soups. If you can master crock pot cooking and baking desserts and bread, you can feed yourself really well and cheaply.

Also you don't have to deal with retards complaining that you don't tip.

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It's your country dude, you are just trolling yourself. bye bye

>bye bye

Bye, little princess :3

>coffee ice cubes
That's actually a good idea.

Sorry bro, nothing it getting between me and my frying pan.

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fug u :DDD

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>t. degenerate


Grind specialty or premium grade whole coffee beans, brew. Then, add a milk of your choice (almond, coconut, animal), ice, and sweetener (stevia, sugar) to a blender, and pour the hot coffee over the ice. Coconut oil is optional. Blend. It will come out frothy and not like a frappe, depending on the quantity of ice.

Is that much red meat healthy?

I like the Gordon Ramsay thyme and garlic butter basting method.

Oh I have a cast iron skillet too! Since they sell preseasoned pans it might be feasible for a beginner to use one.

I actually really want cancer so I can get a free pass into desth without any old age bullshit. Anyone looking to live passed 60 is a faggot. Neet until death with a free ride if sekf indulgence into cancer is where it's at. Bet i had more unprotected sex and blowjobs and drugs and alcohol than all of you. Created more we hite children than all of you too. Out nigged the niggers and out jewed the jews. I win. Fuck all you cunts. Cancer rules.

But if I don't go out and order food, I might not speak to another human being all day. Then I try to make a joke and the girl at the counter thinks I'm weird, which makes me feel like the roach alien on Men In Black wearing a people suit and trying to act normal.

fuck off incel lmao

no u lol

>your own food
>coconut milk
Oh wait, you're not only eating food that you grow. bluepilled

>he failed to rebut the incel allegations

lmao confirmed for giga incel

>he's never stuck his tongue in a brapcrack

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I'm healthy as a horse, haven't had a cold in 6 years.
I move about 20-30 thousand pounds of spooled steel wire by hand into a giant machine every day.
No medical problems, just old injuries that really don't even bother me.



>makes himself a cup of coffee
>"I'm literally saving the white race"
lmao OP is a dummy

oh fug :DDD

My intention is to make and prepare more food, it's just shite when I work afternoon-evening every shift. Morning shift is truly where it's at.

>oh fug :DDD
missed you

>missed you

I forgive you, but don't let it happen again.

Don't go for the sugarless drinks, duh.

Kek, this man is clearly Italian

Wasting money on overpriced coffee and eating out every day is for degenerate millenials who prefer the atmosphere of a coffee shop chain to their own home. I have developed a massive aversion to people who enjoy hanging out at Starbux and feel a little bit more hopeless each time I walk by one and see all the male and female cunts anxiously waiting in line to be ripped off in return for the false sense of belonging that normie retards get from frequenting a place with other normie retards.

>he posts this right after I used a coupon to get a big unhealthy breakfast from Burger King for $4

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Had a mukka for years, it makes the coffee and froths the milk all in a coupla minutes, easy as, fuck paying some douche 5 bucks a cup like a stooge.

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I only eat what I kill or grow in my garden

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