Alex is spilling the beans on the China internet take-over operation

China owns Apple are they are using it as leverage against America.
Their first strike is censoring conservative news sources.
How do we fight back and beat the Chi-coms?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off

Fuck you

That's right's CHINA!!!

not just China, also EU and (((others)))

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Found the brainwashed MSM zombie.

Oh look, yet another right wing crybaby thread. Don't you guys have anything else to do besides crying on the internet?

>China owns Apple

pulling his same old bullshit.

Weak bait faggot

>not just China, also EU and (((others)))
pollocks think Alex can say gas the kikes

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Funny then how (((Benjamin Netenyahu))) recently boasted about Apple being an Israeli company:

Attached: israeli_tech_companies.png (3840x2160, 3.17M)

It's not bullshit, dude.
Google is also building a censored search engine for China.
They're testing it on conservatives in America.
You need to download the infowars app and buy a waterfilter to fight this.

sorry op
if you don't blame everything on jews then Jow Forums will just have a temper tantrum

even though you 100% spot on about chinese style internet censorship coming to the west. We both know that china is the model. but Jow Forums just wants to scream about muh jews.

Yep, China is the Rothschilds and Rockefellers new personal home

>chinese style internet censorship coming to the west
That doesn't mean China is behind it. You have no evidence of Apple being owned by the Chinese.

It's de facto owned by the Chi-coms.
They threatened to close the factories unless Apple censored Alex Jones.

Cut all trade. Today.

That makes sense Alex has really been charging at the ChiComs recently, and all the damn big tech fags are owned by em

This, i think Trump put heavy tarriffs on them the other day

>They threatened to close the factories unless Apple censored Alex Jones.
where did you hear this?

once agin Ben Sheephero posting on Jow Forums

Fuck the never Trumpers like Ben Sheephero

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This. China doesn’t own shit, they’re just the new state to be infested with the parasite

Alex is spilling the beans and naming the Chinaman right now on infowars. You need to download the android app to hear the truth. It's beating CNN in the appstore. America is waking up.

Mark Levin is an ardent Trump support you dis info spreading faggot. He is the one who discovered and reported on the FISA abusa and SPYING on the Trump campagin. He is the one who warned America that they will attempt to impeach Trump, the day after election night. You stupid fuck.

>there is literally an Info War

This is hilarious.

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You are a literal fagoot and I hope you die a slow and painful feath you literal traitor.

>It's de facto owned by the Chi-coms.
>They threatened to close the factories unless Apple censored Alex Jones.
Prove it.


I got the App thank you very much. he's also on the radio and periscope.

>download their app
>buy a water filter
Fuck off (((Info Wars))) shills.

Never forget, Iran is right. Israel IS the problem.

Look whose throwing your rights to China.

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nah my life will still flourish without downloading infobullshit.

Well they own a shit tonne of corporations and shit but they're merely a front for the elites, a playground for them to test vast technological tyranny and the new hub of the NWO

>nah my life will still flourish without downloading infobullshit.
but it could be so much better

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no one cares. Most of us get he fucked with people's kids

hence the lawsuits

Look, when you realize how fake it all is; the football, the basketball, the Lady Gaga, the Justin Bieber—you know, who gives you these carbon tax messages... They tell your kids they gotta love Justin Biebler, and then Biebler says "hand in your guns", "pass the Cyber Security Act", and "the police state is good", and then your children are turned into a mindless vassals—who now, they look up to some twit, instead of looking up to Thomas Jefferson, or looking up to Nikola Tesla, or looking up to Magellan; I mean, kids, Magellan is a lot COOLER than Justin Bieber! He circumnavigated with one ship the entire planet! He was killed by wild natives before they got back to Portugal! And when they got back there was only like eleven people alive of the two hundred and something crew and the entire ship was rotting down to the waterline! That's destiny! That's will! That's striving! That's being a trailblazer and explore! Going into space! Mathematics! Quantum mechanics! The secrets of the universe! It's all there! Life is fiery with its beauty! Its incredible detail! Tuning into it! They wanna shutter your mind, TALKING ABOUT JUSTIN BIEBER!!! IT'S PURE EVIL!!! They're taking your intellect, your soul, and giving you Michael Jordan and Bieber. Unlock your human potential! Defeat the globalists who wanna shutter your mind!—Your doorways to perception!—I wanna see you truly live! I wanna see you truly be who you are!!!

ur mum owns apple

I just feel bad for people to buy into his shit.

TLDR - the guy is a really good scam artist.

i need evidence for this claim, ive never heard of some whacky shit like this.

Pay no attention to China, goy. It's totally not a means to an end. It is entirely coincidence that the corporations that are building tools to suit the Chinese government have started censoring folks here in the USA.That's because of the evil hate speech, goy. Understood?

dont you libabies cry about fucking everything, go back to tumblr you fucking faggot whore.

It actually is, though, in this case. You do more harm to yourself when you think you only have one enemy. China got Marriott to fire a low level employee in Ohio for posting on her personal social media account about Taiwan. They complied in spite of the fact the employee had never been to China and wasn't speaking on behalf of the company.
Apple is trying to sell iPhones in China. China imposes censorship on its own people and REQUIRES any technology company doing business with them to comply with their censorship laws.
Years ago Google banned China from accessing their services due to China's censorship laws. Today Google is revamping their platform to accomodate China's censorship laws so they can provide their services in China as well. Youtube is still currently banned in China, but Google is hoping to change that.
Yes, Israel is your number one enemy. They want you enslaved or dead. They want you poor and dependent on the state, and they want you imprisoned if you speak out against them. China is your number two enemy, though, and they want some of the same things.

I would LOVE to wage war with china. I would volunteer in a heartbeat, draft me, put me in a factory sweating, I dont care. Those backstabbing commies need obliterated for their role in the numerous african conflicts all throughout the 1900s, including playing both sides during the angolan bush war
For their deception and killing Americans in vietnam and korea as well.
Those slant eyed fucks have it coming one way or another.

China is being used by the kikes, it's false to say that "China is censoring folks in the USA". It's kikes censoring people in the USA.

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fuck off shill we know that one of these retard tier flat earth channels are going to accuse the wrong rich jew of raping kids and then say goodbye to free trade of information on the net. nobody gives a shit about 3d guns, its what they represent

It really is this time, Feinstein, Apple, Google, Facebook all corrupted. Anyone using these is a probable traitor to american values but as long as they get a like in the next 10 seconds the First Amendment can take a back seat.

chinks need to be nuked

Exactly, Once again it is indeed the Jews.

with nukes.


Lol, fake news. Did you even listen to him during the election? No, no you didnt...


Wow you're both new here and retarded congratulation why don't you leave oh right you need your 0.002c per post

Kill em all. Let god sort it out.

Woke level: over 9000

No, its globalism and you're only here to divide and conquer you bunch of fucking faggots

Release the race-specific bioweapon.


China is literally pressuring Apple to do things like cut ties with Taiwan. Part of their "reclaim Taiwan by 2020 initiative ". This could be another move of theirs, pressuring the likes of Apple, Facebook, and Google.

You stupid fucking potatonigger. You drank the koolaid straight out of the alexapure, didn't you? Your absolute idiocy makes me sick. Your credulity is disgusting and childlike. Jones is a fucking gatekeeping Christian Zionist shill who is so bluepilled that the stinking masses who you represent mistake him for an erudite scholar because he's that fucking arrogant. Holy shit, do you listen to that fuck 4 hours a day? You are beyond redemption.

Liberal space aliens from planet wakanga own Apple. It’s a well known fact.

clear proof. Alex Jones never has proof its always "my friend told me" or "I received a document"
keep blowing your cash user.
fyi not knew, but I do find this discussion amusing.

He will say anything not to name the jew.

Hey retards, the kikes never fight for themselves.

They're going to use the slants as their goyim army. They want us disarmed for the invasion.

Pull your fucking head out.

Where is he spilling these beans? His "radio" broadcast? lmao

I was gonna be a comedian
but then i got banned
Just wanted to play a character
but then i got banned
now there's nothing holding me back, from telling the truth
becasue i got banned
becasue i got banned
becasue i got banned

>blaming china instead of the Jews
The utter state of alternative media

>It's Communists!
>It's Jews!
>It's China!
Fuck off.

he's also on twitter/periscope still

and he never named the jew so why would they silence him?

they want everyone big that they don't control off the popular platforms

Weaponized autism will stabilize a nation in chaos

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>its globalism
The New World Order is composed of jews and their psychopathic pets.

>divide and conquer
Naming jews divides no one but jews and their shills (like you) from the rest of us.

>China is literally pressuring Apple to do things like cut ties with Taiwan.
And that proves China is censoring Internet content in the USA how?

Obviously to:

>Give Alex Jones "street cred" as having been "silenced by the enemy"
>Paint China is the enemy instead of the jews
Learn 2 counter-intelligence and get a bigger IQ so you can comprehend controlled opposition narratives.

>Naming jews divides no one but jews and their shills (like you) from the rest of us.
is that the hill you really want to die on?

Apple is literally run by a Chairman named Levinson. It's like Chairman Mao, because Jews invented communism.

So weird, I had visions over the last few years of AJ being in some bunker, broadcasting to the freedom fighters.

Go watch TV so you can learn more faggot.

I just orders $1200 worth of anthroplex from infowars. Cannot wait for gains. Take that globalists!

Now that it's getting political I'd say this is a foreign nation "meddling" in our election!

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>How do you do fellow Jow Forumsster
>Why don't you download Alex Jones' new mobile app?
>You need the latest updates about the Palestinian threat and how we must support Israel and the Rothschilds

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China was built up by Jewish overlords like Kissinger using American resources, money and white slave labor. Same is true for USSR, only that was a fake enemy - "the best enemy money can buy".

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I wish Nixon let you nuke them. His biggest mistake.

I literally have been saying for months that Reddit is now mostly paid Chinese posters or bots.

>tfw always right.

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Another Reddit snowflake embarrassing itself by calling other people crybabies.

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If China destroy Apple this would probably be a good thing


AT&T owns infowars = jews
Alex censored himself to seem more legitimate amidst the wave of pro-Zion accusations in his comments section.

YES. This user gets it.

Please bump this thread that Exposes Alex Jones as a Zionist Israeli shill (he is trying to prepare America to accept Jared Kushner as the next president):

AJ crying about how private property and capitalism is hurting HIS capitalism... cannot handle competition in the marketplace, nor that his bullshit has consequences.

nah, what about you jews using VPNs from america?

Also Jews are enamored with the "effectiveness" of China's censorship. But it's a mistake. The Chinese government is working for Chinese people. Dissent really does tend to be arbitrary and criminal. In the U.S. the government and corporate establishment is aggressively disenfranchising at least 30% of it's population, (probably a lot more). For these people (Whites mostly) dissent is existential and ethnics. They are in for some surprises.

I didn't think anyone could surprise me with how stupid they are anymore, but you proved me wrong. Fuck off and let people have an adult conversation.

The Chinese are notorious for studying Jewish elite beheviour in the US.

I think it's the same tactic over and over again by the US and Russia.

They try to co-operate with the Jewish elite in the enemy state - and `collude`(where have we heard that term before) with this jewish community.

Concrete examples Soviet Union co-operating with the jew-filled communist party in the US.
Even when the relations between jewish peoples and the Soviet state after stalin wasn't particularly good.

Other example would be CIA co-operating with mainly Jewish oligarchs in Russa after the collapse of the soviet Union.

The state (US or Russia)- can do things, and help the jewish community in the enemy state in ways that the jewish elite themselves can't. And once in power- the jewish elite will be Reliant on the foreign state to maintain it's position. Maybe you dissagree with that - but that is the theory behind these tactics.

It's a classic tactic derived from Neo-colonialism.

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If you think it's anything else, you're an idiot. Private Companies with TOSes against harassment threw him off for harassing people. He's upset because he can't sell as many bug-out bags and hawk goldbuggery to as wide an audience.

AJ admitted his InfoWars behavior is a persona to sell things in his divorce trial. So either he was telling the truth then, or committing perjury. Either way, it's pathetic.

glow in the dark cia nigger detected

first post shill post

>It's the arabs
>It's the russians
>It's the chinese
>Israel is our greatest ally

Boomers can't die soon enough.

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Prefer a jew over an arab any day.

Those are American Jews, nobody gives a shit about American Jews, Israelis are different.