Has the redpill killed literally every single source of entertainment to anybody else here?

Has the redpill killed literally every single source of entertainment to anybody else here?

>never was big into mainstream entertainment
>still try to watch generic flicks
>get shit like youtu.be/s5jrdHASx04?t=86 on top of all the blackwashing and the blatant feminism
>stop watching
>try to watch tv show
>agendas all over the place

>haven't played vidya in years, still follow the medium
>look around for games
>suddenly reminded THESE are the people my money are going to
>stop caring

You can apply this to anything really, even sports or books, unless the writer is of the tom clancy's kind, I won't bother. Self-improvement, fixing and building stuff, what else is left? Fishing, or they started stuffing sea water with some gay-inducing nigger-loving hormone?

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Other urls found in this thread:


There is and will always be classic literature. Once you get into it everything else pales in comparison anyway

agreed , read older books or fantasy action thriller shit if thats up your alley from the 70s-to late 90s.

terrorism, civil war

Stop watching new shit, retard.

Don't watch any film made after 1960, and don't read any books written after 1930. Don't give me some "I've read all the classics" bullshit. Men much greater than you spent their lives devouted to literature before the printing press even existed, and still never scraped the surface.

Also, get a fucking hobby. Start lifting and learn a martial art. Take mechanic classes at a local tech school.

Pretty much, I can't turn off my brain for a bit to watch a mainstream film or TV show without seeing the agenda behind it anymore. Are small budget/independent productions any good (as in, not pozzed/jewed) or should I just give up on it?

Dwarf Fortress and other games where you can genocide gorillions will always be fun. Skyrim is also fun so buy it again.
t. Not Todd

>Don't watch any film made after 1960

Come on now.

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Read books and smoke cigars user. Two most manly things you can do. Even before I was redpilled I thought people who watch tv and play video games are losers, and so did all my friends


The only media I consume is either anime or old literature. Basically every piece of our hijacked (((western))) culture is total subversive crap.

there is still good content out there waiting to be played/experienced

if you are into musicals watch "God Help the Girl", which is a lovely music with an all white cast, zero niggers, and it's all in Scotland. Wonderful music, acting, etc...

If you are into vidya play Nier, some good japanese RPGs where they don't give a shit about nogs and stuff

The thing is, there are still honest artists out there making content that's worthwhile, you just gotta find them and support them. And, obviously, you have to realize that very rarely you will find an excellent artist that aligns 100% with your views

I tried to get into dwarf fortress but nothing even makes sense. I’m not even computer illiterate either. That genocide part sounds fun

Asian media is probably the way to go, for now.

Yes it has. I couldn't be MORE over entertainment right now.

yes, it's all poison anyways

There's always Rimworld if you want a space western version of DF with graphics.

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Tile sets and useing the Help function (?) can demystify many things. The game is really simple to keep dwarves alive, but making them thrive and survive for long is the issue.

Whats wrong with that clip? Civil war was a big vs small government comic


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>western video games in the current year

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Entertainment is for women and children. Men are the entertainers not the audience

Rimworld is an interesting game. No Z levels, yet, but the modding potential makes it a very fun colony game. Sadly, it isn't as personalizing as DF with each dorf having their own dreams, but it is still fun.
Although bullshit events ruin the experience in Rimworld often.

Stop consuming and start creating.

I grew up watching action movies (no matter how stupid) but the common theme in them is that the main character was always some macho dude that was the epitome of male achievement. Whether you want to admit it or not, you looked up to the Stallone, Schwartzenegger, Lungren, etc.
You wanted to be that alpha dude that destroyed all evil in his path.

Now all these stars are in low budget fuckery and the "big budget" films are 100% pozzed nonsense.
>American Assassin
>Tight jeans wearing skinny boipucci becomes assassin

>Capeshit movies
>Not a single person in any of the movies demands respect for their hardwork.
>Yeah fuckers we just saved the planet from being overrun by aliens but god forbid your kebab stand was demolished
>Sign these peace accords and give up all your rights faget

Don't even get me started on vidya. I hope every Canadian gets butchered for the abomination Ubisoft did to Tom Clancy titles.

propaganda plain and simple

Don’t watch films after 9/11

>japanese devs don't care

Someone hasn't learned about the dead or alive 6 fiasco. I will watch whatever else you suggested.

As long as they're not dick-choppers-nigger-loving-open-borders-free-healthcare-for-obese-fucks-metoo nuts, I'm fine.

Let me see

>3.6 GPA
>planned gig at (((Intel))) planned for the fall
>vacation before affirmative action job
>does not go on a rape spree in Europe
>goes building public housing in the equivalent of an ex-USSR country
>goes building public housing in the equivalent of an ex-USSR country
>goes building public housing in the equivalent of an ex-USSR country
>goes building public housing in the equivalent of an ex-USSR country

I wonder that myself.

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Damn that sounds cool as fuck I’m gonna check it out.

I only watch and read old stuff. For vidya I've pretty much only been playing tf2 for the last few years, but there's a tranny shitstorm brewing in that community now, where trannies try to kick out the good players for being "transphobic" and "toxic". I've seen this happen before, I know it's doomed because for some reason trannies must always be worshiped and be the center of attention. Once tf2 falls I will probably give up vidya for good.

Holy fuck, dude. What game is this? I need to hate on it.

This is good advice actually. When you're writing a book you don't know where it will take you and it strangely feels like reading. It's like how vivid dreams are really enjoyable even though you're basically just entertaining yourself without input.

And also consuming costs money while creating can create you money

I played soi mans sky recently and honestly its fun as fuck.
The one game Jow Forums was wrong about.
After the updates its a really good time sink and there isn't really any ham fisted degeneracy or agendas going on. Besides regular old escapism.

Yeah they are killing their own market, this is the effect of the agenda, they likely haven't figured it out yet, first us and then the normie. What can we do? Replace it, we already do it without trying. The revolutions of modern culture, its always turning and everyone gets a say about the direction by voting with their money and their time. This is not a monoculture (but they are trying to make one) so everyone is pleased and overall its decentralized, a monoculture is optimal for them for programming the society whilst also locking up the profits from the industries so that's what they are aiming for, if you look close everything they do has a subtle undertone of trying to lock it down. However the harder they push the more people will resists it because what they desire is anti-human, overall monopolies in media and entertainment are what allow this to happen but if they push too hard too fast it becomes transparent and people instinctively get repulsed combine that with the ease of accessibility to alternative platforms in the present means they will never get there but as you all know they are locking those alternatives down also.

Nier automata, it came out a little over a year ago.

Latest assassin's creed I believe, the egyptian one with a nigger protagonist

Assasin's Creed, where you can play as a butch dyke spartan xarrior built like a fridge hitting on married women.

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They actually completed the game now, it only took two years and a shitton of bashing from the whole world for them to do so.

>there isn't really any ham fisted degeneracy or agendas going o
Yeah. Not even big tits to ruin the player's nofap marathon.

I literally cannot handle modern media since being redpilled. It is so unbelievably bad and blatant. I only watch classic films, television and I watch sports. Although that American Made movie with Tom Cruise was bad ass. But that's literally the only thing I've seen in... years that hasn't made me cringe.

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I picked up drawing just so I could draw things I find cute and appealing, since leftists have done everything they can to make as many sources of media ugly and putrid.

True. But that's how every PC game is now. Unfinished mess -> semi polished mess -> 2 or 3 years -> finished product.
Not saying I agree with the practice but their only mistake was claiming it was finished at launch.
Should have called it an alpha forever.

There are some games from 2015 that are still in "pre beta"

Ace of hearts. Silemt film.

> get on my level rookie. Or you wont get a game of jacks in chicago.

Ehh.. In that case it's to be expected. Those games have always been soulless husks. Every main character is a black slate

Jow Forums ruined sports for me too. Not their fault, I had no idea Juventus was literally JEWentus, as in owned by zionists. See pic? Reminded me of pol immediately.

>literally nickles and dimes anywhere they can, they really act like they love coins
>Start women's team because come on it's 2018
>Have chance to make doll to sell to children
>Plenty hot women in women's team
>Pick the fucking afro nigger that they keep shoehorning front and center in videogames since 2014
>listen juventus podcast
>s''yboy sounding faggot absolutely outraged they rejected the claim for women's soccer to be let in the professionals

The redpill is a curse, a good one but a curse nonetheless.

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I've been playing for years and still don't knwo most of the rules, can't get passed like 5k points, and only play one class/race. That said, it's a ton of fun. I normally look up a few rules every month or so, which opens a lot of new play to me. I'd recommend skimming the basics and just playing. You'll figure it out slowly as it goes

In fact I haven't seen a single female in the game besides the creatures. There literally isn't an option to make your character a girl.
How did they get away with this?

indeed, i have been watching a lot of anime recently and i really couldn't be happier
catching up with old series/franchises is very satisfying.
recently been working on finishing the new evangelion movies, today i will try to get through 2.2 and 3.3
i do get back to work next week though so i'm trying to enjoy myself these days.

It is like modern blockbuster cinema movies have ceased to exist for me.

I forgot to mention, if you want access to a great library of classics and cult films, the vast majority of them being old and many of them even red pilled, pay for film struck.
i watch at least 3-4 movies a month from their library and has a lot of excellent movies, plus, it's better than supporting the jews at hulu or, worse, netflix.

post juve qts
>inb4 dybala

i was referring to nier automata as another user said

Making Spartans some sort of inclusive heroes is kinda strange, it was particularly brutal slave state even by the standards of it's era.

Cigars are a retarded waste of money, read books and do physical activity

I changed over to martial arts and reading books around 2014, you should as well. you don't have to meme meme a. I do wing chun and goju-ryu because I like the sort of philosophical aspect of them. its kind of fun and its a great alternate activity to vidya.

I "love" how all global companies push these mulattoes in their promo material like some kind of inoffensive "neutral" race, while they all still look like fucking niggers.
But yeah, this is basically the ZOG's dream goyim race of the future.

I think the dialog in the traveller quest mentions that Artemis is female. I think it has something to do with them being a small team making an indie game.

Speaking of old media, I recently looked up some older music that I remembered from my childhood. I stumbled upon this video, and realized how weird it felt to see so many white people. I actually felt a stab in the heart when the song reached the chorus at 0:56, where I saw a scene of happy white children dancing happily and innocently. I've actually grown so used to (((them))) whoring up kids in the media that I barely even notice it anymore.

To me it's always a pleasure when I see a movie with an entirely white cast, or located in Europe/USA where they aren't shoving multi-kulti down my throat.

Lovely video, by the way!

Another thing that keeps me entertained in recent times is my audible subscription. Even though it's Bezos company... if other anons know of better ways to get audiobooks, please share here.

googling the dead or alive bs right now cause i wasn't aware of it.

Petronella Ekroth, Swede of all countries.

I have some karate background, only orange belt though and that was over 15 years ago. I should switch to boxing which I also practiced for a short while because at this point the only reason I see for martial arts is not self-discipline but nigger punching.

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There's a whole world of wonders that these things (mainstream zombie entertainment) are trying to keep you away from.
Entertainment is another way to keep yourself from growing up. The whole system is rigged so you remain as infantile as possible.

I'd say around 24 a man should start thinking about becoming a father and stop thinking about partying or staying idle for hours in front of a screen. Raising a kid will take most of your time and will fulfill your entire being if you find the right partner.
I'd list you all the things we do as a family but it would make the thread too long.

If you're a lonely rider you can still visit nature and enjoy the landscape and fresh air. Back in the day I made lots of friends doing martial arts and self defence. We'd organize a lot of stuff together like hiking, volunteering for reforesting and feeding endangered species, we'd go together to special courses just for the fun (like once, one of them is in the army, and invited us to go on a security training with paintball guns and all), you can get useful hobbies like mechanics like this guy says and many more things.
Italy is getting pretty based now so you can also try to find likeminded people and do shit with them to work on the community and what not.

That's okay, because nobody else but resetera knows about dead or alive 6 either. After the socialist fiasco it's dead on arrival, unironically.

>raise a family in the USA
no, thank you, I'd like to stay out of jail and keep my hard earned money mine
i agree with the rest of what you said though


What's wrong with the civil War debate? Seemed like a balanced discussion on globalist vs nationalist policies.

>what else is left?

a few months back i saw don giovanni. highly recommend the opera as alternative entertainment.

For soccer, a sport usually played by ugly butch dykes, she's a solid 9/10.

Again, listen to the dead nigger story, if you see nothing wrong then congratulations, you are bluepilled as hell.

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>No cable for 10 years
>Gf wants to keep Netflix, or else that would be canceled

Started watching a bunch of old westerns.

Real men shouldnt numb themself with tittytainment. Spend every living moment improving yourself in every way possible. Happiness can be found in many things, but never in TV/movies/fiction.

You can learn the basics of an entire foreign language in the 200 hours it takes for you to finish a video game. I know a guy who clocked 6000 hours on CS:GO. Just imagine what you could do with all that time instead.

Learn new languages
Read the classics, the REAL classics, the roman and greek writers
Read college textbooks on anything that interests you
Acquire interesting skillsets and crafts
Read history books, lots of history books, always stick to history books written before 1990.

Most importantly, learn to use your brain. Tackle really hard topics, like certain classic philosophers, or higher mathematics/physics

Once you take the redpill you will eventually automatically see through all the jew shenanigans. It's like Neo in The Matrix seeing the Matrix code.

There's no going back after the redpill, that's the price you pay for seeing the truth.

>Has the redpill killed literally every single source of entertainment to anybody else here?

Tried reading mortal engines series, the first book is all about chinks and shitskins Vs western world citys. You could argue it's critique of endless consumption, but after Jow Forums i just don't see shit that way anymore.

I don't understand. Humanitarians and US citizens are killed overseas in US military strikes all the time. You can whine about his race, but it's irrelevant to the story. If he was white, would you still be bitching about it?

Japanese media has yet to be infected by this anti-white, anti-male delusion.

I'm an /arse/ lad. we have based leah. pic very related

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Gomorrah La Serie is good

I'm a heavily redpilled and make indie games as a living. We're not all libshits. I've actually wanted to make a real (ie. Not a shit cashgrab) game about Trump in the same storytelling and graphical style of ff7, but I'm actually afraid that libs will doxx me and ruin my life for making a pro Trump game.

Maybe when I have enough Fuck you money I'll do it.

Hollywood is filled with commies and Jews, so most television and movies are eliminated right off the bat.
Passive entertainment is almost a distraction simply by definition.
You’re a human being, a living thing.
You’re not SUPPOSED to be sitting in front of electronic screens for hours at a time.

user is right on his take
>nigger doing anything charitable
>being red pilled
pick ONE and only ONE


>nigger with 3.6 GPA conveniently has job planned at jewish hardware company and is conveniently so heroic and selfless that during his holiday before his job begins he goes to volunteer as a construction worker in ex-ussr country to build sustainable housing for the poor and is then "killed" by ebil whitey during fight to save the world

Does the pic help in any way? Please remember: they killed Tony Stark in the comic so that a nigress with an afro could take his place.

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read Walden

I am so excited for this, there is a massive market bubble being created by these morons. Someone is going to come out with a movie or game that is politically incorrect and panders to right wing interests and it's going to blow up so big that the pendulum is going to come crashing back. Right Wing people have massive purchasing power and it's basically being ignored by these media companies. Ignorant business decisions like that lend credence to the idea that we are truly being subverted and manipulated by companies that would rather destabilize our country than make money.

Just watch classic old movies and start working out and go outside. There sadly isn’t much you can do without being shit on with propaganda and brainwashing.

The day will come when a game like Football Manager will have female regens with 20 pace and strength.

Again, don't give them the benefit of the doubt. Pic related is the next phase in the MCU. I wish it was me being paranoid, I truly wish.

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you wish

it's important to cultivate an appreciation of the arts in addition to everything you listed. go to a symphony, an opera, a good production of a classic play (i recommend man and superman if anyone has the opportunity), a museum -- really soak it all up before its gone forever.

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I can only play paradox interactive games like ck2 or hoi4 or medieval ii and I only watch documentaries lol.

Yes but the game will have to be about scalping kikes in gas chambers while they are being burned alive because the left is pushing their shit so far left that we will have to come up with something that is extremely far right so we can pop the bubble.

Just watch stuff like Roadkill.

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I play HOMM3 now lol

>That's what they said to the first African American female astronaut.
I lol'd

>new evangelion movies

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Almost 100 episodes and literally no niggers in any of them.

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Imagine being such an angry, whiny cunt you can't enjoy anything because you think there's a bogeyman out to get you

pretty much yeah.

greatest allies are right vincenzo, unironically currently watching all monster madness recommended by james rolf and similar epic older films.also learning french when im too bored to play gog-games just to read the original source of many good writers, doesn't matter if its tintin/asterix (beligum is french clay) or jules verne... if you want tv show you can watch twillight zone. its just so damn refreshing watching this old shit and not see any fucking niggers or shitskins it makes me feel normal. i wish mods would get serious and ban anyone who brings up current year jewish-niggergarbage "ironically".

>started stuffing sea water with some gay-inducing nigger-loving hormone?
Yes user, they are.

You kidding? The redpill has made me hate the assumption of intelligence all people have, and the superficiality of most peoples understanding of subjects. Even within communities that ostensibly have a level of intelligence on a subject, laziness and surface level headline understanding abounds.

>read books
>find based media
>watch older things
>have fun in nature
>play sports or watch sports
>turn off your brain and go out with your friends so you can gather data and have a bearing on IRL things

I love that insanely optimistic, wind-in-your-sails colonial feeling in Jules Verne books. His stuff instantly lifts my mood.

Do you want to watch stuff made by angry, whiny (didactic) cunts? Now you know how we feel.

I think it could be more subtle, the game's themes could be a about cultural unity and the quest for independence through the violent creation of a Utopian, homogeneous, ethno-state. Make all the races aliens to hide the message. Show jew like entities that exist as foreign operators within your civilization to manufacture cultural suicide and divide. Show refugees as opportunistic savages at best and Trojan horse extremists at worst, trying to break into your beautiful creation and destroy it.

It's about portraying reality in a fantastic way that get's people to question the narrative of all other media and look at the real world through a conservative lens.