Anyone got a Cool Wine Aunt?

Anyone got a Cool Wine Aunt?

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250k likes on that famous tweet

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LOL. “Cool wine aunt”. IOW Cat Lady.

>this is unironically the fate of all millennial roasties

I almost feel sorry for them. Almost.

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>not posting the best aborted meme

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i really, really like the cool wine aunt meme lads.

My aunt has no kids bc she was a roastie who waited to peruse a career but then got ovarian cancer in her mid thirties and can no longer conceive.
Her husband obviously left her ass bc he wanted a famy. And now she's basically a yoga fitness lady who drinks way too much and has no purpose in life.
She looks a bit more depressed every time I see her

We can shit talk roasties all day but in all honesty that is actually pretty sad. She probably genuinly wanted kids and just happened to get ovarian cancer early on. Sure she fell for the "independent career womyn" meme, but in my eyes she's more or less a victim of the propoganda more than anything. She sounds like a decent enough woman user,I'll pray for her.

>I'll pray for her.
What for, what could happen to her in your opinion that could make her life worthy?


My kids have a wine aunt, my wife's sister. She has lived the 'Sex in the City' lifestyle for nearly thirty years, is now pushing 50 and is washed-up and lonely


lol, maybe. But isn't that the worse than dying?

I don't know the woman so obviously I can't tell you in what specific ways I think her life could improve, but there are a range of possibilities. God doesn't create all women for the sole purpose of reproduction user, He has other plans for many people beyond that, though motherhood/ being a wife is a woman's primary role in society

>range of possibilities
an example?

What do you think of femcels? They hate men but also hate the sexual revolution and porn. They have husbandos and are in love with fictional characters. They hate meaningless sex and only want pure love.

My aunt is just depressed because she's becoming slowly paralyzed and has a kid she's trying to take care of by herself since her husband went to prison for being a white trash drug dealer that tried to kill a cop over an expired hunting permit.

No woman is involuntarily celibate.

Idk user, maybe she could end up mentoring a younger person on what not to do, helping people in need, taking care of other members in her family.


Finally this Boomer meme is going somewhere.

They don't want to be pumped and dumped. They only want sex when there's true love so they opt to be virgins even after 30. Some of them were heavily bullied and rejected by men for their looks.

whores in denial

they need BBC

I was thinking.. do they get that if everyone has no kids and becomes cool wine aunts, there will be no kids to be cool wine aunts to?

if she breathes, she's a roastie

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That's just fucking sad.

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How is a 31 or 34 year old virgin a whore in denial?

The virgin childless wine aunt


The Chad diet coke mom.

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If she could be a whore, she would be

>God doesn't create all women for the sole purpose of reproduction user

That is one of their purposes but far from the only one

> Hey Aunt why cant you imagine yourself having kids?
> well its bec-

I had a childless Aunt. She wasn't a wino. She married later in life and her husband was "frail". She always said they chose not to have children, but I'm not sure how true that actually was. She would have been marrying age during WW2. She was always around to help and always loved being around children. Was a career teacher, when that meant something.
She was great to be around, always very patient. Good, Godly woman, not a roastie at all. She ran a community garden for 40+ years.

Half the girls I went to school with fit this category.
Facebook is over run with them trying to connect with old school pals. It's really sad, actually.

holy shit lol

You keep using that word...

What is sadder? Them or femcels?

What is it with women's defining personality trait being their alcoholism? Has anybody ever heard a man describe himself as a beer uncle?

My whole family is 'wine aunt'
The more we drink the more right wing we get

You must not be white.

>beer uncle
user pls no. Delete this before its too late

The end result is the same, so I don't know.


no such thing
women are by default socially wired.
even when larping as loners they will broadcast their "loneliness" far and wide to attract male attention (and money)

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top kek

What about female schizoids or female autists that lock themselves in their rooms all day?

My aunt has no kids because she got leukemia as a girl and the tretment left her sterile. Her husband is rich gay dude who will never come out of the closet because his rich jesus freak famly would disown him. They bought me my first car. Not bad as cool wine aunts go.

Cool wine aunt brought and drank her own bottle of wine at a family thing this weekend

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What about women who put their trust in an older man for a long time; knowing that the possibility of being left for another pretty young thing is there, but then ends up leaving to pursue a fatter older divorced woman with kids? That fucks you up pretty badly and already the low self esteem you had throughout your life reaffirms itself.
Too autistic to pursue because of self loathing and too autistic to even pickup on being hit on. It's a cruel fucking life.

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do they have internet access?
case closed

pic related to thread, wine aunt from the #imnotalexjones twitter crowd

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I'm looking forward to the Guardian abortionists writing their columns of umbrage about this new meme. The "roasties" meme got them started, this will get them to explode as it strike at the heart of their materialistic hedonist lifestyle

The instinct is still strong in them to broadcast themselves. It's exceedingly rare to have true shut-in females. I'd wager that they still have a social media account even if alone. Many guys don't have a single traceable identity on the internet.

Give me some more aborted memes

when I was younger, the deal was you'd hook up with someone in high school or college, get married/have kids, then you'd support them after they lost their looks because they had your kids.

Not only didn't I hook up much, but now all these same women are hitting on me with destroyed bodies and ugly kids. And sometimes their baby-daddies are still hanging around too.

I can date younger women that are still attractive and do, but this wasn't the deal. Was this really what feminists wanted? A society of aging, abandoned cat-ladies?

Redneck uncle is a thing

I unironically do
She's really mentally ill but has a lot of money despite not working, I think it's from all the divorce rapes she does to her ex husbands
She's divorced now and fucks random guys, but I think she was already like that
I first met her when I was a teenager and she drunkenly offered to give me one of her cars (ironically from wine)
She's like a real life Blanche DuBois, except worse

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i took am a pittsburgher and penn state alum

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god damn that is one crispy meme

trips don't lie

I am and I notice that it is exclusively whit women doing this. I have a wine aunt, she's like 55 has never had kids, only ever had dogs (right now she has a fucking pitbull), constantly on disability, obese, and on morphine.

My aunt never had husband and kids, but I seriously suspect it's because she's a closeted lesbian.

I mean she doesn't have to live in Paraguay so that's a plus.

I'm sorry to hear that. It doesn't make her more attractive. She could just be easy. He was selfish and went after his instinct to want variety.

the boomer meme is such trash. not funny at all, just obnoxious. Worse than the amerimutt and the brainlet and whatever other lame ass memes have gotten big lately.

>By aborting me you have prevented 8 more abortions. I guess abortion really can be moral huh?
Well shit.

redneck uncle is more of a guy belonging to a culture not just the kind of alcohol they drink.

Honestly this doesn't sound so bad. It's just two people in shitty situations trying to make it work. I respect them for that.

I pull a lot of these women being 23 and good looking. I need to get a sugar mama man.

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It's called a druncle, and yes my nephew called me that

let's make an aborted kike meme

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They're like the male incels but more autistic

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I don't get it.

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My aunt can't have children. She had cancer when she was a girl and her womb had to be removed. But, she is married, and always cared for my sister and I. She is super right wing and red pilled. Helps with me life. Bit of a wino, I truly appreciate her. If her and my uncle could have kids I'm sure we would have been close.

Aborted kike
>you could have owed me money
>I could have produced a movie to teach your kids to hate you
>I could have blamed you for the holocaust even though your Grampa fought with the allies
>I could have been a fellow white person

Because it takes a lot more to be a femcel than an incel.

That doesnt orbit around alcohol though, so doesnt work
Nice numerals btw

>it's a family tradition

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Before my wife and I got married we agreed on sperm and egg donors (my brother and her cousin) in the event one of us was infertile for whatever reason. As luck would have it were, in fact, very fertile and had no problem conceiving. Either way though, this seems like the kind of thing couple should go over before marrying just like finances and children. Her husband might have stayed with her if he could still have had children.

it's amazing you don't know who that particular kike was...

>have cool wine aunt
>she's loud and her kids have grown up to be the most annoying fuckheads on the planet
I actively try to avoid family events

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>t. Boomer

My cool wine aunt earns £150,000 a year from selling lingerie. She is constantly on holiday and/or getting drunk.

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>has anybody ever heard a man describe himself as a beer uncle?
They're just called "uncles."

>(my brother and her cousin)
isn't that incest

A man who's 40+ with no kids actually admits he's pathetic

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You're thinking of her brother and his (female) cousin.

>Was this really what feminists wanted? A society of aging, abandoned cat-ladies?
The lesbian separatists, yes.

They're all the same

If I were sterile we'd have used my brother's sperm (and I'd be raising my genetic nephew). If she were sterile we'd have used her cousin's eggs (and she'd be raising her genetic first-cousin-once-removed).


What is their obsession with traveling? Wine, traveling, working shitty careers they hate, what type of life is that? You're going to be 50 years old and really regretting that waste.

I think a women that never had kids is way worse than a man that never had kids. In the past almost all women had kids but only a minority of men passed their genes on.

>Was this really what feminists wanted? A society of aging, abandoned cat-ladies?
The women's suffrage movement was made up of the 1920s equivalent of cat ladies

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It's crazy how delusional millennial women are. Who the fuck thinks an old woman with no kids is in any way cool?

Yes... yes it was. Give them what they asked for user. Expect them to live and pursue life the same way men do... Don't put up with their shit for any chivalrous reason. They'll see the folly of their disloyalty and refusal to submit.

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You would fuck her? r8 her

Wine aunts think when their nephews and nieces laugh when she drunkenly does something retarded they're laughing with her and not at her

Uncle? Fuck, I know plenty of people with fathers who are like that.