Borat, fine

>Borat, fine
>Bruno, fine
>Ali G, fine
>show where he exposes neocons for the faggots they are

Right wing snowflakes showing their true colours

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Other urls found in this thread:

mosusing the snowflake meme to own [someone]

Stop shilling your stupid virtue signalling show (((Cohen))) or (((Cohens))) lackey.
In all fields.

Aw did I invade your safe space? poor little snowflakes.

Its a shit show and clearly not real.
And the movie about the middle eastern dictator was the only good one.
Adam Sandlers Zohan movie was better than ALL of (((Cohens))) movies.

You are such a little faggot.

And you are a kike nigger jew dick sucking goblin
Whose thread is getting saged into oblivion
So, your opinion, much like yourself is fairly worthless.
Are you aware of your current spacial coordinates?

damn dude sick own


SBC stopped being relevant or funny after borat. Nobody cares anymore, stop shilling your shitty movies here.

the shows pretty funny. dongle troomp 2020

He's a fucking jew

This is gay guerrilla marketing from Showtime. These niggers have been shitting up /tv/ for weeks.

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He only really owned that one retard who was a fucking state representative that nobody gave a fuck about and the NRA lobbyist retard. Joe Arpaio didn't even know what the fuck a blowjob even was and that faggot from Arizona would have never agreed to the fake pedo detector test if he was in fact a pedo

Borat and Bruno were never funny to begin with.

Everybody knows that marketing jews are here to shill another jew. The thing is they're acting like we hate him instead of literally giving zero fucks about a washed up nobody.

yeah it's definitely more plausible that they've started a shilling campaign on Jow Forums, that's definitely more likely than people just posting about current events in entertainment and politics.

>sees working class ruralite spending time with his family after church
>"EEEEEhscuse meh, I aM bUt a reCent UrkranIAN imMigrEnt, CoulD youu pls heLP me wid MAH giant PENIES?!"
>5 stars
Extremely online Communists:
>Jow Forums BTFO

Attached: SachaBaronCohen.jpg (780x520, 37K)

I want to watch the new show looks hilarious.

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While there is a debate as to whether posting an image while saging does or does not bump a thread, saging without an image certainly does not bump the thread, so while "in all fields" mode, plesse refrain from posting an image as well.

Say "The holocaust was a lie and it never happened"

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This. Even 12 year old me thought Borat was the lowest form of comedy not worth my time.

Im aware, but he is funnier overall than SBC


Have you watched any of his movies again since you were a 10-year-old?

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The holocaust happened and it worked in favor of the Zionists

Thanks for outing yourself, jew.

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Learn to reading comprehend faggot.
And if you say you have never laughed at a single thing sandler has done, you are lying, or just not being honest with yourself.
He was on SNL the last time SNL was any good, and he was one of the reasons.

SBC is right wing.

>Hurrr look at me filming myself while I be a jackass to white people and abuse their politeness and hospitality, what losers

It's so gay

They're trying to socially engineer this washed up boomer into being a thing here even though they're literally the only ones posting about this faggot.

I can't help thinking since the show has drowned, they're going to try to pull some scam in the media about how this washed up boomer kike got over on Jow Forums or something when it was them all along doing this shit and it's a complete lie.




*Hides flag*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>Lets team up with niggers
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>Really makes you think
>It doesn't wo-
>furries are cool
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
*sips tea*
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
>How can Jow Forums even compete?
>not a divide and conquer thread
>You mad white boy?
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Jow Forums BTFO
>not all jews
*sips tea*
>Look at this qt jew
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this


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schizo Jow Forums inbreds thinking everything is a conspiracy again

>if CNN calls it a conspiracy that means it's fake

That only works on normies.


>aren't Americans and RETHUGLICANS so dumb
This shtick was old 15 years ago.

>>Borat, racist
>>Bruno, homophobic
>>Ali G, anti-arab/anti-muslim-immigrant

Mr Cohen; racist Jew making racist humor about everyone else but Jews.

Attached: borat_in_israel_cohen.jpg (1386x571, 239K)

Remember when he could have exposed how nutty Israel is but instead turned a fake meeting between Palestinians and Jews into a cheap joke about Hummus (sounds like Hamas XDDDDD) and then ruined the reputation of some ordinary guy and made the world think he's a terrorist?

good times

His schtick is just old now. Nobody but a few extremists on both sides care. Let it go

he's an awful human being. i can't believe how dumb the people he interviewed are though.

Bruno was shit. Borat, solid 10 out of 10. Very nice.

You must be desperate to still this movie, considering it brought in substantially less viewers than Twin Peaks on the same network.

literally dont know what he did...

was he wearing a spandex thong again?

am i triggered?

pls tell me what I am feeling mr commie sir.

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this guy hasn't been relevant for over a decade, stop pretending like anyone cares

Sucks that Americans don't actually fit the stereotype that co hen projects, since it would mean that he would be fed to pigs by now

He named the Jew. Suggest what to do with Jew:

>show where he exposes neocons for the faggots they are
that was Borat

Zohan aged like milk, sorry.

Keep up the good work op, this is the absolute worst narrative the left has

Borat was cool, but Brüno was a downgraded Borat.

Did you forget the shit storm he caused with the borat movie? Lots of people tried to sue him.

you're not at all suspicious of the fact that this is literally the entire goal of his new shotime show?

The other stuff was actually funny and silly. You can see his clear intent in the new one. and its on (((SHOTIME))) so that should give you the red flag right there.

>Look who the ((((CEO)))) is.
>Look what other shows/agenda's are pushed on sho time
>look who just signed a deal with the (LEBRON SHUT UP N DRIBBLE JAMES)

The only fun part was when he went to Orthodox Jerusalem

it was just a bunch of Gypsies asking for some money they don't deserve, like they always do

This tbqh nobody is mad at this latest movie whatever its called i forget

Boring cheap edgy humor
Boring cheap edgy humor
>Ali G
Amazing or utter shit depending on your sense of humor. I loved the movie when I was a kid but now seems a little corny to me.
>Whatever he did now
Meh, kinda like the character reactions at times

Aside from that I don't know where you get that reaction from. Most people who shitpost this guy here are precissely to point a reaction I don't really see here much just like when nobody gives a fuck about something a liberal said and they come here in a desperate attempt to farm reactions.

Yet, still a better movie than any of SBC

lol nigger

And, his show has such shitty ratings, it won’t get renewed. Too bad this kike will be irrelevant by next year, that’s 3 failures in a row for him now.

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Check his wiki page, lots of people tried and failed to sue him. The movie got banned in Arab countries too.

>tries to commit felony
>gets BTFO
oh no, that sucks

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oh, yeah, you're right. I remember now. Kek, that's why I support him. I love seeing all these people getting so butthurt about him

Haven't seen his new show but the Ali G show didn't expose anyone. It was just funny to watch people react to a foreign retard or a gay retard or a wigger retard.

when did leftfags start trying to call us snowflakes and cucks? some kind of jewish trick?
>maybe we should call them the names they called us 2 years ago

I haven't heard anything from this guy that I consider funny.

I like it desu. It's biased, but still funny.
(unlike some shit like John Oliver which is biased and not funny at all)

VERY gay and jewish

None of those other shows are fine either.

I don't support Jewish comedians ridiculing white people.

nobody is talking about this irl and the ratings are shit. stop acting likes its some important cultural event

He's pretty funny desu, might see his show at some point

Not fine, really. I found them funny when I was an edgy kid. Now they're all just cringy as fuck.

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Go on Wikipedia and read the list of episodes. Less than half a million people watch this shit when it airs. Everyone with an opinion on it is a shill.

The salt-right and other meme conservative as the real bitch ass niggas.

Jews are white. Look at that picture. He's whiter than most of the people on this site.

the dirt kike has too much money for him to produce an endless stream of shit shows *spit*

>Show failing so terribly that the kike has to send people to Jow Forums to try and get free publicity for it otherwise it's doomed
Nigger, do you think anyone here actually would watch that shit? You must be retarded.

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he's performing due dilligence where we can't op let him separate the wheat from our chaffed boipucci legs. we'll let him do work and replace the cess with the best. wump womp thanks op. never stop the enemy from making a mistake jimjam

>I say you said 'TOO FAR REEEEEE'
>therefore you said it
congratulations, seriously

>Right wing snowflakes showing their true colours
Nobody I know whether on the right or left has watched this. It's on cable and nobody uses that anymore. You'd know this if you were an American.

>It's on cable
It's also on the internet. Who the fuck watches TV anymore?

Don't you need to prove you're a cable customer to watch online? Otherwise you'd have to pay individually for each individual episode kek

Have you ever even seen borat? And to answer your question OP i think the show is hilarious because it is abusing the blind trust neocohens have for kikes. Also which lamp post would you like to hang from, commie?

Why do you guys keep pretending this show triggers us? I don't even know what show your talking about? Is ali g back?

It's called piracy

Never mind just looked it up, I didn't even know Cohen had a new show. I thought HBO was going to bring Ali G back?

>implying good goys who watch this shit know how to pirate

can't argue with that

When he interviewed ron paul...
that shit was funny.

Still hilarious

>implying we watch any of this (((((((((((((((((((((KIKES))))))))))))))))))))))) movies


kike faggot is hilarious

Im not really a fan of any of those movies. This guys fucking weird. He even tbagged eminem.

Bitch please, it's obviously as false, fake and phony as a trust-fund communists' love for the 'working class'. At times it ridiculously obvious they are in on the joke. And don't forget he got into the shit from bong lefties for Ali G and Borat, and both times played the Jew card.

I still think he's pretty funny

>Ali G - Fun, because we were kids
>Borat - Some amusing parts, but overall too fucking childish for most people above age 15
>Bruno - Maybe it's time to for Cohen to do something else
>Israeli guy on new show - ????

I don't know. Maybe it's just part of growing up, while libshits maintain the same childish form of humor throughout their lives.

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What Brother Grimsby?

Wasnt even that political, just a comedian trying their best to be relevant. Go bleach your t shirts.