Since today is Purple Heart day we must remember that two years ago, a Donald Trump supporter handed him a Purple Heart. Trump’s flippant and repugnant reply: “I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier.”
As someone who fought for our country in Iraq, was injured, and was awarded a Purple Heart, I can tell you, no one should ever “want” to get a Purple Heart.
Again and again, Donald Trump has proven that he is unfit to be the Commander in Chief of our armed forces. As Khizr Khan poignantly argued, Donald Trump has not sacrificed for this country and he does not understand duty to any cause other than himself.
Luis Gray
Don’t look here user, just some fruits of Feinstein and Regime Leader Jiang’s impeccable relationship:
New Mexico Senate GE: Martin Heinrich (D) 47% (+18) Mick Rich (R) 29% Gary Johnson (L) 22% . 2-Way-Race: Martin Heinrich (D) 50% (+12) Gary Johnson (L) 38%
They're stalking random people who may have voted for Trump? Guess they didnt want to use black panthers to intimidate voters at the polling stations this go 'round. Instead they'll just doxx voters
>no one should ever “want” to get a Purple Heart. that's personal opinion, there's plenty of people out there who did want to get a purple heart to prove they put their life on the line whilst serving on the front lines instead of being a desk clerk 500 miles away or some massive liberal discord plebbit faggot that refuses to even grow up.
Wyatt Jones
In Trump's World: Obama: Kenyan LeBron James: dumb Don Lemon: dumb Maxine Waters: low IQ black countries: shitholes black athletes: SOBs Black tenants: unwelcome Black workers: lazy Central Park 5: guilty Mexicans: rapists Muslims: terrorists Indians: fake Nazis: very fine people
Only a racist would disagree
Nolan Ramirez
Tesla would actually be turning a profit currently but you have the giga factories being built chewing up money. Once the giga factories are up it's pretty much easy street for tesla. They are already producing just not to their full level.
The gig factories are unique that they can run even when not fully built. Musk did this so they could run while buiding these monsters. We are talking the biggest buildings in the world. In one year and half the first will be fully up producing more electric car batteries than the rest of the world combined
So the answer is yes but musk will get giga 1 up then sell out and push on to spacex/boring/solar city
Carson Roberts
Yes, I heard of this yesterday. What a fucking embarrassment.
Jason Allen
>Libshits vs The Media That fucking fascist Nazi MSNBC!! I heard they employ a literal murderer!
Bingo, and unless they can either up the range or increase the number of those fast charge places no one living in the comfy part of the nation will want one, they're too impractical unless it's as a 2nd car for in town commutes.
>t. coastal urban shithole dweller
Jordan King
Trump’s questioned Sen. John McCain’s service so many times, I should be numb to it. But every time I see a cowardly 4 time draft-dodger, come after the record of guy who volunteered for service at 17 and sacrificed his youth & freedom for our country, I get pissed all over again.
I don't mind if someone posts the truth every thread desupai
Jack Sullivan
so...The town child rapist is in prison because this stormfag likes Trump?
N Beach Indeed.
Kayden Richardson
I wish.
Leo Morales
Zachary Price
>not BURN at the stake
Luke Torres
I remain completely unconvinced. Musk has consistently over-promised and under-delivered. Tesla will continue to exist because Musk is a good bullshitter and that's it. If he was serious about Tesla he would not have bailed out SolarCity.
I know it's a usually republican district in a state that Trump won by like 10 points but still if the republicans can't win there that's a serious concern