39 degree Celsius

>39 degree Celsius
>in fucking Germany

Tell me again how climate change is not real? I am fucking dying here.

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Just trying to make it more accommodating for your new residents, Mohammad, Ahmed, and Shiska

redpill in 321...


lol, fuck, it actually does work out for them.

If you're from Dresden I'd think you'd be used to the heat lel
I remember our German exchange students used to say that Kansas summers are how they imagained hell's heat to feel.

Finland, report in. Are you guys okay? Has the temp dropped to Spurdö-safe levels yet? Are the forest elve qts safe?

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No, you see, the colour black absorbs heat and you imported so many refugees that they are impacting the national temperature.

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20 c / 68 f atm. breddy good.

Nice. Anni and Lauri were sleeping in a tent in their backyard last week because it was so bad. I was really worried about Suomi.

Europeans are such crybabies. It is 38-41 every day all summer long in central Japan.

And yet you have hundreds dying to excess heat too.

Who the fuck are those

Anni & Lauri Vuohensilta of Tempere.

hahaha what

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I was reading a book while sunbathing. what's your problem it's comfy.

Oh no, the old and the dumb die of natural (heat) death.
What a bummer.

Anni is a cute in her own way. Her laugh is fucking adorable.

>and the dumb
I dont think intelligence makes you heat resistant.

It make you stay inside or take a fucking break when it's 40 degrees outside at least.

Faggot. take it like a champ.

You are all turks and middle easterns anyway.

Just find a US-American and stab him with a broken beer bottle until he goes home or bleeds to death.

Climate change is real, of course. Nothing is static. The dispute is whether or not Human influence is the primary cause of it or barely significant. I believe the latter.

I bet you're a fucking American, aren't you?
Only Americans flood these threads thinking they're bad ass for being able to handle hot weather, even though it's only because they have African and Mexican DNA.

>94% white


>El Ogro de las Americas

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Texas here, 39°C?!

Shit man put on a jacket that's fucking freezing...

Honestly the heat is tolerable if you're not fat and you have a fan.

Turn off your AC, fatass.

WTF it's cold here how is this possible, Hans?!

Does being fat make temperature feel worse?


anyone who has visited Germny knows this is not true. The government lies and I'd say its closer to 50% white.

Yea definitely this

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Why don't Europeans have air conditioning?

Hello: Swiss Confederation Masterrace located in Zurich City reporting in:

8pm CEST: Feels like 30°C, 86°F

Attached: wetter_1.png (424x447, 19K)

we call them europoor for a reason.

>be amerimutt tourist
>only visit Berlin because you are a filthy tourist nigger
>conclude that its 50% white

Btw I visited the states and only went to Detroid, why is it that all of America is 95% black, mutt?

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kek, you got SA weather now, nice.


Proper housing, thicc walls. My parent's house has 1m thick walls in places and rarely goes above 25°C (77F) even in hellish heat outside. AC would only be useful in extreme heat waves like now, but that's 1% of the time and just not worth it.

buy ac

> having to go outside cities to find white people yet he firmly believes Germny is 94% white.


Ahahaha, white people are genetically predisposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically being only fit to live underground like groveling goblins.


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Does anyone know how to deal with dry shitty air?

For (You)

Long live Roelof Frederik Botha.

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Point a fan at a bowl of water.

If White people all went deep underground to start their own societies, I guarantee shitskins would follow in hopes of getting handouts and just generally mooching on White achievements down there. Nothing more than a bunch of ungrateful parasites.

TFW you have reduced your Carbon emissions but other countries don’t do shit so you are screwed anyway

Don't be nasty, Tyrone.

BTW: That girl is immature, since she said Koreans are PoC. Koreans are white, not PoC. Still, what is interesting: Nothing was written about that issue in Swiss media.

O.k., now give some water to your shitbull nigger dog.

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>have reduced your Carbon emissions
Ahahaha, Franz-Josef.

Pix related

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I don't deny it, I just think that we as humans are not the main reason of its change. The planet goes through these cycles.

im gonna shoot up a fucking school reeeeeeeeeeeee

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>im gonna shoot up a fucking school

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>it gets hot in the summer
>not realizing we have different periods of different temperatures every year

Jesus you people are so goddamn stupid.

>look up current temperature in Dallas
>it was actually slightly hotter here during noon than in fucking Dallas, Texas


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she is disgusting and you're retarded for actually liking a haircolor changing tattoo'd thot

>Drumpf says global warming dont real
>all mutts turn into parrots

>my town hasn't seen a drop of rain in 6 weeks
>literally not a single drop
>every day in that period over 30c

I want to cry

should have had some bookmarks with gay furry porn or something

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Before he went to Breitbard U.K., Delingpole wrote for the British "Spectator". I believe either Delingpole or Theodore Dalrymple also discussed the climate change meme back then (in the "Spectator"). The current temperature is not unusual and on Thursday, the temperature will already go down.

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>my town
what town

eat shit faggot
what you're describing is my usual summer but now the tables have been turned
we've had a shit ton of rain and nice cool temperatures
if global warming is causing this then i'm going outside tomorrow to buy some old fridges with cfcs in them to break apart and release the gasses

>10.5c in iceland

>pasty white boy
get a tan you fucking snow nigger

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Just North of Duisburg

Fuck off. Jow Forums made the decision last week to make Iceland a white ethnostate for dwarfs and midgets.

Imagine it, Stan; Dwarfs running around volcanoes and shit. A whole fucking island of this.

the fuck am I reading

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wud de fugg??

Look up EIKE
There is no global warming user
ITs media hype and manipulated Data

We're turning Iceland into Moria.

You missed the vote, I guess.

Germans have 0 air conditioning

>Tell me again how climate change is not real? I am fucking dying here.
Meh, heat wave is all over the Europe but older anons remember there were warmer times in the past. I remember somewhere in mid 90s when it was fucking mid-40ies.

Fucking wusses. If I can withstand 30-something degrees celsius despite being a lazy guy of no particular fortitude without any airconditioning other than "open the window", so can you. Drink enough liquids, moisten your body with some water and avoid direct sunlight and you'll be fine.

same, bro.
At this point i just wish to get naked and run through the rain - but there is none D:

Gotta use the shower and use the power of imagination. Though it's easy to say for me - here, while it's over 30, we do get rains from time to time as well. Not that those help much. Sure, plants don't die but at the same time fucking tropical, wet and hot air at times is bothersome.

There is no warming
this is perfectly normal
Why is it you have so much trouble coping with normal weather?

Sucks to be you. We have enjoyed the coolest April, May, June, and July here in Virginia that we have had in decades. Hell im sitting on the back porch right now and it is pleasant. It is NEVER “pleasant” outside in the afternoon in Virginia in August.


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Buy air conditioning, retards

Or an industrial fan

as part of reparations israel is using HAARP to turn germany into an oven

expensive as fuck and by the time it's installed the temp will have dropped and the winter will start

It's not expensive
You can buy the version with wheels, doesn't need installation

Its 45C here, ever heard of a/c? We stay indoors to avoid death

Dumb europoors can’t afford ac huh, so much for the master race. Over here I bend the elements to my will

Also, you know the air conditioning will serve you next year, and the next, and the next, and so on?

Honsest question, Isnt it a strange feeling if you cant go outside for extended periods? Dont you guys go hiking, cycling, climbing and such?

Damn that's hot. Now you know how it feels for us evety summer


climate change is not real.

It's liberal mind control to get you to let them fuck your dog's puppies with their jewmaster lizardpeople racelaw riot wharrgarrbl.

Or something. Fuck if I know. Jow Forums will deny it so long as it upsets people, regardless of science, because Jow Forums understand shota and loli, not science.

You just defer those activities for three to four months.

Global Warning 1/3

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Global Warning 2/3

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Global Warning 3/3

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Barely above freezing in the summer, yeah right, I would only expect that from a nordic country like denmark

youre like a baby, watch this

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you have dry inland air, it could be 50 degrees, youd still be fine. Stop bitching and start genociding already

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Kek. Fuck you guys


Use real numbers please

Anthropogenic climate change is happening, but just come into any of these threads to witness Jow Forums's various forms of sophistry and non-arguments as to why it isn't, before begging the question and concluding that nothing should be done.

If it were real, the idiots saying it was real would not have abandoned it to go to "climate change". Same idiots predicted an ice age.

Maybe stop listening to idiots.

>A/C just broke today
That being said, it's been a pretty mild summer here, cooler than normal if anything.

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