>Suburban house + garage
>Three children
>Two cats
>Two pets
We’re they supposed to be lower-middle class or something?
Does the average americunt live like this?
>Suburban house + garage
>Three children
>Two cats
>Two pets
We’re they supposed to be lower-middle class or something?
Does the average americunt live like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>We’re they supposed
>We’re they supposed
>tfw when google translate fails you.
I know right?
I liked how it happened to malcolm in the middle too
>although the series protrays the family as poor, they have their own house, a pretty big one, two cars and even manage to pay for other expenses such as paying a private school for the francis
lmao, this is the life of an upper middle class family in mexico
lisa is the strong feminist boomer and bart is the modern day white male
Homer was lucky to get a good paying gig at the nuclear plant because it just opened and was only able to buy that house when his dad sold the family farm then gave him the money.
>2 kids
>went on vacations
>sold shoes
Al Bundy was a caricature of underclass European-Americans from 30 years ago, and yet he was substantially better off than I can ever hope to be. America used to be a paradise for Europeans, now it is a kike-run plutocratic anti-white dystopia.
Yes, they were lower middle class. Thats what 90s lower middle class looked like before the government decided to help people buy houses via legislation
>2 cats
They are house poor, the epitome of suburban lower middle class.
get out bart I'm piss!
Why are Mexicans obsessed with the Simpson’s
>We’re they supposed to be lower-middle class or something?
Supposed, no. but conned their way into it. Grimes says it best:
It's not just Mexicans, it's all of south America too!
It’s based on the past. Americans cannot live like this anymore, except for maybe in flyover states where everything is cheap.
>educación mexicana
Americans don't even realize how good they have it compared to the rest of the globe.
>mfw I make 3.50 an hour at my shitty service sector job while a fat 'Murican doing the exact same thing gets like four times as much
>mfw he still complains about not having a 15$/h salary, even though food and clothes are far cheaper in the US than they are in Europe
so, Frank Grimes was an incel?
didnt he have a son that tried to take revenge on the samsungs?
cry me a river snow nigger
Its how americans lived before beaners ruined the nation
You mean the housing crisis?
>house prices go up from greedy jews
>wages go down because spics and free trade
it is all connected
>reactor operator
It’s a six figure job today with some experience. Most nuclear plants are in real areas so the cost of living is low.
Should be rural
Fucking mobile shitboasting
I've seen that before. Usually one of the parents get laid off to cause that.
circa 1988
We are not obsessed with it. We hold the series dear because it was the only good thing on public TV. At that time it was very expensive to get cable TV.
In the 90s yes
>two cats
Dipshit subhuman