Explain how you do it Neetcucks? How are you managing to not have a job when most literal niggers and disabled people have jobs?
You have to be a total loser to be unemployed in Trump's economy
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Not working is a human right
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learned how to jew the system from some kikes
I don't see why I should care if I'm a loser. The only consequence is someone bitching on the internet.
Unemployment has fallen because people are working two jobs..
Employment is not a duty but a privilege asshole. If you want to live in a country where labor is national duty fly over to north Korea.
My job is not having a job
conservation of motion...you go earn money then you have to spend it on stuff. now you have less money. you have to do a clean break or the cycle will persist
Get a job and stop being an embarrassment to your parents
I know I'm a loser. My question is why I should care.
or a NEET
you should have drive an ambition to improve yourself and be a better you. Even blacks have that. It's literally what makes different from animals.
nice try mr goldberg
I already am a red collar worker, what about you?
neets ARE losers tho
Wages are still terrible. Wages haven't gone up in 20 years while rent has skyrocketed.
> red collar
first time I hear of this. Is that what they call a neet who get's welfare from the socialist Eurocuck government?
>You have to be a total loser to be unemployed in Trump's economy
Meh, I voted for Trump, but I wont deny that the unemployment numbers are as low as they are because Trump has adopted Obama's tactics for counting it. Long time unemployed are no longer counted, completely ignore the millions who are working less than 40hrs a week because of Obamacare's 35hr rule, etc.
>mfw he stops being an absolute sperg for 2 seconds to balance the top hot
top kek
>it's a boomer unironically believes anything a politician tells him episode
Protip: people in authority don't necessarily know what the fuck they're talking about, and often are only looking to make people happy - either because they actually care, or as in most cases, more voters in his pocket. Jesus fucking christ you boomers are naive as fucking hell.
No it's fallen because labor participation is at historic lows.
>uses shit Obama policies to look good
>increases debt massively
Even the economy is getting beaten and it won't be long till it corrects itself from the current high market
Apply at walmart if you need work. I've been working there since 2004 and i can show you youngins the ropes!!
Sorry, I dont want to work at Amazon
I'd rather kill myself senpai.
>Explain how you do it Neetcucks? How are you managing to not have a job when most literal niggers and disabled people have jobs?
Autisté-NEETs are the new Nobility. go wage for my NEETBUX peasant. MUSH! this is our reward for making the west white again fuck off we are the jews now and you will never get rid of us
Neetkek you literally can't get rent anywhere and are forced to live in your parents basement forever asking mom permission to buy a new video game when you're in your 30s how does that make you feel
I refuse to work alongside a nigger while earning great sheckles for the jew.
>anyone know an all white company that is hiring nazis?
Wagie Wagie on the street
Are you jealous of us NEETs
When work is done, no time to play
Must rest up to earn that pay
Wagie wagie what to do?
All that work must make you blue
NEETs have fun never pending
Our summertime is never ending
Oh wagie wagie don't you cry
Some day soon you all will die
Its ok. Just get a flesh-colored Bluetooth earbud and listen to podcasts all day, everyday.
What did you say neet bitch? I worked hard amassed capital and became my own boss now people work for me and take MY orders. I am a pillar of the community people know my name and want to shake my hand bitches want MY dick. You are nothing NEET faggit you're a nobody and you will die a nobody.