They banned infowars

Now they are coming for every single right-of-center user on the entire internet.

You didnt stand behind alex because hes eccentric, and now you are fucked

Attached: bb70f7438289be6b92dbead4bd8984d2.jpg (736x920, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Private companies exert their right to refuse service
I thought the right was pro-business? What happened?

>private companies
Working synergistically all at once to ban everyone with certain opinions.
Its a monopoly.

By offering the service for free i would argue it is.

i dont care about alex jones and info wars. Jones is a torture to listen to and info wars had no news anyways - anyone with half a functional brain could come to the same conclusions as him.

However, what i do care about is that fertile female in the pic. Nice body, would be great wife and mommy material, if not the mental state of women. Alas, beauty has vanished from the world we created. God, please forgive us for we didnt know what we were doing.


Attached: artofthebrap.png (477x802, 584K)

What is the name of this cum bum?

sauce us now

Its called following market trends, user. This is Economics 101.

The fact that it happened in a day isn't a sign of some deep conspiracy, either. You don't need to hold meetings to coordinate something that can be done in 2 minutes. Its a domino effect, one company bans and the others follow.

Did anyone stand with the Daily Stormer last year? It was just Tucker.