Everyone is cheering for Alex Jones being taken down. People are cheering for censorship and authoritarianism...

Everyone is cheering for Alex Jones being taken down. People are cheering for censorship and authoritarianism. It’s over.

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Rightwing lies are dangerous

this place is a national socialist forum. fuck off back to r/the_donald with your freedom of speech

they're not cheering, dissenting opinions have been banned. lol

Everyone is cheering for Chuck being taken down. People are cheering for feedsorship and seedoroterianism. It's over.

it's the free market, bro. Capitalism. Would you like the government to force youtube, facebook and twitter to host Jones' contend?

What is wrong with controlling the unruly masses?

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alex jones is fake news

why do you care so much?

You have to wear a 9000 layer tinfoil hat to watch Alex Jones to take it seriously, he seems to believe ALL the conspiracy theories in existence from flat earth to super advanced reptilian civilizations building bases on the moon

just do something better with your time