Do women really have more options?

I got into a discussion recently with a woman who said that men have more options than women in the dating scene. She explicitly stated that she meant options for a relationship, not for sex. I honestly couldn't disagree with her. Thoughts?

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Women limit their own options through arbitrary and unhealthy standards, then complain that they don't have any, then blame men for the whole situation.

Jow Forums

Women have more options they just tell themselves that most of those options aren't "real options" because they are hypergamous. That woman has the option to fuck any one of the millions of incels roaming around, but she wouldn't do that because they are invisible to her.

As a matter of fact, they have two options. Find a man who will treat her, not like a girl, or a lady, but a woman, or go out in the world and subject herself to an infinite series of sexual abuses.

Sperm chases the egg. End of story.

By options she means Chads and she'd be right, why would Chad settle with just one girl (unless she were rich, not a whore and had similar interests) when every women wants to trade up?

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>why would Chad settle with just one girl
Because that's what a civilization is, fucking retard.

Chad is a fucktard if he has no interest in making his family succeed by his continued presence.

The girl I was discussing this with is not a whore and not a feminist. She said that men have the advantage of being the pursuers and women are the responders. I guess her issue is that men don't approach her.