Why niggas think this looks good?

I always see niggas that look like this, same hairstyle and shape up, this is how 99% of niggas look

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why do negro's have such an obsession with barber shops in general?

black hairdos are the one thing I dont have an opinion on

it's a front, they sell drugs at barbershops

it looks fresh , ive 0 hate on it and adore black male and female haircuts with their jerly curls etc - ive blonde/brunette hair depending on weather and hairproducts i use and i can only do the spikey thingy or hitlercut everything else looks like ass or fuccboi hair on me.
the big moles around my neck forehead and back of it dont help portraying it.

the question is why do you think this LOOKS bad? if you ask me you´re just jealous. probably balding or bald already.

Same thing as it is with you and drinking tea. Culture, expect suppressed for centuries by white overlords. Naturally someone like you, an Englishman could not understand how oppressed culture behaves.

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Look at this beautiful KING, you pathetic whites are just jealous of his majesty and grace.

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this is the new style for niggas

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tbqh this looks pretty good on this nigger, I can imagine why they like it.

but there are only muslims in the UK

wtf is a nigga?

well admittedly it looks kind of cool in a way but it's going to look sloppy in a day or less once the hair around the edges starts growing back in. You would have to maintain it constantly

I dont think it looks bad just a bit funny
Actually I love my hair, its long and thick

bruh gimme that wrinkle do

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Hey dumbass, they are called waves and they look fine compared to greasy long unkempt white people hair.

white boy can get dem 360 waves too

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i've seen niggers here who asked their barber to draw spiderman in their hair

cause they have aids

It was one of the first black businesses that didn't really get firebombed down, so they formed a center point around neighborhoods. barber shops in black neighborhoods generally aren't only there for hair cuts, they also have games, and other hangouts plus being surrounded by grown men constantly, so it was a good place for kids to stay while parents worked

Go be autistic in the middle of the street.

Wouldn't the whole hairstyle explode after washing it once?

because they can get a fro from ceasars cut if they desire so

They’re called niggers

christ this guy obviously doesn't have a father to smack him and tell him he looks fucking retarded

shut up faggot

Fuck off nigger

water beads off black hair

thats why they smell so bad, they don't wash

because it attrackts a Special Kind of woman

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so can asian boi

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I mean what other type of haircut can they have?

New in 2006

Lol finegar i drink coffee with gold top and dunk buttered toast what u gonna do

Theres not much you can do with nappy nigger hair. Its either that pic, afro, or dreds.

There's some nice geometry & trig going on in that nigs fuzz.

Asians have the most greasy hair

What the fuck? Is that true?
Sound preposterous, but could be true, oils and all.

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the edges are sharpie marker. seriously



black hair is like wool, its disgusting

desu afros and dreads look better

It’s quite cool actually
This instagram page for nigga hair popped up on my explore page and im just going through it and the geometry is A1

I think they can the do the most with their hair it just doesnt look good

Chinks copy anything and everything. Soulless hive mind insectoids.

My dad who is white and blonde had a huge afro back in the day kek

I do wonder what the cost is for these haircuts....seems like it would take some time and skill to have those results.


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>capacity for good taste
I mean...

True insectoids

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coal burning whores?

top kek

Anyone have the Nigger Gamer Funeral Memes?

They dont have a lot of options and I suppose it's the cleanest you can appear with pubes on your head.

Its popular again now

I think they have a lot of options, blacks have more hairstyles than us

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i agree the wrinkles is too much , you cant deny however that its incredibly well done work with the shades and how it blends together - this type of haircut takes at least an hour to get it RIGHT and not even perfect. i go to a turkish barbershop near my place and they are supercheap and its the best cut i´ve gotten in years while doing their damn hardest to please you as a customer also offering you tea , smalltalk or shutting up (no female haircutters THANK GOD that always blabble or tell you to smile) so ive 0 hate for haircutters or any haircut for that matter and this be a silly thread lad.

did they fucking draw an outline around his hair? LOL

Are you cuck faggot or something? Why are you even thinking about how black men style their hair? What? You want to suck off a nigger or something? Fucking faggot.

blacks are fucking ugly

>why do niggers...
seriously, you have to fucking ask in $currentYear?

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Cos they need haircuts regularly or their hair starts getting retarded.

not really when you include long hair haircuts for men

>Projecting this hard
I just asked about a hairstyle jfc

Dont wash for a week and it will.

Yesssss, more specifically decent not overweight ones. The average nog must put a lot of effort into fashion and grooming in order to attract a mate who is not obese ghetto trash. Although there also many who disregard this high stake competition and settle for land whales and lanky trailer park trash.

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what's with the cum in his eyebrows


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Niggas cant literally compete with pic related

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80% of that is hair dye. Nighers grow weak beards

that star of satan. kek

Bet that nihger wouldn't recognize the most popular Iron maiden song. Pathetic culture vultures


homeboy lookin' crispy AF, why you speak down on a brother for?

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Narcissistic types are very much infatuated with their appearance. That particular negro sub-human seems to have filled his ego with self acceptance and believe after staring into the mirror for a very long time that he is superior in all ways.


that pin stripe tho

What's going on in this pic
Please elaborate

What the hell am I looking at? I can't even tell.

This is what I'm wondering too, why does OP give a fuck about some guy's hairstyle?

Stupid Brazilian negro ran into the enemy favela and got his arms chopped off while alive and opened up.

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Because when you're piss broke and a high school or college drop out (and likely unemployed), the way you show your "wealth" to other niggers is via tattoos and a "clean fade". They're low IQ nigs without a pot to piss in wasting the day away at a hair salon

This is the latest trend for the niggers...i mean monkey

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that's most likely a Filipino nigger

Maybe for you faggots
The new style around here is the half black/half blonde dreads like Killmonger/Xxxtentacion

>>The few secluded spaces housed a population Calhoun called, “the beautiful ones.” Generally guarded by one male, the females—and few males—inside the space didn’t breed or fight or do anything but eat and groom and sleep. When the population started declining the beautiful ones were spared from violence and death, but had completely lost touch with social behaviors, including having sex or caring for their young.
-Calhoun Mouse Paradise Experiment

Shit. I wonder if the guy actually did anything to deserve it, or its as simple as the people who caught him were fucking degenerate animals.

Why do filipinos larp as black so much?

judge for yourself, probably deserved it.

true it's what peak performance looks like.