How do we deal with the chink woman question?
How do we deal with the chink woman question?
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Free helicopter rides
So it's true, they scream the loudest about what they want to be fucked by the most.
By that logic, Jow Forums wants to have sex with Jewesses.
How shocking, a non white woman wants to be COLONIZED.
drop them off in north korea.
Who wouldn’t? You see those Khazar milkers on Ben Shapiro’s sister? She could spin my dreidel and enjoy my matzoh balls soup if you catch my drift.
Uh, yeah, everyone knows this already.
We start a war with China, round up the foreign nationals and potential and known agents, and begin mass deportation. It's the only way.
But she hates whites because the only ones she can get to colonize her are the beta white males who end up with Chink women, never real white chads.
Tinder hookup. Date rape her. Spank her. Have her beg for more.
Post on the internet for shits and giggles.
>implying these gay petitions actually do anything
We need to get our hands on her nudes. Notice how Emma Gonzales fell off the face of the earth once hers were leaked?
This 100%. Being a retarded attention seeking whore lord know's she's taken pleanty for god know's how many different "men"
Got a link to dem Ellen Ripley nudes?
i love white boys too
me too desu
polgbt ftw ;)
Post La Goblina nudes (for a friend)
I don't want to link them here and get the thread deleted, but just search for "Emma Gonzales nudes" on Google. A Jow Forums archive link is the first result.
I'm looking for the best OC related to her white people are goblins quote.
this gookess actually has a point about gamers and incels
Thanks. Gross.
kill all nonwhites, i couldnt give less of a fuck
She looks disgusting. Stop posting this nasty ape!