Show me that republicunt salt.

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wh*Te subhumans BTFO
it's hildawg time

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Stock up on kleenex.

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What is this in reference to?

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This is a wonderful night. I'm gonna be dunking on salty conservatards for hours

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Joe Biden fucks children

Diamond Joe Biden

Attached: Diamond Joe.jpg (573x651, 82K)


sure thing friendo

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Fuck'em up, you wanna fuck with the leafs, you get fucked by leafsupporters in your country. hahaha faggots.

Joe Biden is a known pedophile.

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Look at that omega wearing Fuck. Rolex or KYS

Whatever because when the blue gets too strong the red will unleash uncivil war and exterminate the shitskins fags liberals moslems and anyone else not white not right

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>muh cibil war
Just as soon as your done fishing the nigger condoms out of your mom's toilet, eh Cletus?

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The middle class will be gone when Trump is finished

Uncle Joe is gonna BTFO 5deferement bone spurs in 2020. So many keks once he unleashes LEA and Justice on the trumpeters. butthurt? Y’all will find out how deep the DeepState really goes.....

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>says nigger
>hates whites
are you like some shitty AI or something?

kek, unlike Canada right? When Trudeau is finished with you there won’t even be a Canada.

look at this faggot right here, a chink on a proxy

TWO SCOOPS BABY!!!!!!!! TWO SCOOPS!!!!!!!!!!

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a literal dumbass teenage hick typed this

He has already done 30+years of damage.

I voted democrat in the polls today.

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>presuming I give a fuck about whatever you give a fuck about

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>30+ years
which will take another 100 years to undo, if there is a Canada left in 2019.

look at this nigger faggot right here

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Based Ohio

I honestly like democraps more than republicants, I don't like how anti-White they are though.

Red wins again

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The left steals slogans.

Oh that's salty. Too bad you can't use it on your platforms.

I understand now.
The 'Blue Wave' is comprised of Democrat tears.

Attached: a throne fit for a god emperor.png (741x1037, 911K)

4 SCOOPZ?!?!?!?!?

>yfw Joe says you wanna go get ice cream after this?

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