It’s a dumpster fire, if you want to pour gasoline on it nows the time. This is a company that will ban you for saying nigger once but those same people handing out punishment are literally raping women.
Riot Games sexual harassment
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i said kike once, still up
>playing league of legends
You deserve whatever stupid shit happens to you.
I play plenty of video games yet I've never even heard of this company-
who gives a fuck OP
I used to play L4D all the time with one of the riot designers. I hope he hasn't been implicated in any of this
It’s a good dumpster fire, take a breather from worrying about sand niggers in Europe and niggers in America and enjoy it.
No, a dumpster fire is alex jones getting canned and internet ID's becoming a much more possible reality for us.
riot is based and redpilled
>challenger 5 years in a row
>called someone a retard in chat
>tfw banned account worth >10,000$ and ~15,000 hours played
15k hours translates to ~ 1.5 million$ of time with current job
>tfw realize I could have bought a bugatti instead of raging at retards
care to chat user? i wasted tons of my life playing mobas. starting in wc3(when they were good before dota, aos like tides of blood and shit). desert of exile
6k hours in dota 2 and also league etc. i put multiplayer behind me but now i play fighters but the local community in USA sucks