Why were the Chinese always conquered by much smaller groups like the Manchu, the Mongols, the Japanese, the Commies, despite being a very large group?
because they're beta insectoids
Manchu and mongols are chinks, china is a massive country with many groups. A lot of those conflicts were internal.
This is actually a very accurate answer. The Chinese are so Beta, that whoever appears to have the most authority is the one that leads. Even if they have a larger more powerful army, all the opposing leader has to do is look more powerful and in charge, and they would follow him.
Not really, they were both barbarian invaders.
And yet China is the most powerful country on Earth and would absolutely stomp any other nation. They are already taking over Africa (white people completely lost all their control lol), property in Anglo countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the US, Siberia, South China sea, Tibet, etc. China is very nationalistic, tightly collectivist (look at how they collectively responded towards Rice Gum disrespecting them, Communist, beating Capitalists at their own game, completely independent of foreign influence and banks, and the elite isn't displacing the native population. China looks at white people as about as relevant or intelligent as Africans. White people are WEAK. China is strong, alpha, based, and red pilled.
im not gay but those chinamen drawing are super attractive. especially the ming dynasty period.
you forgot to mention your 5000 years of history
>The Chinese are so Beta, that whoever appears to have the most authority is the one that leads.
Truth, this is why they love Trump even though he's America's leader. If Trump conquered China, I bet half the Chinese would love it.
Yes, China also has a long history. China had advanced civilization while wh*Te dogs were living in caves with actual dogs like animals. China existed before white people, and it will exist after white people.
Because chankoros are inherently inferior. Read this.
Han peoples I meant.
Because the Chinese are the biggest fucking retards ever and deserve to get genocided.
now post the picture comparing the mayflower to king shitheads treasure fleet
Submissive betas
>And yet China is the most powerful country on Earth and would absolutely stomp any other nation
lmao!! Japan alone could beat the shit out of China. Japan has the #2 navy in the world, China's navy is shit.
Anyone who invades china wins
>5000 years
China wins simply by numbers any conqueror if forced to be tax extracters get sinicized
wh*Tes BTFO
Wow big boat
I want to fuck chinks..
Retarded wh*te boi otaku, China is ranked THIRD in the world militarily. J*p*n is ranked a measly 8TH. I wish there was a conflict so China could finally reclaim their rightful clay.
Dream on Chang. Japs are gonna Beiyang 2.0 your shitty fleet if you keep pushing.
Literally any Portuguese carrack could make that ship it's bitch.
And yet it was the west that dominated the eastern seas with their boats
Based ermao fuck all.the chinitas
>China is ranked THIRD in the world militarily
>Japan is ranked a measly 8TH.
Apparently doesn't realize the white apes are #1 and they would team up with #8 and #8 actually has a blue water navy along with #1 while #3 doesn't but #3 still thinks the blue water navy will leave it's logistics alone because "muh rice". This is all with out mentioning #1 needs no help despite having it. This is b8 right ?
>china could easily take over the world
>is ranked 3rd
somethings not adding up here
Fucking based
lol this dumb chink
Liao, Jin, Yuan(Mongol) and Qing are conquest dynasties.
Think the reason that Han-Chinese built the Great Wall and Trump says American needs a wall on the borderline.
why are Jews the controlling elite in White countries?
Delusional fucking chankoro...
Chinks are soulless fucking bugs that need to be exterminated.
Go suck jap dick if you love them so much. Japs arent any better then chinks.
Asian Women's Sexual Liberation
I’m a chink slave for white cock! ^_^
>Asian woman’s burning love for White Man, her exigent desire to submit to the divine White Dominance, so often ignored and unappreciated,
>will one day shine through the darkness of this ignorant world and together White Man and his submissive asian wives will reclaim the glory of the White Man!
>My Sexual Submission to White Power by Claire Liu
>Confessions of Submissive East Asian Women by Jennifer Suzuki
>Training of Inferior East Asian Women by Jennifer Suzuki
>Philosophy of White Man Worship by Emily Chin Lynch
>Those books, which I find so wonderfully written, are must-reads for any White Man who wants to properly train and discipline his asian subjects,
>to turn asian women into proper and natural slaves, perfectly groomed to the desires of the White Man,
> meticulously domesticated to the needs of the White Man,
>docile and obedient to the enlightened rules of the White Man; and for any White Man to ponder,
>and reflect on his own inner calling to apotheosis. Reclaim the ancient glory that is the White God
>through east asian woman, oh White Man, awake!
>despite being a very large group
internal divisions like the people voting against Hillary sold out their country to Russia
It was already proven that this shit is just a myth. Ship like that would not sail. Waves would literally broke it in the half.
If your dating or into Asians, your a beta male.
It was part of their plan. They let themselves be conquered then subvert their conquerors until they were ideologically assimilated.
Said by a diaspora chink who escaped that shit hole
He mostly likely came from the inner regions. He'll look different from the rest of them.
You fucking insects could never conquer jungle chinks to the south (Vietnam) or the nips across the sea (Japanese, Taiwanese).
Your only redeeming quality is being a nation of hundreds of millions of wageslaves, tech lunatics, and crooks and thieves.
Roast beef
Everyone that tried to control China got assimilated into the hivemind.
Zheng He was a faggot eunuch, his ship was just a stupid myth to back up China's fake benevolence.
Im a christian and not a pagan. Your a hypocrite for hating on asians but liking there females which are also sub human. Im not completely against race mixing but mixing with far east asians and blacks is fucked.
kung poo!
>Are you ready
>not knowing china has the fastest growing christian community in the world
user, I...
This is about the Han People, not all Asians.
Quickest growing protestant community which are considered massive heretics in the eyes of the Orthodox Church.
Slavic women, levantine women, gerogian women and Armenian women are all better then asian, plus if you breed with them your kids wont be as messed up as hapas.
>half sandniggas
>not like niggers
>And yet China is the most powerful country on Earth
lol ok stopped reading there
I need chinkitas to fugg or.i.might die
>many Han and Han People
>one Han is Han Solo
Because China until communism was more like Europe, many different peoples ethnicities with all different languages and cultures. It is like asking what is the difference between French Germans and Hungarians etc. Sorry you are ignorant, now you know.
Better then marrying full gook or full nigger.
So powerful that their army won the Tiananmen Square of 1989 against their own people.
It has a certain logic. That is why the Jews control Europe, despite being a small group, many languages and cultures ;). And they force to change their policies and customs, just as they did to the Han Chinese.
But do not worry, in a few years, you will be like today's China. Only without being homogeneously White.
Now, you, know.
wow 5000 years of being needle dicked faggots
not to get all 'we wuz' on you, frens.. but you may want to start looking into ancient chinese history, herodotus and strabo, and the 'tocharians'.
We literally WUZ, almost certainly the initial ruling caste of China, Japan, and the Koreas.. into Aryan (indo-european) peoples pushed east until they hit the water, and have only sunk into the racial morass over millennia , to where they've left almost no traces (except the lighter skin of the upper class throughout asia that all others attempt to emulate)
But the major cause of tension are not accidents, misunderstandings or the attitudes and behaviors of either side, but objective historical conditions and the conflicting interests and goals of the two populations. The Whites sought instinctively to retain the White and Christian character of their nations and to maintain their position as its rightful inhabitants; the Yellow Peril sought radically to change the status quo, buy as much land as possible, settle on it, and eventually turn a White-populated country into a Yellow hiveland.
For decades the Yellows tried to camouflage their real aspirations, for fear of angering the authorities and the Whites. They were, however, certain of their aims and of the means needed to achieve them. Internal correspondence amongst the Yellows from the very beginning of their expansionist enterprise leaves little room for doubt
The thing we must do now is to become as strong as we can, to conquer the country, covertly, bit by bit ... We will not set up committees so that the gweilo (white enemy) will know what we are after, we shall act like silent spies, we shall buy, buy, buy.
We have made it a rule not to say too much, except to those ... we trust ... the goal is to expand our nation on the land of whites... if only we succeed in increasing our numbers here until we are the majority .... There are now only few Whites left on the planet, who are not very strong, and from whom we shall easily take away the country if only we do it through stratagems [and] without drawing upon us their hostility before we become the strong and populous ones
The Han (mongoloid) rebellion was a mass slaughter and rape of Indo-European caucasians all over China, by Chinks. It ethnically cleansed China of indigenous Caucasians.
The locusts launched extermination and gang rape campaigns against An Lushan's Sogdian Indo-Europeans in their own homeland of Sogdia.
They committed genocide and gang rape of Indo--Europeans in Transoxania and Sogdia and paved the way for the later Mongoloid Turkic migrations.
China was very happy to invite Uyghurs and other mongoloids to rape and slaughter Indo-Europeans all over China.
China ordered their mongoloid Uyghur brethren to rape every caucasian indo-european woman.
The Korean General Gao had Caucasian babies stabbed to death all over Beijing after crushing An Lushan's army there looking for their blonde hair and blue eyes.
Ran Min similarly slaughtered and committed genocide on the entire Caucasian Jie people who were native to China after identifying them through their blonde hair and blue eyes.
The Xianbei were Mongoloids and and helped rape and sexually enslave Indo Europeans in China in th An Lushan rebellion.
Khitans brutally enslaved Indo-Europeans when conquering Central Asia and founding the Kara-Khitai Khanate.
The Manchus had the Central Asian Indo-European children castrated. Manchu officials ordered British and American sailors who violated rules in ports executed before the Opium wars and had British and Indian sailors on the Nerbudda mass executed. The Manchus castrated and sliced up Indo-european Caucasians. The Manchus also raped caucasian women.
I dunno, how did Americans get conquered by Jews to the point where they need to mutilate their genitals to mark themselves as slaves?
I'd love this question.
What time period did this occur? Any further info/sources/terms-to-google would be helpful, I'm interested (and don't doubt it)
>ranked third
yet they never fight or win any wars
China always looks good in ranking, statistics and tests, where they can cheat. This is because, yes they are limp-wristed, snail-blooded betas, who break under pressure and confrontation, also because they are pretentious and dumb and can only imitate. Americans invent, chinks mass produce.
>tfw the Africans Mexicans are the Chinese
Do you have any idea how challenging it is to invade another country?
having slept with many asian wemens, i am expert...
graphic is entirely correct. chinese are soulless insects, referred to as 'the jews of the east' for a reason. There are certainly some good ones, and they're a model minority in the U.S. compared to chocofaces, esp because we tend to take their best and brightest.. but generally speaking...
also do NOT deposit swimmers into their fertile wemens, EVER. you will create a monstrosity you will regret for the rest of your life.. as will the monstrosity. Seriously, I feel deeply for the happas that frequent this board, and talk of their mental issues
Chankoro detected.
Tang dynasty, Han dynasty... they were genociding whites pretty much throughout the entirety of their history. remember, blonde, blue-eyed whites used to live throughout central and east asia
the mongoloid Tang invaded and genocided Whites in their homelands of Gansu, Tarim Basin, Sogdiana, Bactria, Kushan. Tang organized the Turks who would later repeat the genocide of Whites throughout Eurasia and east Asia.
the region of Gansu used to be inhabited by Indo-European Yuezhi. Then the Xiongnu and Han dynasty genocided, raped them and drove the few remaining survivors all the way to Central Asia and then India. Chinese also genocided and raped the entire Indo-European Jushi Tocharians in Gaochang into extinction and took over their lands.
Chink military engineers and cartographers in the Golden Horde armies helped the Mongols genocide whites.
Weeb detected. Call him a chink, why use dirty gook talk.
>Full hair
>Treason to Manchurian government = execution
What the fuck is wrong with Chinks? Post-Yuan China was a mistake
Have you seen the state of hapas, they are all fucked.
What wrong with slavic women?
Hair grows back. What about your foreskin?
the people ruling them weren't chinks. not the same type of chinks at least.
You are retarded.
The Chinese were conquered by military means.
How many wars have you fought?
Fuck off r9k weabu turbo autist
Been there done that fuck psychotic gooks
Why is every China thread so mean. No wonder white girls don't wanna fuck me.
A powerful red-haired Caucasoid from the Western frontier uses Western inventions such as the chariot to invade the East and conquers all the yellow-skinned submissive Mongoloids and rules over them. He institutes strict laws and standards throughout his empire to dominate and control his subjects and this leads to the Chinese cultural identity.
Chinese Mongoloid peasants rebel and oust their Caucasoid masters and make a peasant their supreme emperor. Thanks to all the technology and culture brought to them by their Western conquerors, the Chinese experience a golden age.
>3 Kingdoms
Constant warfare between a bunch of peasants who want to be emperor. Someone writes a bullshit novel about them 1000 years later making them superheroes.
>Sui then Tang
A northern Turkic people called the Xianbei conquer all of China. Tang is another golden age where Western culture is prevalent. For instance, the beauty standard is imported from Caucasoid northerners and fat lewd chicks are seen as the ultimate sex symbol
>Liao then Jin
Northern steppe warriors invade and conquer half of China and enslave the Chinese population.
Founded by Genghis Khan (who had red hair according to historical documents) and his Mongolian descendants. They first conquer Jin, which is already foreign-occupied, and then they conquer Song and rape all the Chinese women. Chinese are relegated to the lowest social class in the multi-ethnic Yuan empire.
Chinese peasants rebel and oust the Mongols. They once again make a peasant their supreme emperor.
Northern steppe warriors called the Manchu invade and conquer all of China and subjugate the entire population. They force all Chinese men to shave half their head and massacre 30 million Chinese.
Japan defeats Qing in a war and liberates the Chinese from 300 years of Manchu domination. Later, Japan weakens the KMT, and Communist peasants take over China.
Why were whites?
Name a single race Jow Forums isn't mean to. Don't be so thin-skinned.
>be prehistoric Central Asian
>member of blonde heavy-bearded, aquiline-nosed Yamna, Afanasevo, Andronovo, Tocharian, Scythian, Bactrian, Sogdian
>invent the wheel and chariot
>first to domesticate the horse
>build prehistoric cities
>meet innocent looking Eskimo-like people in the periphery of your civilization, in the tundra
>teach them your ways of the horse and lifestyle, transfer your knowledge and technology
>they adopt and adapt to your Scythian ways
>they expand from their tundra, permafrost territory
>gradually take ownershership of Scythian clay
>for the next couple eons you fail against their onslaughts
>indigigenous Scythians of Asia is now replaced by Mongolids
mongoloids were cute little eskimos before the Caucasoids taught them everything they knew and what did the Caucasoids get in return?
Because they fucking suck at driving is why.
Not thin-skinned just venting the fact that I don't have an Aryan gf.