What are some safe places to be in case US and Russia go full derp?

What are some safe places to be in case US and Russia go full derp?

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ur moms ass

Room for most, fun for some!

A basement surrounded by as much shielding/earth as possible. Even sticking a table down there and stacking a couple feet of books on top and surrounding it by as much non metallic stuff is effective.

Survive the initial blasts, ride out your shelter for two weeks and then you're good to go.

Cmon man, im asking geographically, I know a fucking bunker is probably ideal but even more ideal is knowing where the bombs will NOT land.

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USA already went full derp and Russian has been full derp for about 100 years now
Dominican Republic is probably the best place to be.

Israel is gonna get nuked OP.

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you'll be fine just where you are bro chill

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You call this just fine???

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>Dominican Republic
Interesting, i guess sovereign states are the place to be, but how do we really know they will not join US? How do we know some of these so called sovereign places aren't held by the balls by US under the table?

Also what about the place itself outside of rich areas? these brown people are high test, low inhibition criminals. How do we know sanity will remain during a nuclear war?

Spain isn't getting nuked, so wherever you live.

Im not sure. There are many US dick rickers in Spain government, we don't know if they would join the war and we would end up getting a flying gift by Putin. The fireworks would happen to close nontheless.

>It's under 1 megaton

We'll be fine.

I’m american. Everybody in this country is redpilled on Zionism and I would consider most here pretty right wing.. it’s in their culture , everybody even supports “the brutal violent dictator”s grandson who is running for president in 2020

As far as race goes , yeah a lot of nogs here but unless you’re in a major city , it’s not a class thing. The demographics are based on the region of the island that you’re in

There is always spanish politcians going to the Bilderberg group and so on.

Aznar dick rided US's Bush hard and we went to search imaginary nukes with them on Afganistan.

I don't fucking know. If im unlucky I may get a new Aznar that's riding Trump's dick and we end up getting Putin'd in the process.

There's no nuclear weapons stored in Spain, so Russia isn't going to target some backwater.

What are some good places? Also like I said before, how do we know alliances would not happen?

And what about Puerto Rico?

Costa Rica

Would you really be safe in an ally country?

They could test an allied country, drop a nuke there then go like "this is what will happen to you".

Backwoods PNW (Preferably on the Idaho side), Deep Swamp South, the Ozarks, and any of the high desert areas out west.

They won't, I guarantee the next time nukes are used Israel will be directly implicated and will get blown off the face of the earth.

North Finland. Rovaniemi will still get fallout from St. Petersburg and possibly Murmansk or Petrozavodsk but it won't be too severe.

Ivalo is probably even better.

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>What are some safe places to be in case US and Russia go full derp?
If our two countries do that, there's nowhere to run. If the bombs don't kill everyone, the nuclear winter will.

Puerto Rican’s are communist and there’s so many military bases there. The dominican military is a joke. They can’t even contain their own citizens. They did briefly go to Iraq but it was for a very short period of time and with very few soldiers. This island is safe as fuck if a world war ever happens . Hurricanes never even hit this place for some reason
South side of the island is nogs , in land is the rare aryan Dominicans , every where else is mostly mulotto

Nuclear winter is a meme

Yo better hope the wind is blowing due west. Fallout travels hundreds to thousands of miles.

A man can dream.

Under Article V it'd be the same as nuking US territory. Congrats Russian commander, you just wasted a nuke and guaranteed a retailatory strike.

>They can’t even contain their own citizens.
How is this good given you are isolated in an island with high T nogs? They may chimp out during world nuclear war..

What's this website?

Yup, millions of Ruskies and Americans die if they dare nuke Estonia.

the nogs here aren’t real nogs . They worship white people and know there place in the world. That’s why I like it here .

It's a heavily outdated Civil Defense map (K.I. Sawyer hasn't been a base since 1994).

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Oops, wrong copy. Sorry.

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Hows taxes there? if you are making income from adsense for instance.

Im paranoid about nukes lately. I also saw Barefoot Gen and became depressed.

There is no taxes here lol. You pay tax when you purchase something one time that’s it. I paid $300 tax on my car one time and that’s it .. just have to pay $40 a year for insurance and I’m good

Might be too late. There is an encoded digital message going out on 4724 kHz right now (HFGCS primary nighttime frequency). It's been transmitting for 5-6 minutes at least and is a repeating pattern.

I have never heard digital messages on HFGCS, only voice.

I can barely hear it on the WebSDR, but it's crystal clear at my home station. Any user want with a radio or SDR based in the US hearing this on 4724 USB?

There will be no safety left in the world if ww3 is to happen
That one will be until the end for sure

There needs to be a WW2 in order for a world war 3 to happen.

Just to clarify - if theres someone left whos not evaporated, mutated into a puddle of biomass or frozen in permawinter he will be destroyed by us on this hemisphere or murkans on the other one
Theres only 3 ways it will end - 1)everyone is dead 2)murkans are left alone in destroyed world 3)russians are left alone in the destroyed world
None else will be permitted to exist

Russians are weak, you idiots can’t eben survive in a destroyed economy

Can we leave the Finns alone? They will run around in shorts in a nuclear winter (aka "September" for them).

Let's agree to not intentionally hurt the Finns while we wipe each other out.