D + G < R
Yet they still continue to REEEEEEEEEEEEE
How did the Republicans only win by less than 1% when that area was historically super far republican leaning? thats kinda worrying me desu.
>how can someone not think like me?
This, we need voter id's to stop the russians.
Oh that sucks. She think's she is relevant.
There's biting the hand that feeds you but this is what happens what you suck it.
Her kids are going to have to hear about how their friends jerked off to their moms tits in softcore porn.
This dumb cunt has not been relevant since Whos The Boss.
Oh I'm all for voting laws of protection!
Lets have everyone prove their citizenship to vote :^)
wait what? you don't have to identify yourself when you go to vote? i know it's not compulsory there but what is stopping someone from going into the same place with a groucho mask?
do people actually not support this idea?
and get this only 47% GOP turn out while Dems had 87% turnout
I wonder how many dead dems voted?
the shit should have been +10% tho.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a russian
Getting real tired of this stupid shit.
>chosing to vote for people who actually represent you instead of partially makes the side that represent you the least win
trying to play a good game in a broken system is futile
No, how do you think the dems get all the illegals spic votes out of California?
Yes, there are now laws to match voters with their votes. Democrats have been cheating for decades and still lose repeatedly, even with 11 million illegals voting. Democrats think black people are too stupid to carry an ID with them (even if it is free as long as you can prove you are a citizen) so they try to call it a poll tax. Now you can start to understand why liberals deserve to be removed from the US.
Fucking Russians. Again. Damn.
now = no
>why would anybody murder anybody when murdering is wrong?
stupid retard
Apparently there IS a RE 3 months from now.
dems will get BTFOd hard next election
The whole point of the Russian collusion hoax is to discredit ANYONE that opposes the far-left elites/bankers/globalists regardless of country.
>so much at stake
>3 month sloppy seconds of a congressional term
Those Russians seriously need to fuck off and stop making our economy better
I'd still bend her over after taping her mouth shut.
She's fucking 46 years old this year. The thought of reaching 50 is driving her insane.
Honestly no woman is relevant unless it comes to child production
Yes and we can use those voter IDs for any government service too.
You know what sucks? Alyssa Milano on the casting couch before every role.
That is leaf tier thinking by a certified fresh roastie.
Fuckin' Ruskies did it again!
this makes me fearful actually. well, and happy. fearful because if republicans get complacent then we will be fucked.
it makes me happy because that means people are very confident in dems sucking so they didn't show up. they really need to though. 1% is scary close.
>"This should concern Republican party leaders. The GOP to do a better job or Trump is going to face a Democrat Congress ready to impeach him in 2019."
Last sentence of the article.
Thats big actually. Holy fuck the dems will get blown away soon. Damn.
And to justify censorship of non-MSM media
What a stupid bitch. Women should be seen and not heard
even with widespread voter fraud Dems still BTFO
>In 2011, the Texas state legislature passed a bill requiring that residents present certain types of identification before being allowed to vote.
>To qualify to vote under the law, registered voters had to present a state driver’s license or ID card, a concealed handgun license, a U.S. passport, a military ID card, or a U.S. citizenship certificate with a photo.
>white registered voters are significantly more likely to possess a voter ID than African-American or Hispanic voters,”
how the fuck can you get to voting age and not have a gun/driver license, id, passport, or citizenship certificate? can you walk into a store and buy liquor and cigarettes without id as well?
what kind of nigger who doesn't even have one of these forms of identification but also cares about voting? wtf?
Unwilling to pass policy.. you mean like voter id?
Guys, just admit she’s right.
The Russians have taken over.
I pledge allegiance to Mother Russia,
And for the Ivanka Vodka brand,
One Nation of Krokodile junkies,
Under a Homophobic God,
For Liberty,
And Justice,
As Defined by Master Putin.
>Ruissan derangement syndrome
>If you aren't with me, you are a Russian
Russia and America
It's ok anons, search your hearts, you know it to be true
Give up, shills.
You are no match for the power of dank memes.
Because that same seat is literally going to be revoted in 3 months. Thus low turnout. The dems shoved a ton of money into shilling Columbus coon county to vote dem, what a waste for them. Landslide come November.
>super far republican leaning
nice meme
let this jew break it down for you
>"You know what sucks?"
>"I vote against voter integrity policy at every turn by REEEing anytime someone brings up Voter ID requirements, but now I'm going to be a retarded cunt and complain about the very thing that I vote against."
liberalism really is a mental illness.
She's right, we need common sense voter id laws to combat the problematic collusion from the Trump campaign with the R*ssians.
slow and steady
That lady is a fucking idiot. Attitudes like that are precisely why Trump win, why nationlist candidates are becoming more popular on the Right, and why socialist candidates are becoming more popular on the left.
People are desperately seeking any kind of change from the established partisan bullshit that continues its path of driving the country into the ground.
How laughable, and sickening, it is to tell someone "You need to vote, you're voice matters!" while in the same breath saying "But if you don't vote for my side then you are only hurting things!"
Both the DNC and GOP should die out, there's a good reason Washington warned people of political parties.
It's all you will hear until the majority of at least one branch of the federal government is Democrat. It is their go-to cry when things don't turn out that way.
>Green Party
>Dude weed
That is why.
every day i get a little bit more redpilled thank you
it's almost like people have independent thought, you dumb hollywood simp bitch.
We will know deepfakes have truly arrived when we can convert this scene into an enormous bukkake video.
democrats are suffering from a form of insanity brought on by the need to have some one to blame for everything. hillary didnt win its the russians. blm is annoying its the russians. you cant find a man who makes enough money with a big dick and looks good well its those damn russians fault. the guy who you were happy with leaves you because your annoying its the damn russians they got to him
and yes its old white women that are circulating the russian angle hoping to get republican votes in the most pathetic way possible. its so obvious they simply looked at who votes the most often (old white men) and looked at generational differences and determined they should act like republicans from the 60s
>If you don’t agree with me...
>You Are Russian Bot!!!
*Audience Applauding*
take my $20 dollars for the movie ticket please! *claps* *sharts*
if repubs just went neutral on dude weed they would have a landslide victory.
we lost elections not cause of our shitty policies, but cause of Russia.
what if people who voted Green.... actually liked the Green's policies and not the Democrats?
shocking i know
>vote my way or you aren't being democratic enough
That's exactly what she means. VoterID to end the Russian threat to our democracy!
>Now you can start to understand why liberals deserve to be removed from the US.
>removed from the US.
>from the US.
No they just need to be removed.
Literally every green party member I have ever met has been a liberal pothead and the only reason they vote green is for the marijuana legalization that is always the main thing the green party pushes in every state.
please fap.
what happens now with usa politics is you don't go 3rd party, you change the party. neolibs and neoconservatives are going out, and trump and socialism is in. i cant comment on if multiple parties would be better
Q predicted this
>celeb sluts on suicide watch
no one knows the answer to this and if you bring it up to dems they just call you racist. im not joking. they will literally call you racist or say that's a racist republican idea like gerrymandering.
im not sure if it's because theyre retarded or smart enough to realize how much it would hurt them
This smugness is why Trump is president, they will never learn.
You have to have a photo ID to enter any county, state or federal building, so to pay property taxes, or take care of family court or criminal court proceedings, you have to have a photo ID.
Dont correct your enemy when they are making a mistake.
Very well, voter ID law now.
Eventually even the lamest, most centrist boomer will get on board with at least locking up liberals in padded cells for their own protection.
So the Dem Russian fraud vortes decided to go green?
I jerked off to her so many times... My dick looked up at me when I read her name then drooped in sadness after her spewing retard
Voter ID is dogwhistling to enact Jim Crow laws and prevent people of color from voting.
The Bolsheviks ruined something truly beautiful.
Don't be a fucking nigger, kike.
literally isn't
all other cuntries but two have voter id
we require id of some form for almost every social benefit that the poor use
most poor blacks live in metro cities with bus lines
Why is it racist again?
Contrary to popular perception, Alyssa Milano is actually a keen political analyst with highly placed sources. Ignore her at your peril.
nice close race you got there Dems. would be a shame is someone siphoned off votes
>look you are either with us or against us!
>I don't understand how anyone can not share my opinions but also not be a fascist nazi bigot!
Democrats artificially pumping tons of cash and attention because their desperate for victories going into November to boost morale. These kinds of elections are usually never talked about nationally.
>Some Men Just Want To Watch Ohio Bern
They call you a racist or insist that it's a poll tax, since it's like 15 dollars to get a ID. It's an incredibly transparent way to fudge Blue votes.
>Russians were voting in the Ohio election to help the republicans win
>they cast their vote for green party, instead of just voting for the republican candidate
what did she mean by this?
Very low turnout due to being a special election.
Be worried if the same happens in November.
>Why would you vote for a 3rd party? They'll never win
>Why won't 3rd parties never win? Because no one votes for them
That's the same here, the greens here were started as a party solely to legalize dude weed. I happen to know some of those guys, they used env shit only because a "cannabis party" would not fly and might not even be allowed to register as a party
However since then it's been hijacked by extreme leftist fleeing the failed socialist leftist party (SV).
I do support the legalization of dude weed but that party is pure cancer. They do not got much support in other places than (((oslo))), where they got about 10% of the votes. The rest of the country nobody votes for them really. I don't think they even have one seat in parliament
Damn I bet she was a good lay in her early 20's. Now not so much.