Eli Harman

Any of you Jow Forumsacks listen to this guy? Super based original intelligent content


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I'm kind of sick of the whole political/philosophical commentator stuff. It's all the same. "White people need pride, the West is dying because of Jews, we need more babies, send me money to save traditionalism", I get it.

This. People are just parroting and cashing in at this point. Civil war/Iran/Bluebeam when?

There will only ever be one Varg.

If you don't come up with philosophical and political theorists you will never succeed in creating a white nationalist movement or awakening.

White nationalism is a false movement. That's what I ultimately ended up realizing after watching hundreds of hours of AR content.

this dude is awesome

Attached: leftist diversity.jpg (758x960, 61K)

there is literally nothing wrong with white advocacy you shill

Attached: anti white genocide.jpg (549x411, 31K)

White identity is unnatural, created/pushed by globalists post WWII. When you try to start a movement based around racial identity, you are building on lies.

the more there is of them the lower the quality gets. Everything gravitates towards mediocrity in the end just because some losers want to live off youtube gibs instead of getting a job and shutting their dumb mouth.