Wtf happened to Infowars

I'm not even a big fan of Alex Jones but he got cut from Facebook, Spotify and Jewtube all within a few hours. They used hate speech reasons from different times. What's happening?

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Other urls found in this thread:

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize

follow the ........

Obviously it was coordinated, as it all happened within a few hours. These companies are a political information monopoly

Orchestrated attack against "right wing" views due to the American mid term elections coming up.

Let it go user. Alex sold out to the jews years ago.

Big Tech oligarchs colluding with each other to silence InfoWars because the MSM gave them a shitload of money and wants to survive by driving their competition from the internet. It's no coincidence that JewTube recently started openly promoting MSM content on its platform only to start banning the likes of AJ only a few weeks later. The Big Tech trust needs to be stopped and Teddy Roosevelt is rolling in his grave.

serious question - what as private or public companies are these guys doing that's wrong?

These companies effectively control 90% of the world's public discourse. Gee I fucking wonder what it is that they could possibly be doing wrong...

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>Because hate speech
Which is why they kicked him off linked in too

He got bamboozled by them kikes

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Not the point.

The free market

and pinterest? thats an image site...

They are colluding political ogliarchies trying to control thought and speech to manipulate people.
Shut them down.

Alex Jones is a crisis actor

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it's almost like when you act like an escaped Arkham patient, companies will want to cut ties with you

But seriously why did they take him down?

His behavior was in all cases violations of the policies of those private companies: he was threatening to move beyond speech and into action, and that’s where the freedom of speech ends. Yet his supporters seem to like nothing more than outlandish and unfounded conspiracy theories, so they will probably lap this one up.

because midterms and corruption


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Look at this dumb fucking commie right here.

I suggest you watch Nick Fuentes' take on it. Everything else is low IQ boomer shit.
also this

Nevermind all the loony libtards who actively spout racism against white people. Those can stay right? Go starve in a communist country.

If he violated the rules, why did they all ban him at once? You mean to tell me he broke his ToS with Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Spotify, Apple, etc. all within the same day? Because if not, the ban clearly had nothing to do with any specific instance of rule violation and was just a coordinated attack.


You want to hurt them while getting rich? Dump your 401k and stock and buy low cap crypto.

This is the kind of intellectual response that I would expect from a American shitposter

>ancap bitching about what the free market does

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You need to install Brave before it's too late

>Nevermind all the loony libtards who actively spout racism against white people.
Why would social media platforms censor something that hardly exists on their platforms?

pretty much the left are panicking. This is an attempt by them to assert power and terrorise their oppoonents.
They are saying they will coordinate and silence anyone that disagrees with them.

and yet the populace still uses these platforms...

>slippery slope fallacy the post

we must defeat children with lukemia

you leftards are now defending pedophiles after you secured lgbt politics.
Its hardly a fallacy you disingenous cunt smear.

Censorship is how the left copes. Since losing the election I've noticed their efforts to censor political discussion on discord servers and even minecraft servers.

Bake my cake.

The left wants complete control of peoples thoughts and speech. Censorship is just naturally part of that.
They want to control you competely to the point they can take everything from you.

this is a /slide thread, you fucking shill

to come in this late in the game to ask this question, you are just trolling

/my 2 cents

1 post from OP so you might be right, but it's still a relevant question cause no one is 100% sure what happened.

Best post


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Because it's a coordinated effort to make sure the 2016 election never happens again. They're scared shitless for the mid terms, internal polling must be fucked badly for them to act this soon.

More bans, bigger bans, are coming.

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>What's happening?
Watch Pro Wrestling. Realize this is a Work. This fat fuck kike has been trying not so subtly to cause "Right-Wingers" to sperg out and go on shooting rampages for the last couple years now.

This same time last year he was saying Antifa was about to launch operations across the country in every major city, and that they were going to kill all the cops overnight in some Bolshevik style revolution funded by Soros. He hyped this shit for a weeks by claiming he had undercover law enforcement infiltrating Antifa meetings and collecting "disturbing intel". There was a sliver of truth to this, in that Soros did take out an ad in the NYT calling for a National Day of Action, which nobody fucking showed up for. Theres even a nice picture out there of garbage cans full of Soros Antifa signs that they couldn't even give away.

Recently he's been shilling hard that they are going to kill him after they take him off the Jewtube, and that its a precursor event to a Lefty Civil War. And now he's "banned", so wont you please go start a civil war for Alex Jonesberg goyim?

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You watch it too frequently. Or take it too seriously.

it's because you idiots crossed disney

Did that really happen or you just memin?

>what happened
He must have spoken about something recently that forced their hands in shutting him down.
Any one know what he was talking about in the 48hrs before? It may seem small and insignificant, but it could of taken the whole rotten edifice down to its corrupt core. I'm going to check out the infowars website for clues before they shut that down as well

Should we be supporting bitchute?

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haha what fuckin MINECRAFT????
Yeah since the election the obama controlled fb groups and the new tagging groups are all leftbook controlled. idk how much are dnc payed commentators, or bots

with this, free speech has officially ended. I mean things were already pretty dystopian cyberpunk anime but now it is -for real- dawg

Just serves to prove that all of the tech and social media giants are controlled by (((them))) and orders come from a centralized supranational body. Fucking kikes man.

>You watch it too frequently. Or take it too seriously.

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