How long until the left turns on Mueller for "taking too long?" I feel like they'll eventually hate him for effectively gifting Trump the entirety of a term while he dragged along the investigation
How long until the left turns on Mueller for "taking too long...
If he doesn't release anything before the midterms and there is no blue wave, they will have his head.
By now, most of the commandants of the Democrat party have figured that this whole Russian collusion thing is a wild goose chase and are fine with the Mueller probe going on for eternity because it allows them to continue their "Drumpf is a traitor" narrative. Otherwise, they'd have to actually debate the issues, which are a minefield for them, especially in this booming economy.
Fuck you and your bear.
haha nah we are going to ride this out until 2020 bro
>"taking too long?
Already too late.
Once Kavanaugh is sworn in, any supeonas directed at Trump will end up in the supreme court......where Kavanaugh will be the swing vote to throw them out.
Trump has already won.
When Manafort is found not guilty
Mueller is in an impossible situation right now.
He's trying to make a play for Trump using the Veselnitskaya meeting to make a Conspiracy case and/or using Trump's tweets and interactions with Comey to make an Obstruction case.
Problem is he is having a VERY hard time doing anything.
Number one, the Manafort case in EDVA is starting to fall apart. Make no mistake about it, Manafort is going to jail. But what Mueller was hoping to do with Manafort was to put as much pressure on him as possible to get him to "talk," or in non-lawyerspeak to make shit up about Trump so that he could plea bargain out of his very real threat of life in prison. Manafort ain't going that way.
Another thing - Mueller's star witness in the EDVA committed perjury right in front of the judge today, and the judge called him out for it. Gates literally plead guilty to making false or misleading statements to Mueller's special counsel...but said right to the Judge's face in court today he didn't. The Judge immediately questioned him on it.
Mueller's entire career has been spent falsely imprisoning people for crimes they didn't commit. He is a sick piece of shit and fully deserves what's coming for him.
He's going to try to drop charges on Trump/Don Jr/Kushner all in October, or as close as he can reasonably get to October, just like he did with that Congressman. But this time it's not going to work. The whole world is watching this guy make an absolute mockery of the Justice system. Nobody is buying this fucking bullshit anymore but leftist cunts.
I hope for Mueller's own sake he has something better on Trump than the Veselnitskaya meeting and Trump's tweets. For fuck's sake...nobody in the Trump campaign so much as even received information, from ANYONE, about Clinton that wasn't already public knowledge. The conspiracy case is VERY weak. The Obstruction case is even weaker...James Comey is has already had his asshole reamed by the DoJ for being a lying sack of shit.
How is he taking too long? Presidential election are still two years away. We’re not even into Primaries yet.
He is going to,indict don jr before midterms though...