Is BitChute down?

Because of the AJ vid they said they weren't taking down?

Trying to watch but stuck at a loading this being raided?

Attached: BitChute.png (611x133, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

works perfectly fine for me user

Attached: jones program.png (1264x711, 543K)

it must be comcastic....

Works fine.

its a buggy website
it will get better as more people use it

it's torrent
it might not have enough seeds?

>it might not have enough seeds?
No problem streaming here. Also I dont think random people can seed bitchute streams, yet. it should be like that, but It seem slike the developers like to maintain content controll...

It's another steaming pile of free and open source dogshit. Just like the 10,000 versions of Linux on the DESKTOP. It's white men once again being gullible and being tricked into investing time and money in Open Source trash, all while leftist global-mega-corporations make trillions and become unstoppable forces.

Voat, Bitchute, Minds, and your endless parade of steaming cow shit WordPress websites full of conjecture, memes, and conspiracy theories isn't worth the turd I flushed this morning I aptly named "The Alt Right."

But by all means continue to piss away another 20 years on open source memery. By then the left will have sentient AI, nano-tech, and micro-drone swarms; you're AR-15 and home-made EMP devices will be easily conquered and countered.

If annoyed the Jews will have the power to genocide every single last white with a simple command to their war-mind AI's. I hope they do it. I hope whites die agonizing deaths and command-and-controlled nano-drones melt the skin off our bones. It would be a fitting end to the stupidity white men have shown in the last 70 years.

Attached: 25.jpg (640x644, 107K)

I was watching my upload bandwidth climb as I watched a video. It must be working in some capacity.