How do we cure this bros?
How do we cure this bros?
Glass it.
? its literally the perfect way to build cities.
t. bluepilled
It's the single worst way.
Causes a huge strain on our infrastructure and resources and is literally unsustainable. Not to mention all the cheap overpriced houses with no identity.
It looks like an ant colony. But the golf course is a nice touch.
I can smell the geriatrics from here though
this is ideally how cities of the future should be built. imagine something like six rings of this nature in a circular shape, with a "downtown" in the middle with more shopping, and a highway that runs around all the rings
t. babby's first urban design
Talk to the country boys about the lines and pipelines that sustain these abominations...
If those lines are compromised, these things die quickly. Long lines and pipes are impossible to secure.
>there are costs associated with comfort
>live in an apartment goy, its the cheapest!
>comfort is for the chosen few
Suburbia is peak bluepill.
Either go rural or urban, suburban homes are useless cuckboxes
We kill it with squares
this, it makes me think of those annoying cities skylines letsplayers with art degrees who think good cities are about curved roads and shiet
Speak when spoken to
This man knows
What's worse is the people who came up with those designs were European socialists trying to engineer society through the government.
Weird to see Jow Forums promoting that and then pretending they're "redpilled"
t. butthurt millennials that can't afford a nice home in the suburbs
maybe if you spent the prime of your life getting a degree in something useful and working hard instead of playing video games, jacking off to anime porn and watching 240p neo-nazi videos on youtube you'd be able to afford it!
But LeCorbusier was one of the proponents of suburbia
Suburbia is for modernists and socialists, I'm more into traditionalism and property rights.
I have a master's in mathematical statistics, what's your degree in?
How dare you threaten the imperial city!
t. butthurt liberal arts student with a 350 episode c:s letsplay series
t. person without access to basic necessities of life in a completely irrelevant country that will probably just get taken over by argentina eventually or something
Post degree.
Joke is on you.
t. owns 90 odd acres in the country with house, outbuildings, means to make and sell maple syrup which pays my taxes, and an 8 acre fruit growing operation that pays for my toilet paper.
Nigger cuckservatives detected.
Suburbs are the worst place to live. It's the worst of all the options. You have to fight traffic and long commute times, all to live in this hell hole?
They are for compromisers and compromised people. They're for the people who don't have the balls to either live in a city or in the country.
You have all the downsides of city life and a long commute to boot.
The best thing to do is either:
1) Live in the country
2) Live in a city provided you have a job there to minimize commute time
Anything else is a half-measure that sacrifices the benefits of either for absolute shit-tier pretend you-have-your-own-little barbie home garbage.
These people saying "muh subborbs goob to raise family :D" ignore the fact that they are piss in the middle of a prefab jungle that is at least 15-20 minutes away from anything aside from perhaps a convenience store and will still need to fight traffic for their daily commute.
Consider for a minute how commuting for hours because you chose to live in a suburb is good for your family? You lose 2 hours of a day to traffic alone living in a suburb.
Plus, suburb culture is the literal worst and encourages infidelity because you have a bunch of stay-at-home nobodies doing nothing, by this I mean men who either do not work or work weird hours. Although, most people who buy a house their will probably be happy someone is fucking their wife. The friends your kids will have will be little snots who have been corrupted by their parents and this bad enviroment and will be a negative influence. You'll also be ostracized by the little communities and home owner's associations which won't even let you do what you want to your own private property.
We need to /polpot/ the suburbs and force the people there into the deep farm country. Only 1/10 will probably survive but who cares. Most of them are pure cancer.
You are like little baby.
Étienne-Louis Boullée knew how to really design soul crushing mega-structures.
Imagine being this butthurt and projecting your cuck fantasies onto other people. Very very sad!
t. i lump myself with 300 million other beings, including negros, chinks, mexicans, all under the "guidance" of the jews; to feel important
you wish you were part of a microstate, cuck
>shit insulation so your electric bill skyrockets
>having to mow your fucking lawn constantly
Comfort is being able to walk to the nearest convenience store in 2 minutes
What's to cure?
this is pure architectural genius. imagine living in THIS shithole
I don’t like suburbia because I don’t like government telling people what they can and can’t do with their own land.
I'm convinced that everyone who complains about the suburbs is
1) An angsty teen going through his "I hate you conformist mom and dad" phase
2) Broke millennial that pissed away prime of their life not being productive and saving so now they can't afford a nice home
Everyone in this thread fits into one of these two categories, no exceptions.
Decrease population OP, don't breed like rats. EASY, you fucking breeders who are destroying this world and the ecosystem. JUST have max two kids and not 3-4+ your genetic is nothing special. you all came from the same human.
Based and redpilled. We need Jow Forums to get redpilled and embrace traditionalism.
Kikes invented and popularized the suburb.
Let's wind the clock back to the late 1940's. Drafted American GI's just got done getting their Goodest Goy medals and the women were leaving the factories. (((Abraham Levitt))) and son (((William Levitt))) had snatched up prime real estate as war profiteers using money from selling fancy houses to other rich jews all over New England before and during the war. The 1944 G.I. Bill gave vets zero-down low interest mortgages. After some handrubbing and lots of scheming, (((Levitt & Sons))) designed and built Levittown, NY.
To do so, they did it in an assembly-line fashion. Two dozen crews were each trained to do a single phase of construction, and with only 2 floorplans, that was easy. They threw up thousands of small houses and got the gov't to OK 30 year mortgages (for those low monthly payments, goy!).
Of course, all was not well in Levittown. The entire subdivision had lawns and decorative trees. A grassy lawn was a new thing to most people. It was initially a status symbol of Scottish immigrants in NY. All the landed Scottish estates back home had large herds of sheep, which cleanly and neatly trim grass themselves without pulling up the roots like cattle or goats. Wealthier Scottish immigrants wanted to duplicate this and had lawns installed to show off their wealth, sans sheep. There were pretty much no lawnmowers in the US so they mostly used converted farm equipment. The (((Levitts))) knew NY locals people associated lawns with wealth and used this to great effect in their marketing.
But remember, this was the generation that had just been drafted off their family farms, was told to grow Victory Gardens for 4 years, and the Great Depression was vividly in living memory. Wasting good land that had been a potato farm 2 years prior by covering it with grass and non-fruit trees was unconscionable to most folks, social status be damned. So what did they do pretty much immediately on moving in? Dig it all up.
(((Levitt & Sons))), who had proudly stamped their names on this abomination of uniformity, didn't like that one bit. Nor did the local (((grocers union))) who gave them an earful at synagogue. Whatever is a kike to do?
After failing to trick people into reconverting their gardens with word games, the (((Levitts))) figured out how cheap grass seed was, and how easily it is sown by hand. They hired people out of the slums to go spread the seed during the day. After too many got run off at gunpoint, they would send them in at night or during Sunday morning services. Fruit trees and grape vines were killed with copper nails.
In effect, the (((Levitts))) had invented a proto-Homeowners Association, even though they didn't own the homes. People eventually gave up trying to fight the grass and at least the children could play on it.
Levittown became the model for all subsequent housing development in the US and it remains so today. Conformity became the norm and self-reliance went out the window.
It's a "fake it till you make it" culture.
Lol yeah try that when ur up against a gang of turkroaches.
You have to have been raised in those conditions to truly understand how to feels to be part of something; to have bros who have ur back and will take a fist to the face for you. That is strength.
of course westerners like to talk that talk.
But the walk? LOL! no one has ur back.
ur enemies stand strong, you stand alone.
Sprawled out boomerfag surburbian feeding lots encourage selfishness, individualism, and spiritually weakening materialism.
Exactly why kikes push that meme.
> I got mine and fuck everyone else
Ur staring down the barrel of a gun.
citation needed for them spreading seeds against homowner's wills.
It is not that bad tho if you spend the whole day in front of your computer anyway.
yuropoors wont understand this
>disgusting squares of commieblocks with no personal freedom
checks out
>Jow Forums and Jow Forums slowly waking up to the suburban lie
Good. Fuck the oil jews
Comfort is owning a car and having a big enough pantry to not need unplanned trips to the convenoence store.
t. zoomer who still lives in suburbia w/ mom and dad and has never had to experience the shitty city, thereby realizing what it truly means to lack freedom
the inner cities ARE the ghetto if you live in the inner city you're ghetto
I'll never stop loving these commieblocks. They feel like home.
you've got to tell this to the fucking apes and muzzies who - even in europe - have 5 children by 25.
Well that's a shitty get.
Keep posting this OP, I'll just keep playing SimCity
I help build those cookie-cutters.
I probably pissed on your floors while it was being framed.
>le strawman
wow those houses must get hit with golf balls all the time, not safe. I wouldn't live there for that reason. It would be fine without that golf course
In two years time I will be moving back to America and starting an invasion of Baltimore. I'm going to need help doing so and I will unironically be recruiting from Jow Forums. Save money, learn home improvement, buy weapons, expect me.
Why did you make this thread here when you already had it up on Jow Forums?
stop taking helicopter rides so you won't have to see it... or start giving them out for free.
this is a joke about central planning. does it work?
Exactly. Suburbia is the result of extensive central planning.
i'd hit the undo button on this road
Reduce land regulations and let people build a cafe or bed and breakfast or corner store in suburban residential areas. Makes things more convenient.
Let people build some nice townhomes and apartments too, and some small office buildings. The diversity of uses is what makes the place nice.
this. dat sweet aesthetic efficiency