What are your thoughts on the trend of ethnocentric fascism becoming fashionable in Africa?

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Kikes destroy everything they touch, including Africa. They have a right to defend their land.

If they support blood and soil and want to work for their own countries then they're fucking based

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Based af

Amanda Holpuch is Jewish and a Zionist Jew at that.

>experts fear less emmigration

Fucking (((experts))).
If numerals the next Hitler will be from Africa.

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This. You can't get any more based than that.


>Trouble in paradise
The author is retarded.

Fascism is so natural that even niggers want it.


isn't that whats happening to white farmers right now?


how fucking retarded can u possibly fucking be... black panther is a movie

would Boer fascism count?


Does anyone have a link to this?

I have to say I support african fascism.

Sounds FASHionable, I bet it's real kampfy.

Time to go home

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honestly couldn't possibly care less what these wild animals do to each other

Nigger Hitler when

based black man does it again, but this is probably even worst news for the afrikaner farmers

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It's good. African countries were created on random colonial borders. If they are starting to develop some natural pride for their nationality, it could be only good for them. And maybe they'll kick some day chinks out.

>experts fear LESS emigration

Scumbag Jews not hiding anything. They WANT Africans to leave instead of making their countries better. Hang every last one of these evil rodents. Shove a spear in their ass like a roasted pig.

Fascist pride world wide

>"experts fear less emmigration"

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So do they fear less niggers fleeing or more niggers fleeing?

>Bong Country

Nigs do new holocaust.
Jews kvetch.
“Why the focus on black crime, racist Shlomo?”

Its always a fucking Jew.

What a load of shit, what’s happening is the media is funding ‘fascist’ groups, then deciding other random groups are fascist. At the same time the media is picking out groups they have decided are going to play the role of communists. Then they’ll organize a rally, pay a group to attack everyone, and report that it was a clash between communists and fascists. People will read the article and believe this groups actually exist and it all snowballs

I wish the best for Africa and its people. May God bless them as they reclaim what is theirs. Fascism for everyone.

More niggers staying in Africa.

>experts fear less emmigration
OH NO NO NO, our plan to flood the west with Africans isn't working

Ethno-Nationalism is on the rise everywhere.
The only reason it isn't popular in 'Merica is because the country was a 'land of immigrants'.
There is no reason to oppose it in regular countries.

> Experts fear less emigration


is she calling africa a "Paradise" ???

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It’s almost as if pride and wanting to protect your way of life is normal...

fucking hell world war already pls. the anticip-

Absolutely based and redpilled

Echoing this, we shouldn't give a shit what's happening in Africa as long as it's not interfering with North America and Europe. Our constant meddling with those people is what's digging us into a mess we can't get out of.

WTF?! Who the fuck connects the word paradise to Africa? Africa in on the receiving end of a non-stop flood of foreign aid and to label it in anyway paradise is insanity.

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Othzr countries were also founded by immigrants, like Turkey etc... It's just a whole load of bullshit they tell us generation after generation.

May as well try it out, democracy clearly doesn't work with these people.

>fearing a lack of emigration from Africa
What's the ethnicity of this bipartisan reporter.

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Jow Forums is a board of peace, we supports our African brothers in their noble quest for self-determination

ation is killing me

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Civic-nationalism for the U.S. at least for now. It was not too long ago, after 9/11, that the country was deeply United in it a crusade against the Muslim barbarians until (((they))) poisoned the well. Fascism for America.

>this fucking timeline
I accept it

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Turkey was founded by Conquerors that were able to keep it (defend it) from all outsiders

The nose knows.
Honestly it'd be the complete opposite for African blacks they'd kill the useless niggers niggers in America would leave to Africa and be killed it's a win win situation.

Our ethnonationalism is racionationalism because the White American ethnicity is a blend of pretty much all (though mostly northwestern) European ethnicities. It’s dumb in the American context to get into conflict with other Whites when we have much more pressing issues.

Also we sure as shit are NOT a “nation of immigrants”, which is an oxymoron to start.

I'm not complaining as long as there is a Holocaust 2

>trouble in paradise
Dude, these people are fucking insane but that's just too much.

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> black nazis are real

Has meme magic gone too far?


The jew thought that the black would be their willing slaves

>Experts fear less emmigration
reminder that the "migration crisis" is 100% FAKE
they literally spend millions (billions?) advertising in Africa to get people to come
they tout all the gibs and paint a very pretty picture to convince them to come
they hire human traffickers to persuade people to go to the West
they built up a huge human trafficking network of infrastructure for this very purpose

and now, it's EXPOSED when the criminal media are openly admitting that their goal is emmigration of Africans
they don't want African people to be happy and have a prosperous and free homeland, they want them to be oppressed and suffering so they can make their human trafficking money, so they can kidnap, rape, torture, enslave and kill African men, women and children, so they can flood the West in order to destroy it

thank you Amanda Holpuch for this stark reminder about the reality of the so-called "migrant crisis"

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>Trouble in paradise

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> Bong retardation

And who created the USA, you dimwitted faggot? The USA was conquered, the Anglo are the legitimate people of the land.

Black Nazis will hunt Jews.

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Blacks have always been Fascists and Racists.

Archived link, now

I need it to btfo some faggots and jewgle is not helping
Is this fake?

>tfw from bong county

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>Experts fear less emmigration

This is their primary concern, less people will flood Europe.

the jews fear the zulu

Facism, Communism, Democracy, tribalism. Sure let them try some other form of government, they are just going to fuck it up like Africans do

>Experts fear less emigration
>Experts fear even less than negative innovation from these shitholes

I can't decide which is funnier

>trouble in paradise

>Implying outsiders would want turkey

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i wish i was from a regular country

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Tell that to all those larping fucks that used to say retake Constantinople


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Only a kike could tell such a blatant lie. Even the blacks living there would laugh in her face at such a statement.

This is what all Bl*ck men do. When will all you bla*ckbois dies out so that we can have peace from your racism? FUCK BLACK MEN.
Nother white man killed by a black criminal. smdh, they be killin us out here

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there is no link because its a fake article.
look at all the idiots who think this is real SAGE

hell is paradise and violence is peace

true, seems fake and gay

Isn’t this the same continent the UN drops billions of dollars of food into, but still has a massive famine?
Isn’t this the same continent that has more wars then it has land to fight over?
Isn’t this the same continent where your more likely to find a t-55 around the corner then fresh water?
or am I thinking of another?

African will have a population at around 4 billion by 2050, a 2.2 billion increase as of 2017. They will account for more than half the world's total population.

What the fuck are we gonna do about this? We can't sit idly by like the boomers and watch the world go to shit for our own selfishness and greed.

This is arguably the most unreported, yet important story of our time. This is truly a massive diaster in the making. There is no way in fucking hell we can feed or accommodate the African people. We can't do it now for fuck sake.


Good for everyone. Less will come to the west.

The Christians Russians, and the idiots from the cluster fuck of the Balkans where pretty determined.

> fear less EMigration
Holy shit I missed that one skimming over it. Diabolical cunts.

Serious question anons. "Will you fight for black Hitler?"

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Who give a shit?

No, the blacks currently destroying South Africa are foreign Bantu invaders who showed up in the 19th century. The original inhabitants were Khoisan. While there were some frictions with the natives, they eventually came to coexist and even intermarried with the colonists. Their descendants are now known as the "Cape Coloureds".
South African whites are literally facing genocide because of unrestricted immigration and amnesty for illegals.

>Serious question anons. "Will you fight for black Hitler?"

If he wants to kill jews.... YES!!!

Aye I know, sure people never try to escape fascism

Good. Maybe they'll start necking cunts for trying to escape to Europe.

>Nazis rise up in Africa
>Jews import liberal white people to end the Nazi epidemic
>Africa becomes white
Shiggy diggy

>emmigration is a good thing
>less emmigration is bad
Thats hilarious, are the kikes afraid the place they draw subhumans from will dry out?

When was Africa not an ethnocentric fascism?

Oh so now its a roman Salute, also >Paradise

>experts fear less emigration


>niggers go full fascist
>take advantage of jew schemes to keep moving out
>nigger death squads assemble in foreign countries
>they start murdering kikes who push other nogs to leave afica
>nigger death squads cannot be prosecuted because of laws and cannot be caught because its just another bunch of niggers murdering
>kikes cannot reason with them
>kikes force full on racist policies on the west
>fascism is fully established in the west too
>fascist whites start murdering kikes
This is the best timeline

Just goes to show their state of mind.

OP post is phony and queer