Don’t fall for the Japanese women meme. They’re hot and good mothers but they’re all fucking crazy...

Don’t fall for the Japanese women meme. They’re hot and good mothers but they’re all fucking crazy. I’m counting down the days until I can leave this place.

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You're going to be disappointed when you realize women being crazy isn't a racial attribute but a fact of life.

ya know, if i had to compete with THIS, I'd go crazy too..

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>perfect english
You're not japanese, proxynigger. Fuck off larper.

>Increasing the amount of Brachycephalic "people" in this world
Absolutely disgusting

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Your english is too good to be a jap. Go back to USA weeb.


Jap women...Im married to one. First few years they fuck like rabbits, but after having kids they unilaterally give up on sex. That's why soaplands and hostess bars exist in Japan.

I never said I was Japanese you goobs

Take a look at the hapa subredit and see why having a hapa is a sin.Pic related them cumming themselfes over a film with a AMWF couple

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What this guy said. Did you imagine they would be like your perfect animu waifus?

I wish people would stop with this meme. Imagine judging reality based on what couple of thousand reddit users are like.

I'll trade places with you
>implying all women aren't crazy
Not a bright one are you, bet you've never heard of female nature

I did, about to marry a tokyo girl, you're not a real nip. I see plenty of jews around the area when I take leave to go to tokyo, you might be one of them.

They are too short usually

Uhhh, all women are crazy. Japanese woman are less crazy when you emigrate them to the west because they don't have their families too pull them in different directions anymore.

women in general are insane


Probably a service member in 6th Fleet.

Marry a nice, Christian Korean girl.

>less crazy in the west
yeah no, all asian women are batshit insane in the west and still spend like they are in asia. You'll end up with a plain wife with 50 pairs of shoes and expensive taste that is neurotic.

>good mothers
look I know you have a different culture and all, but I wouldn't say letting your woman jerk off your son counts as "good" parenting.

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Don't get me wrong; I love Japanese women for what they are, and the hot ones are really hot, but I feel like they are too boring for me. I'm spoiled by myself and I need a woman that will be able to keep up with and challenge me in a beneficial manner.

leave your homeland alone nip

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so are we. bye english teacher.

sound pretty damn good to me

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Either a butthurt Japanese male thinking whites are going to take all their women(we’re not, don’t be retarded) or a Jew. Half white half Japanese children retain best qualities of both and look beautiful, Japanese women remain submissive, respectful and youthful. Ideally, strive for a white Girl but Japanese women are fine too. Just respect her culture as much as she tries to respect yours, as in be the strong father the family unit needs.

Are you guys fucking stupid on this board?

but at least my sons and daugthers will not be raped or bombed by jamal and achmed.

Where do i fucking sign?

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Asian Woman, Male Female

Don't come here then, we have enough multiculturalism and cowards... Fix your women, be an example, be a traditional man and find a traditional Japanese woman.

I'm still struggling to accept that I will never meet a female that I can call my equal, so much that I blame feminism on a virus.

whatever floats your boat.

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No problem, all women are crazy

>but they’re all fucking crazy.
This isn't a 'nip' thing user...

> Jow Forums is against race-mixing
> Jow Forums wants to mix race with Asian females

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That webm.
The feels.

Me too user, me too

Only because Asian women fetishize whites and that makes us feel good. The abomination of the modern white women is too much for many to bear

Indeed it is. Not only that, many feel the west is too far gone, and it's time to retreat until such time as we can reconquer.


>beta English teacher scrapes the bottom of the barrel due to autism, and wonders why he only gets shit tier women
Don't get me wrong, the women her are not that much better than white girls. There's still roast aplenty, but they hide it, because vices are, amazingly, seen as a negative here. But it's def easier to find a nice loyal girl.

Leave then, nobody's stopping you.

Oh look another burned out weeb that couldn't take it because they didn't accept that they're the shitty minority and/or didn't decide to assimilate into the culture. You retarded cunts are a dime a dozen and watching you flee like rats from a flooded subway in 3/11 was a beauty to behold.

Don't project your own shortcomings so blatantly. It's pathetic.

that's all women, you retard

It's a conspiracy.

We send our retarded to Japan so they underestimate us.

This is true. They also cheat a lot. Infidelity is tacitly accepted by both genders in nipland.



crazy in what way?

Where will you spoil the air, gook?


You complain about non whites race mixing but you guys are the ones promoting this nonsense in the first place.

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>baka amerikajin thinking he was going to get anyone besides crazy racemixers

>I'm counting down the days until I can leave this place
this board's really gone down in quality, goobers everywhere.

Holy shot OP utterly BTFO with reality

>They’re hot and good mother
that's what needed
if you wanted frens you shouldn't look for them in women

>They’re hot
yeah fuck off subhuman lover

women are crazy and inferior regardless of race

Very honorabre tly Tojo, but obviously you're just trying to keep us neo-nazi White Supremacists away from our waifus-to-be

any faggot that thinks foreign bitches are more tame or not insane cunts is naive.
Some Asian bitch can roll you over just as bad as any western bitch only difference is the probability.