How violent do you think it's going to get...

How violent do you think it's going to get? Is it really plausible a bunch of millennial antifa vs Jow Forums gunning each other down?

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The thing about radicalization is that it is extremely hard to get out of someones mind. Once someone hates blacks, for example, they pretty much hate them for life. There is absolutely no way to train this out of someone. It's like training someone not to be afraid of spiders.

The influence of Jow Forums is massive. You see, our ideology is based on fear. A lot of faggots will get offended by that but it's really not a bad thing when you understand it. People here have been niggers doing late term abortions with hammers, mexican cartels cutting other humans hearts out and gays sexually abusing children. The problem with the left is that they are all sunshine and rainbows and are completely oblivious to the threats in the world and how fragile our society is.

You mix that with the fact that millions of people visit pol on a monthly basis and the fact they usually convince their friends and family of their views, and yeah it's pretty much virulent.

That's as far as the extremism goes that would require armed conflict. But the biggest thing is that it's really, really easy to want to kill someone. People want to kill people when they get cut off in traffic. The real test is if you are willing to suffer, starve, or die for what you believe in. The right wing is more than willing to do this because they understand how horrible things can be but the left never will actually take up arms. They're too big of faggots to deal with any actual struggles.

Alex Jones is a Zionist traitor who commited treason and Banned Jow Forums while taking full credit for the meme war.

Tim and Eric are pedos.

Attached: KILL THE MODS Nasim Aghdam - disgruntled Youtube shooter.jpg (905x883, 635K)

It's pretty scary to think about. I don't want die for Kek.

you can absolutely train somebody to not be afraid of spiders you fucking retard


okay you fucking mongoloid post proof so we can laugh at you

exposure therapy. you know how to swim right nigger?

Nothing will happen as soon as pol steps outside the mainstream will call them nazi and pol will call them Zionists. They will be shutdown

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