Ok so I'm watching these, and I totally agree that nignogs should leave the democrat's plantation, however, I don't believe that it is wise of them to run into the arms of the Republicans. I believe political parties, the state, and society as a system responsible for its members should be abolished, replaced with mutual aid and the free market/ all forms of reciprocity.
I was just making a joke fren, must've been funnier in my head.
Jason Cooper
>and being an individualistic goy, don't forget to pay up >don't forget that 6 gorrillion died for your individual freedom to slave your life away for kikefiatbuck >muh shoah!
t'was a good joke, m8, my answer came out too... stiff :D
Josiah Rodriguez
>The nation states were formed because identity-politics suck(no visible minorities=no conflict with minorites). >When everyone else is playing collectivist politics you need to also play them if you want to survive.