The races should not mix

>the races should not mix
>a child's sex is determined at birth
>men and women should marry if they are to pursue intimate relations or be shamed
>drug use is bad and should be discouraged

When did holding these views start making you a literal nazi and beyond the pale? I don't know a single person under about 70 (even boomers) who has these views anymore. Even those I knew who called themselves conservatives have just capitulated to a less militant version of liberalism.

Attached: adolf_hitler_painting___1936_by_undertheironsky1889-d8a208l.jpg (750x610, 176K)

go outside but go to sleep first

Since Jews started controlling the media

Attached: 7E006CA3-F4EE-4638-9242-71E34E646E65.gif (419x313, 2.84M)

>Child sex is determined at birth
A child sex is determined at conception, brainlet. Also normies only freak out if you say the first, you browse too much Jow Forums.

Anyone who has these views is a massive beta and probably autistic. You are all pathetic weaklings and the real world laughs at you.

How is it not common sense, it was for centuries.

You mean centuries where slavery, feudalism, zealotry and incessant warfare were "common sense" too?
BTW you sound like you have a gay rose-tinted view of history.
>men and women should marry if they are to pursue intimate relations or be shamed
Yep, everyone can tell you're a virgin by this sentence alone. That wasn't even the case for "centuries" anyway.
You're all pathetic and I'm glad you'll never be able to spread your beta genes onto any kids.

Nazi Germany had lax drug laws.

>>men and women should marry if they are to pursue intimate relations or be shamed
Marriage in $currentYear is not the same as it was 30 years ago.

It's a completely obsolete institution in its current form.

when Hitler lost