European Confederation

“European” has been a pan-national identity for thousands of years without erasing the individual cultures within it. Feudal and early Modern European states all had the same basic framework, hierarchies, and often Dynasty of Monarch, without losing their individual nationhood.
Today, half of Europe is undergoing a demographic crisis so severe that countries like Sweden, France and the UK are being declared lost (prematurely, but still), and explicitly pro-white movements are excluded even from the growing right wing backlash. Individually, our progress is going to take decades. Decades that we don’t have. But as Europeans in a united effort, we stand a much better chance.
The European union has soured the idea of pan-Europeanism through increasing federalism to a bureaucracy that only cares to turn Europe into a single brown blob. But the union was a right-wing and nationalist idea before, and it is one that has to be reclaimed.

Attached: Placeholder for real pan-euro symbol.png (940x940, 44K)

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Bumping for discussion.

Generation Identity.

Best hope of getting the next generation working together as European, instead of the fags still hung up on grievances of the past.

Generation Identity are flag-wavers more interested in publicity stunts and policing Nationalist thought. The best thing they ever did was defend Europe, and that was a drop in the ocean.

"European Union" has always meant rule under the Germans and it always will mean that. Germany and Russia want it and you are foolish to believe anything otherwise.

Attached: 1493582716036.jpg (1280x700, 132K)

>without erasing the individual cultures within it
are you fucking retarded? insane? how many times do you have to try before you figure out creating a giant union doesnt work. look at my fucking flag. similar idea. bunch of states together, started european. how much european identity is left here? none, its an enormous clusterfuck of a country full of rootless mutts
the european countries should work together economically and militarily but very loosely. full stop

Attached: 1518754831744.png (251x258, 103K)

Stop trolling
Stay on

So a nation thatstarted with an identity crisis fails because it's lack of roots is easy to exploit, ergo Union is bad.
All things considered, your political situation is better than ours.

Not trolling, and that's not an argument.

pan-national identity of countless cultures, languages and customs that are so radically different from each other if not outright opposed to each other and yet it would somehow work
yeah it's not going to happen friend
Internationalism has to die